
Leibniz Association's central Open Access portal

In line with its Open Access concept, the Leibniz Association seeks to ensure that publications produced by its institutes' employees are freely accessible online as full texts. Publications are listed in LeibnizOpen, from where they can be retrieved.

TIB provides support to libraries of Leibniz institutions involved in Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Engineering (Section D) and Environmental Research (Section E) for depositing publications in LeibnizOpen, the central open access gateway of the Leibniz Association.

Legal framework

All publications are first published in the subject repository Renate and from there delivered to the portal LeibnizOpen. Before a publication can be stored in the subject repository, the originator must conclude a user agreement (PDF) with TIB. The main information concerning this can be found in the Checklist for originators of open access publications (PDF). The compilation of major international publishing companies' copyright policies in the SHERPA/RoMEO list may also be useful.

How are items deposited in LeibnizOpen?

LeibnizOpen is open to all members of institutions of the Leibniz Association. We will be happy to deposit publications from the institutions listed below in LeibnizOpen for you. If you want to deposit documents in Leibniz-Open, we offer you the following options:

  1. The Leibniz institute library sends the documents to TIB

    The library sends the full text together with a signed user agreement (PDF) to renatetibeu. The preferred format for documents in the repository is PDF.
    Please note that no further editing of the files will take place. The files must not be password protected.
    We will inform you as soon as the publications are published.

  2. The Leibniz institute library deposits documents itself
    If you - as a library of a Leibniz institute - want to publish documents yourself, please contact the persons mentioned below. There you will receive login data for your personalized access to the subject repository, which is connected to LeibnizOpen, and further support in operating the system.
  3. Your institute's repository is to be linked to LeibnizOpen
    Please get in touch with the contact persons listed below.

TIB provides support to libraries of the following Leibniz Association institutions

Section D - Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Engineering


Corinna Schneider

Cäcilia Schröer
