Facts & figures

Indicators at a glance

How many people work at the TIB? How many people use the workplaces at the TIB‘s five locations? And how extensive are the TIBvs holdings?

Here you will find answers to these and other questions and many more facts and figures about the TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and University Library.

Today‘s TIB emerged from the library of the ”Höhere Gewerbeschule zu Hannover”, which was founded in 1831, and the “Technische Informationsbibliothek”, the he German National Library of Science and Technology as well as Architecture, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics, which was founded in 1959.

Since 2016, the library has been a foundation under public law of the state of Lower Saxony.

620 people from 34 countries worked at the TIB, including 4 professors and 7 apprentices.

118 scientific publications were published by TIB employees in 2023, and 178 lectures were given.

The total budget of the TIB Foundation amounted to 60.4 million euros – of which 7.7 million euros were third-party funds.

The TIB invested14.4 million euros in the procurement and licensing of literature and in the organisation of the Open Access transformation.

The TIB is the German National Library of Science and Technology as well as architecture, chemistry, computer science, mathematics and physics and provides literature and information primarily for national and international science, research and industry. In its role as a university library, it ensures the supply of information to Leibniz Universität Hannover.

5 library sites with a total of 1,764 workstations belong to the TIB.

1.5 million visits per year showed that the TIB was also once again a popular place to learn and work in 2023.

More than 190,000 enquiries were answered by employees on site, by email and by phone.

The TIB organised 400 training courses, workshops and webinars on media and information literacy with almost 7,000 participants.

188,950 media borrowed and 429,900 renewals in 2023.

More than 155 million knowledge objects can be accessed via tib.eu.

TIB provided18.4 million digital full texts.

Over 2.4 million accesses were made via local user licences: These include the use of electronic journals and e-books, search queries in databases and access to article previews and abstracts.

Almost 46,000 scientific films were available in the TIB AV-Portal.

More than 77,000 open educational resources (OER) could be researched and found via the OERSI search engine, which was co-developed by the TIB.

2.4 kilometres is the length of the TIB/Universitätsarchiv Hannover archive if it were lined up end to end.

As a scientific infrastructure centre, TIB sets standards in areas such as literature and information provision, metadata management, licence negotiations, long-term preservation, research data management, non-textual materials and open science.

The TIB was involved in 11 initiatives of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NDFI). Their aim is to provide everyone with access to and use of valuable research data from publicly funded research.

In total, 2.1 million assigned DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) and 535,600 linked ORCID iDs were recorded by the two TIB-led consortia with a total of 239 members.*

*DOIs are unique and permanent identifiers for digital objects such as scientific articles, research data or videos, making them uniquely referencable - comparable to the ISBN for books. ORCID iDs are a standard for author identification and enable the correct allocation of scientific publications to all participants as well as the more precise recording, tracking and archiving of research achievements and collaborations. 

The permanent availability of 10.4 million objects was ensured by the TIB‘s long-term digital archive, including 7.9 million digital objects from the DEAL Dark Archive of the Wiley publishing house. TIB can make this content available to DEAL partners in the event of data loss on the part of the publisher.

More than 830,000 analogue pages from TIB books were digitised and scanned by employees in 2023.

In 43 consortia for the negotiation of journal and media licences with 1,478 participating institutions, the TIB was active as negotiator.

As a member of the Leibniz Association, TIB conducts its own research and development and initiates strategic collaborations. It focuses in particular on the topics of data science, digital libraries, scientific data management, non-textual materials, open science and visual analytics.

156 people worked in the Research and Development department.


41 doctoral students and 16 post-doctoral researchers were supervised at the TIB.


84 projects with 247 national and international partners were carried out at the TIB. Of these, 12 were funded by the EU and 26 by the German Research Foundation (DFG).


In two Joint Labs – facilities operated jointly by Leibniz institutions and universities – TIB conducted research together with Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) and the L3S research centre in the fields of data science and open knowledge, and with Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HsH) on the topics of future libraries and research data.


Open Access is the unrestricted and free access to scientific information. The TIB is committed to achieving this important goal in a variety of ways. Research results that have been financed with tax money should not be hidden behind paywalls.

The TIB spent 7.3 million euros on the Open Access transformation – i.e. the conversion of the academic publishing system to Open Access – and Open Access publishing. This corresponds to 52 per cent of its annual acquisitions budget.

13 Open Access publications – with 445 conference papers – have been published via the Open Access publisher TIB Open Publishing since 2021.

The employees provided 365 consultations on open access and scientific publishing.



