TIB's special collections
TIB has numerous special collections in a variety of subject areas. One of these collections is the "Albrecht Haupt Collection", which is of historical value. This significant collection comprises historic architectural works and drawings from around 1500 to the mid 19th century. The Dieter Hennebo Collection embraces the library of the Professor of the History of Open Space Planning (History of Garden Art and Urban Greenery, Care of Garden Memorials), who taught at Hannover University from 1965 to 1987. The Trade Union Archives, which have been in existence for 50 years, comprise an extensive stock of social science literature as well as union material on organisational history and policy. In the area of audiovisual media, the comprehensive wealth of visual material of IWF Wissen und Medien gGmbH i. L. was transferred to TIB in 2012, and included in TIB's AV Portal. The European Documentation Centre offers students, teaching staff and citizens access to European Union publications and documents.