Visual material and logos
TIB press photos for downloading
Are you looking for images of TIB? Here you can find TIB photos, which you can use free of charge for editorial reporting, citing the respective copyright notice. We would appreciate receiving specimen copies from you!
If you require a permit to take photos or shoot films at one of our five sites, please let us know.
Please contact us if you require more visual material for editorial purposes.
TIB Technik/Naturwissenschaften (Science/Technology) site and Marstall Building (JPG: 357.2 KB) Exterior view
Photo: TIB/C. Bierwagen -
TIB Technik/Naturwissenschaften (Science/Technology) site (JPG: 382.9 KB) Exterior view
Photo: TIB/C. Bierwagen -
TIB Technik/Naturwissenschaften (Science/Technology) site (JPG: 289.4 KB) Exterior view at dusk
Photo: TIB/C. Bierwagen -
Gallery (JPG: 470.1 KB) TIB Technik/Naturwissenschaften (Science/Technology) site
Photo: TIB/C. Bierwagen -
Large Reading Room (JPG: 469.5 KB) TIB Technik/Naturwissenschaften (Science/Technology) site
Photo: TIB/C. Bierwagen -
Reading Room Patente und Normen (Patents and Standards) (JPG: 394.8 KB) Marstall Building, TIB Technik/Naturwissenschaften (Science/Technology) site
Prof Dr Sören Auer (JPG: 212.1 KB) Director of TIB, Head of programme area D – Open Research Knowledge Graph and Head of the Data Science & Digital Libraries Research Group
Photo: TIB/C. Behrens -
Elmar Ehbrecht (JPG: 128.2 KB) Commercial Director of TIB and Budget Officer
Photo: TIB/C. Bierwagen -
Prof Dr Ina Blümel (JPG: 149.0 KB) Professor for “Linked Data in Information Science” at Hochschule Hannover – University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HsH) and Deputy Head of Open Science Lab at TIB
Photo: TIB/C. Bierwagen -
Prof. Dr. Ralph Ewerth (JPG: 228.1 KB) Head of the Visual Analytics Research Group
Prof Dr Maria-Esther Vidal (JPG: 141.4 KB) Head of the “Scientific Data Management” research group
Photo: TIB/C. Bierwagen
Do you need to use the TIB logo? We’ll be happy to provide you with different versions of the TIB logo for downloading.
TIB logo for downloading (ZIP: 2.7 MB) A selection of different variants of the TIB logo (print, web, Office) and guidelines with instructions for use