Book a workshop

We would be happy to hold a workshop for your institute, graduate college or other institution on topics related to scholarly publishing and Open Access. The content and duration can be agreed according to your wishes - from a 15-minute input at an institute meeting, a session in a course to a half-day or full-day workshop.

If you would like to gain an insight into the topic of Open Access in a playful way, we would be happy to come to you with our Open Access Escape Room.

The following topics, among others, are available:

  • Open Access in general: what is Open Access, why is Open Access important, what are the options for Open Access publication?
  • Secondary publications: legal framework, repositories, preprints
  • Financing Open Access: payment of article processing charges (APCs), contracts with publishers (e.g. DEAL), financing Open Access books
  • Funding requirements for Open Access: what requirements do funders have, how can they be met?
  • Publishing theses: as monographs, cumulatively
  • Open Access books: possibilities, models, funding
  • CC-Licences: What licenses are there for text, data, and software, and what do they allow me and others to do?
  • Predatory Journals: How can you distinguish legitimate from dubious journals? What quality criteria exist and what are predatory journals?
  • Research data: How to find, edit and publish research data
  • Publication of journals: Do you want to transform your journal to open access and are encountering obstacles? We'll help you get these out of the way.

If you are interested in an event, please send us a non-binding enquiry by e-mail with your contact details, details of the institution, your preferred topics and your preferred dates. We will then contact you immediately for further coordination.


Dr. Stefan Schmeja
