Lab Linked Scientific Knowledge

The Lab Linked Scientific Knowledge, founded in 2019, is part of the Data Science & Digital Libraries research group and focuses on the development of innovative services in this research area.
Areas of work are

  • the development of knowledge and data management systems and services for research data infrastructures
  • integration of ontologies in electronic lab notebooks (ELN) and data annotation tools
  • the development of ontologies and
  • the semantic networking of research data through ontologies

The Lab Linked Scientific Knowledge collaborates closely with the Lab Research Data .

Current projects

  • NFDI4Chem – Chemistry consortium in the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)
  • Information management and information infrastructure - Research data management for hybrid porous materials (INF), subproject of TRR 375: Multifunctional High-Performance Components made of hybrid porous materials  
  • Vocabulary-oriented research data management for process chains of tailored forming technology (INF), sub-project of CRC 1153: Process chain for the production of hybrid high-performance components by tailored forming,
  • Research data management in oxygen-free production (INF), sub-project of CRC 1368: Oxygen-free production: Processes and active zones in an oxygen-free atmosphere for the development of sustainable production technologies and manufacturing processes
  • TS4NFDI - Terminology Services for the German National Research Data Infrastructure
  • Innovative teaching and learning concepts: Innovation plus (2023/2024)", Teaching and practical application of FAIR data principles with elabFTW and data repositories in teaching in engineering studies, Leibniz University Hannover


Dr. Anett Hoppe
