Members of the Development department

Head of the Development department

Axel Klinger

Chief Technology Officer

Email: axel.klingertibeu
Phone: +49 511 762 8120



Team Terminology Service

Dr. Felix Engel

Head of Terminology Service Team

Email: felix.engeltibeu

Nilesh Chavada

Email: nilesh.chavadatibeu

Fawad Khan

Email: fawad.khantibeu

Dr. Nenad Krdzavac

Email: nenad.krdzavactibeu

Aamir Muhammad

Email: aamir.muhammadtibeu

Mark Vanin

Email: mark.vanintibeu


Julia Evans

Email: julia.evanstibeu




Team TIB Portal

Berrit Genat

Product Owner

Email: berrit.genattibeu
Phone: +49 511 762 8930

Michael Hohlfeld

Product Owner and webeditor

Email: michael.hohlfeldtibeu 
Phone: +49 511 762 4193

Barbara Abt-Seiffert

Email: barbara.abttibeu

Christine Baumgarten

Email: christine.baumgartentibeu

Jacopo De Benedetto

Email: jacopo.debenedettotibeu

Thomas Decker

Email: thomas.deckertibeu

Igor Frank

Email: igor.franktibeu

Founaboui Haman

Email: founaboui.hamantibeu

Ingo Rieger

Email: ingo.riegertibeu

Xinyue Wang

Email: xinyue.wangtibeu

Dr. Sofya Zhbankova

Email: sofya.zhbankovatibeu

The TIB Portal team works closely with the project managers of the specialised information services and with the TIB document delivery.

Team AV Portal

Sebastian Peters

Email: sebastian.peterstibeu

Karsten Hachmeister

Email: karsten.hachmeistertibeu

The AV Portal team works closely with colleagues from the Lab Non-Textual Materials.

Team OER Portal

Mirjan Hoffmann

Email: mirjan.hoffmanntibeu

Christoph Humpert

Email: christoph.humperttibeu


Edmond Kacaj

Email: edmond.kacajtibeu

Hunar Karim

Email: hunar.karimtibeu

Sophie Matter

Email: sophie.mattertibeu

The OER Portal team works closely with colleagues from the Lab Non-Textual Materials.

Internal Development

Valentina Kolosova

Email: valentina.kolosovatibeu
