What is ORCID?
The ORCID iD (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) is a unique identifier for researchers. It enables the correct assignment of publications and other research output to authors, even if there is a change of name or for people with the same or similar names, and it makes it easier to maintain publication lists. With the help of ORCID not only works can be clearly assigned to a person, but also affiliations to organizations and contributions to other works can be documented. ORCID profiles are created by the authors themselves, they also decide which profile information is visible and which is not. In addition to the publication metadata, a short biography, the institutional affiliation and academic positions can be added. ORCID is non-commercial, cross-platform and can be linked and synchronized with various services.
An ORCID iD consists of 16 digits, which are displayed in groups of four, the last digit is a check digit. It is usually given as a URL: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1825-0097
Create your ORCID iD in four steps:
- Create an ORCID in 30 seconds: https://orcid.org/register
- Complete your ORCID profile and define your privacy settings
- Generate your publication list (by import through e.g. CrossRef, Web of Science, etc.)
- Done!
Advantages of ORCID
- Unambiguous identification and assignment of publications
- Creation of a publication list and automatic maintenance of the list
- simplifies communication with publishers, third-party funders and for applications
- high level of data protection