
Important note: Please do not sign a publishing contract at the moment, as this can lead to exclusion from funding eligibility!

NiedersachsenOPEN is the central fund to support open access publishing in Lower Saxony. It is financed by the state of Lower Saxony and will run for three years (until 28 February 2027).

What does NiedersachsenOPEN offer?

The publishing fund for open access books finances previously unpublished monographs, edited volumes and scientific editions up to a certain maximum funding amount. More

Many publishers and publication platforms successfully demonstrate that open access can also work without publication costs. NiedersachsenOPEN uses the Diamond Open Access Fund to support especially scholar-led publishers and initiatives that are not profit-orientated and that do not charge authors for publication.

Which Diamond Publishers should NiedersachsenOPEN support? Send us your suggestions.

NiedersachsenOPEN offers transformation support for scientific book series and journals that are being converted to a science-friendly and sustainable Open Access model.

Do you want your journal to become an Open Access journal? Get in touch with us.

NiedersachsenOPEN supports innovative projects that make a sustainable contribution to the further development of the scholar-led Open Access publishing landscape in Lower Saxony. The state's academic libraries are eligible to apply; the projects are funded by the libraries or supported as co-applicants. If you would like to initiate a development project, please contact the NiedersachsenOPEN office .

How does NiedersachsenOPEN work?

NiedersachsenOPEN provides financial support for open access publishing from the state's central publication fund upon application.

NiedersachsenOPEN is run by the office of the Lower Saxony Consortium at the Göttingen State and University Library.

The TIB and other academic libraries review applications and allocate funding.

Further information can be found on the NiedersachsenOPEN website.

Book Processing Charges

Applications for BPCs for Open Access books should be submitted by eligible applicants (see below) using our online application form.

We will check and process the applications and invoices. The TIB will also pay the approved funding amount in advance.

Diamond Open Access, support for transformative journals and series, innovative projects

Proposals for the Diamond Open Access Fund and for transformative journals and series are reviewed by the TIB and forwarded to the NiedersachsenOPEN review panel.

If you are interested in the "Innovations” funding line, please contact the NiedersachsenOPEN office.

Who is eligible?

For the funding programmes Open Access books, diamond open access, transformative journals and series

  • Researchers who belong to a public university, research institute, archive or museum in the state of Lower Saxony
  • Authors and editors of scientific works on Lower Saxony topics or the holdings of Lower Saxony's memory institutions

For the funding programmes Open Access transformation support, project funding

  • Libraries of the state


Jessica Michel

(reachable by phone only in the morning)
