Reports, posters, seminar papers, lecture notes and other textual materials
In addition to the usual types of publications such as journal articles, book and conference contributions, monographs, conference proceedings and series of publications, there are various other materials that are created in the academic and university context. Reports, posters, presentation slides, seminar papers, etc. can also be published and thus shared with the scientific community. Authors have various options for depositing their materials.
For members of the LUH, for example, it is possible to publish such materials on the institutional repository of the LUH.
In addition to institutional repositories, there are a number of subject-specific repositories. For materials from science and technology, the TIB provides a suitable infrastructure in the form of the subject repository RENATE. Publications from institutions of the Leibniz Association are also referenced via the subject repository in LeibnizOpen. For physics, arXiv is probably the most established specialist repository. Preprints are primarily deposited on arXiv. A list of various repositories can be found at COAR.
In addition to institutional and subject-specific repositories, there are also repositories that are available to all institutions, disciplines and document types, such as Zenodo.
In the case of teaching materials, such as lecture notes, you should consider making them available as Open Educational Resources (OER).