Journal List by Subject
- Agriculture and Forestry, Horticulture, Nutritional and Domestic Science (4819)
- Anthropology (1839)
- Archeology (1577)
- Architecture, Civil Engineering (2715)
- Art History (2505)
- Biology, Biotechnology (6835)
- Business and Economics (18623)
- Chemistry and Pharmacology (3664)
- Classics, Byzantine Studies (658)
- Computer Science (4098)
- Education (4180)
- Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering (1611)
- Energy Technology (1163)
- English, American Studies (1564)
- General and Interdisciplinary Journals (8663)
- General Science (1839)
- Geography (1411)
- Geosciences (2545)
- German, Dutch and Scandinavian Studies (585)
- Health Sciences (2033)
- History (6146)
- History of Education (527)
- Jurisprudence (10423)
- Librarianship and Information Science (1626)
- Linguistics and Literature (3934)
- Materials Science and Manufacturing Engineering (359)
- Mathematics (2535)
- Mechanical Engineering (2571)
- Media and Communication Studies, Communication Design (1642)
- Medicine (17673)
- Military Science (251)
- Musicology (1050)
- Nature Conservation, Environmental Protection (2131)
- Philosophy (2199)
- Physics (2549)
- Political Science (7340)
- Psychology (2554)
- Romance Studies (1501)
- Science (Academic Discipline), Research, Higher Education, Museology (2363)
- Slavonic Studies (891)
- Sociology (7379)
- Sports Science (1011)
- Technology (2441)
- Theology and Religious Studies (4250)
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