Dlk8t7aze - Alagao-Jeremy A-Prelim

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Pre-lim Exam in Field Study 1

Jeremy A. Alagao
4th year- Bsed Social Studies Score:

Direction: Discuss each questions comprehensively. Submit your answers in your

respective Silid Account not later than 11 A.M today following the file name:
(Family name; First name; Prelim)

1. Why do you want to be a Teacher? Describe the qualities of an effective

teacher. What are those that you already possess and those that you still
need to acquire or develop? (10 pts)
 At first, I did not want to be a teacher. However, upon continuing
my chosen career i felt like it was my calling to become not just a
Teacher but also a good friend but have a barrier to my future
students. In this pandemic it allows me to see the essence of
becoming a Teacher wherein teaching one’s children without the
guide of one’s Teacher is really hard and that Teacher’s are the
one’s really molding and shaping the learner’s into becoming an
active or good member to it’s society.
For me, a teacher must be a problem-solver, futuristic, optimistic,
creative and keeping his/her cool in a worst possible time. As a
learner, i can say that i am a very futuristic, optimistic and a
problem-solver person. However, i admit that i am not that creative
in creating different instruction materials especially having the face
to face or traditional way of teaching. But, i know that as time
possess by i will overcome this weakness and turn it to my strenght.

2. How do the various aspects of learning environment affect effective

learning? (15 pts)
2.1. School Campus
 Having a good and safety school environment allows learners to
freely express themselves, build their confidence and practice
socializing. Remember that school campus serves as a stepping
stone to the learners future and as i observe as a learner keeping
the school clean, safe, having a good and balance communication
between learners and teachers creates a successful or confidence

2.2. Seating Arrangement

 Based on what i experience as a student, having a good and balance
seating arrangement allows the teacher to control the flow in class,
for students it is one way in practicing getting out of their comfort
zone and practicing diversity or socializing. Remember that a
classroom without an arrangement can cause chaos and difficulties
in giving lessons.

2.3. Bulletin and display boards

 Bulletin and display boards are poweful tools in giving information,
motivation, and in communicating to the learners. Remember
always the four (4) purposes of creating a boards, the Decorative
one, wherein it sets the moods in school giving an appeal and
aesthetic appearance, Second, the Motivational one, wherein it gives
encouragement to the learners and inspiration to do more, Third,
the Informational one, wherein here it gives information and allows
the learners to be aware on the different events that may occur, and
last one is the Instructional one and here it builds the
communication processes between the learners and a teacher.

3. What preparation a teacher must have in teaching students in a diverse

setting? (10 pts).
 The first thing i know based on what i observe is that a teacher
must first observe his/her students, create different activities that
brings out their identity, then after provide a learning plan or
materials that are conducive to all and lastly always be cautious to
the things that we are going to say or share.

4. With the present situation (pandemic), where students are having classes
in their respective homes. (15pts).
4.1. What determine a positive learning atmosphere?
 The ideal learning atmosphere in this situation is to have a good
learning environment like having an understanble parents that may
provide a good gadgets, good internet connection, space and quite

4.2. Describe the role of a parents in creating positive learning

 The role of the parents in this situation of learning is for them to be
supportive and understandable in a way that they will provide
personal space to their children, lessen their household choirs,
motivate and inspire them to do more and more importantly always
check their mental health for studies say that learning in this
pandemic is harder for the mental health of the learners.

4.3. If you are a teacher, how will you facilitate a positive learning
environment in an online class modality?
 Being a teacher in this situation must have a long patience, always
keeping his/her cool, be understandable to the learners, show your
interest to teach, encourage them to participate, give consideration,
provide a good learning materials and more importantly give tasks
that are attainable to the learners skills and abilities.

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