Field Study 2 Episode 5 - Jean Clarisse Umali
Field Study 2 Episode 5 - Jean Clarisse Umali
Field Study 2 Episode 5 - Jean Clarisse Umali
(Preparing the Learning Environment: An Overview)
What will you do to assist your mentor in setting up a conducive learning environment in
the following conditions:
Learning Environment 1:
What have you noticed of the display in the class bulletin board? What message
or theme does it convey?
o I have noticed that the display in the class bulletin board is full of activities
and very eye-catchy.
What makes it attractive to the learners?
o I think is the combination of colors and the use of animated cartoons as
design that cope to their ages.
Does it help in the learning process? How?
o Yes, because there are bulletin board in every subject, they see learning
materials that posted in the bulletin boards and also the activity they have
done is attached.
Learning Environment 2:
If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through the modules, where
is most likely the learning space of the students?
o Literally, in their home since face-to-face classes were not allowed.
Parents are responsible to students’ learning.
Can you describe?
o Although learning from home may seem comfortable, the environment
must be conducive, much like the school setting. Students should
complete their modules in a calm setting with no outside distractions so
they can concentrate on them.
How can you a teacher help to make such environment conducive for learning?
o As a teacher, I merely make a visit to each of my pupils at home to ensure
that they are in a conducive setting. I'll inquire of them what they demand
in order to concentrate, comprehend, and complete the modules.
The example above, describe two contrasting situations. The first shows the learners are
in the same room or space while in the second, the learners maybe in different learning
spaces like homes, study hubs or in extreme cases parks or under the trees.
As a teacher, in which of the two situation would you prefer to manage for learning?
Choose between Learning Environment 1 or Learning Environment 2?
I will choose the Learning Environment 1, which the learning environment is in the
school or what we called face-to-face class. I believe that school is conducive
environment where the students need it to learn well and focus on their studies. Unlike
in modular learning that they can’t understand well because they can’t focus
because of the environment they have which is their home.
What probable problem may result from the two situations of the learning environment?
In Face-to-face class:
o Allowance
o Peer pressure
o Lack of learning resources
In On-line/Modular class
o Lack of internet connection
o Attendance of the students
o Various learning style
o Power interruption
Just like I said, I should be flexible one. As a teacher, I believe that the best way to
address the issue is to monitor my pupils' progress by keeping in touch with them. In
order to satisfy the needs of all of my students, I must be well-prepared as a teacher.
I will establish a close relationship with the parents and share thoughts and ideas for
the welfare of the kids, I will be able to aid my students even if they have diverse
personalities and interests.
In not less than 300 words, write an essay on the topic: “My Conducive Lerning
They frequently state that teachers serve as the second parents for students,
guiding, helping, and teaching them to become better people. Children do attend
school to learn, study, and make friends, and this is true. Have you ever wondered
why pupils focus more on studying in school than they do at home? Students just pay
more attention to what they are studying at school because they need a conducive
environment, and school provides one. Because the teacher is not present to assist,
help and support students in completing their modules, many students in the
pandemic of modular and online learning lose all interest in, lack motivation, and get
anxious about learning because they do not comprehend it properly. Therefore,
students do not sure if they doing right or not.
Then, what indications were available that the environment was conducive
for learning? First, a positive environment for learning should be flexible, with space
for small groups and moveable walls. Provide a large learning area with both indoor
and outdoor activities for the students.