Episode 5
Episode 5
Episode 5
Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616
Learning Episode 5
Preparing the Learning Environment: An Overview
At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to revisit the concept of learning
environment in the context of the current teaching and learning situation.
Here are some specific strategies for developing the optimal classroom climate. You
may consider these.
1. Learning environment addresses both physical and psychological needs of the students
for security and order, love and belonging, personal power and competence, freedom
and fun.
2. Create a sense of order. For example, teacher should teach students how to:
Enter the classroom and become immediately engaged in the activity;
Distribute and collect materials;
Find out about missed assignments due to absence and how to make up for them;
Get the teacher’s attention without disrupting the class; and
Arrange desks, table quickly and quietly for various purposes.
3. Greet learners as they enter your face-to-face or on-line classroom.
4. In a healthy and conducive learning environment, everybody belongs and knows each other.
5. Encourage class building activities like games and team activities.
6. In a conducive learning environment, success whether small or big is recognized and
Both approaches, either the traditional face-to-face or online, lead to positive results but in
different ways, so usually in practice both approaches are combined.
What will you do to assist your mentor in setting up a conducive learning environment
in the following conditions:
I will assist my mentor by helping and give some ideas of what the themes we should
display in bulletin board. Like think what upcoming occasion will come in that month. Get
some color and design that students will stop and read what’s in the bulletin board. Visual
interest is the key to keeping children engaged in interactive bulletin boards. Plain, boring
boards with little color or visual appeal will not hold students’ interest. Even if the topic being
covered is interesting, students will quickly become bored and uninterested. Take the time to
add coordinated colors and visual appeal to your bulletin board presentation.
As a student teacher I’m the one who in charge by checking the attendance. By
checking attendance ask them to open their camera so you can see and sure that they are
listening to you. Make strategy by checking attendance to your students also to help and
give some energy and become interested to your lesson.
Learning Environment 1:
What have you noticed of the display in the class bulletin board? What message or
theme does it convey?
Since high school to now I am college, I noticed in bulletin board the themes that in display
is the upcoming occasion or something that have in that month. Also, they provide a way to
introduce new material or display student work.
Bulletin boards are a powerful learning tool for classrooms ranging from preschool to
high school and beyond. They can be used to relay information to students, reinforce
lessons, display student work, and more.
Learning Environment 2:
If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through the modules, where is
most likely the learning space of the students?
-For me the best learning pace for the students is at a peaceful and quiet room in their
house so they can focus to study.
Your own quiet and peaceful room that you can be comfortable by doing all your
projects and answering modules.
How can you as a teacher help to make such environment conducive for learning?
As a future teacher I can help and make a conducive and good environment for
my students by having a good relationship in each other. Build positive relationships
with students and parents starting with the first day of school. Let students get to know
you and each other.
The examples above, describe two contrasting situations. The first shows that the
learners are in the same room or space while in the second, the learners maybe in different
learning spaces like homes, study hubs or in extreme cases parks or under the trees.
As a teacher, in which of the two situations would you prefer to manage for learning?
Choose between Learning Environment 1 or Learning Environment 2. Explain your choice.
As a future teacher I prefer the Learning Environment 1 because face to face class hits
differently. No one can compare the feeling that you can see all the students that walk in a
hallway and stop to read all the information in the bulletin board and know that they enjoying
it. Also, the learning that the teacher gives to their students is different from online class that
we have right now.
a) I realized that bulletin boards to use interactive boards in the classroom ensures that
students recognize the importance of the posted materials.
b) I realized that small group discussion makes a students open their thoughts and
suggestion of each other.
c) I realized that the learning environment is important to the learners so that they can
focus to their study.
What probable problem may result from the two situations of the learning
information and stay engaged. With this in mind, let’s look at how your surroundings
affect the way you study, and consider some of the best ways to create your ideal
learning environment.
First you should make a good relationship and positive relationship. Positive
relationships are fundamental to success. When students feel supported, they're more likely
to engage in learning and have better academic outcomes. Plus, when students have positive
interactions with teachers, they have fewer behavioral problems.
Work on my Artifacts
In not less than 300 words, write an essay on the topic: “My Conducive Learning
Creating a classroom community and culture remain another necessary aspect when fostering a safe
learning environment. Students need to understand what they have in common with their fellow learners in
the classroom. It is the teacher's job to create this community so all students will get along and celebrate one
another's differences. Strong classroom communities can form in a variety of ways. Throughout daily
activities the students should be part of a collaborative learning effort, sharing their strengths and
encouraging each other. The teacher also may introduce a number of jobs or responsibilities students need to
complete in order to maintain the physical classroom. This shows students that they need to count on one
another, and it keeps students accountable for their own learning environment as well. Classroom jokes,
traditions and pets are other ways to build a strong community. When students enjoy each other's company,
they are more likely to be accepting and feel safe in the environment.
Another important responsibility of the teacher is to develop a learning environment where students feel
motivated to learn within the boundaries and expectations of a safe classroom. By modeling and encouraging
a safe environment and purposeful rules, students feel motivated to do the right thing and help one another. It
is important for teachers to put an emphasis on intrinsic motivation in the classroom to keep students
interested and invested in their own learning goals. In addition, extrinsic motivators help students understand
the expectations of the classroom and aid in their intrinsic motivation. These kinds of motivators include
praise, positive reinforcement and rewards for exceptional behavior.