Law of Assumption Workbook
Law of Assumption Workbook
Law of Assumption Workbook
- you do not have to complete all of the tasks (you can if you want though!)
1. decide
2. get precise
3. anxiety (feel free to skip this section if you do not suffer with anxiety)
4. enter state
5. persist
6. journals (print out multiple of these & cut the pages in half)
what don’t I like about my life right now?
connect to your inner being - feel your core - what do you want to have, create, experience
(without thinking of others)?
another thing you can try: clarifying what you don’t wan’t, and deriving the opposite of it
eg, what would make my life feel unsatisfying? what is the opposite of this?
following these questions, I can now conclude that I want:
in what ways would having my desire better me?
does having your desire produce a ripple of effects? what are they?
for instance, you can now take your loved ones on holiday as you’ve manifested wealth
now you know what you want (congrats!), you must know how to become conscious of it
add as many tones of reality as you can, and use all of your senses
you have what you desire - how does the outer world express this?
as we all know, falling asleep in the state of the wish fulfilled will accelerate the speed of manifestation
a great way to enter this state is via imaginal acts, in which you vividly imagine an event which implies
the fulfilment of your desire (from the 1st person)
if you desire to win the lottery, imagine yourself in the car you’d buy
if you desire a relationship, imagine yourself sharing a cosy evening with your partner
replay these scenes as you fall asleep, but also throughout your day - they are easy mood boosters :)
write down 3 scenes which imply the fulfilment of your desire - try making them around 5-10 seconds long
scene 1:
scene 2:
scene 3:
my favourite scene: O O O
something else that is imteresting to consider, is how much your day-to-day life would change if you had your deisre
doing this will provide you with a new array of imaginal acts you can use, & will aid you in living in the wish
8am - 12pm .
8am - 12pm
affirmations will flow freely from the state of having your desire
they are merely positive thoughts about having what you want
they are great mood uplifters, however should be never used out of lack :)
your affirmation needs to be written from the state of having, and ideally cover a few grounds
“I have a steady, lavish, dependable income, consistent with integrity and mutual benefit”
1st draft:
2nd draft:
final draft:
cognitive defusion
“Emotional disturbances, especially suppressed emotions, are the causes of all disease” - Neville Goddard
please never underestimate the importance of your mental health in the realm of manifesting
process your anxiety, and remove the weeds that are infesting your subconscious mind
firstly, you must learn to observe your anxiety, without feeling the need to suppress it
the following exercises will create more space between yourself and your thoughts & feelings
they will allow us to take a step back, and see what type of thoughts we are buying into :)
calm your mind as much as you can, and see what arises
you may find ‘I cant do this’ or ‘I wish it would go away’, for instance
notice that you are the one having this thought, and put ‘I am having the thought that…’ before it
it is also helpful to name the emotion you are feeling, and being as specific as possible
I feel anxious -> I feel apprehensive, nervous, dread, worried, concerned, excited
the more specific you get, the more power you have over your emotions
instead of saying that anxiety is awful & horrible, describe the emotion instead
remind yourself that its okay to have feelings, just because they are uncomfortable does not mean that they are
bad; it just means that you care
if you want to work through emotions, you need choose to be willing to feel them
you need to touch the weed in order to pull it out of the ground :)
the message that anxiety tells us is that we are in danger, but this is not true and you are safe
however, avoiding anxiety keeps you in that danger response, and therefore keeps you anxious
slow yourself down and take a deep, long breath, and feel grounded
lean into your anxiety and notice that you are safe
allow yourself to experience how you are feeling, lean into it, be present :)
if this is a bit too overwhelming for you, you can practice willingness by brain-dumping
during this, you just write down everything that is in your head, just a stream of consciousness
view anxiety as a smoke alarm, a loud, uncomfortable signal that indicates danger
just because your alarm is going off does not mean that your house is burning down, perhaps you were just making
toast :)
the fire alarm (anxiety) is never the danger, but a signal that wants us to clarify whether we are safe or not
is it keeping you safe? yes no do you know what set your alarm off? yes no
what would you do if your smoke alarm was going off due to a fire in the past & why?
what would you do if your smoke alarm was going off due to a fire in the present & why?
what would you do if your smoke alarm was going off due to a fire in the future & why?
give them a name so that they are separate from yourself, for instance, Cain, Ruth, Karen, Sarah
whenever you notice yourself having a _____ thought, just remind yourself that its only _____ at it again,
and tame it like an annoying toddler
you can also mimic them by repeating the thoughts in silly noises
the brain is a word machine, and a lot of what it produces does not make sense
using silly voices will help degrade your negative thoughts, making you realise how ridiculous they are! :)
now, lets finish this anxiety section using the law of assumption :)
imagine yourself as someone who has not experienced anxiety in over a year
it is done
when / if your anxiety returns, remind yourself that you are just experiencing your old manifestation
reaffirm that you have imagined yourself anxiety free, and therefore are free
take a moment to clear your mind, then pay attention to the thoughts that arise
you will naturally think from the state you are possessing
write down the old thoughts and feelings you had about your desire & rewrite them
you can also make note of some common sayings that have formed your self concept
think logically about the things written in your old self concept column
for instance ‘you have to work for money’ can be debunked by influencers, lottery winners etc :)
you can use facts, figures and stories of other people’s experiences
it is time to change the old story
review events that did not go the way you wanted it to - do not judge it, just review it
enter a trance-like state (feel completely relaxed & free from your surroundings)
relive the event over and over again & give it all the tones of reality
rewritten event 1:
rewritten event 2:
rewritten event 3:
self talk
ask yourself, what have you been saying inwardly and commentating on recently?
this inner speech is creating your future, and we are are always doing it, whether you realise it or not
you have what you want - what things are you saying inwardly and commentating on?
this inner conversation implies that you already have what you want, repeat it until it feel natural (if it does not
keeping on top of it:
your emotions signal what you are consciously and subconsciously discussing
when your emotions flag something (you notice a wave of sadness, stress, peacefulness, happiness), practice NICE
E - exit, let the conversation continue on autopilot (until the next emotion flag)
we all have imaginary conversations from time to time, whether they are altercations, debates, past interactions
these moments of inner conversation evoke intense emotions, and quite often allow us to shut off the outer world
they even exercise our imagination in a unique way - via sound, and is fun & wholesome to practice :)
is their voice familiar to you? (this does not matter, the dialogue does)
the conversation must be from the state of having what you wish, but you can be creative with it!
you could be congratulated, you could plan exciting trips, tell person X about your accomplishments, describe your
new apartment to person X
imagine the happiness in their voice as they applaud, thank or compliment you :)
choose the idea(s) that resonate with you the most, and write out your conversation in the template on the next
page :)
whenever you catch yourself entertaining a negative inner conversation, replace it & do not panic
as inner conversations are such an effortless mood booster - you can also practice it throughout your day to make
you feel happier, lighter
if you would like to, you can picture a scene to aid the conversation
inner conversation template :)
shift of consciousness
this is not a workbook exercise, but the most important thing you must do in order to create your dream life
step 1
feel yourself step into a new consciousness; become conscious of having exactly what you desire
step out of the old state and into the new state, feel the shift in energy
step 2
you can also enter the state of I AM, in which you keep calm & still, & silently affirm: I AM
eventually, you will feel a sensation: some describe it as ‘floating’, or just a ‘feeling of connection’
then, you can affirm I AM followed by your desire, for instance, I am healthy, wealthy, loved
come out of the I AM state and into the state of knowing it is done, & more importantly, become conscious of it :)
our state of consciousness is the fundamental, underlying building block in which our subconscious beliefs,
thoughts, actions (3D) lie upon
once our consciousness has changed, everything else above it changes also, ultimately making it the most
effective thing we can do within the law of assumption
subconscious beliefs however, commonly its more efficient to work from the
ground up
fill in the triangle with your current state of consciousness, and see where you’re at :)
subconscious beliefs
outer-inner world acts
for example, Neville describes an incident in which a woman uses the physical feeling of rain hitting her face to
evoke the imaginary act of being on a boat, feeling the spray of the ocean
you will find plenty of opportunities to exercise your imagination in this interesting way :)
boiling the kettle? imagine yourself making a drink for your colleagues, in a workplace that you love
feeling the sun hitting your face? imagine yourself in your luxury apartment, on your balcony
I imagine:
I imagine:
I imagine:
reality checking
in manifesting & materialisation, the feeling is the goal & reward, and a change in 3D is a mere byproduct
if you are checking the 3D / outer world, there is a chance that you believe the following will happen:
the goal should never be to change the 3D, but to live happily within your inner world (wish fulfilled)
to focus on changing the 3D is to focus on the byproduct, rather than the goal itself
what does this statement mean to you? how do you interpret it?
but the matter of the fact is: by checking your reality, you are admitting that your goal is to change your outer
world (3D), instead of changing your inner world
if you focus on the 3D & trying to change it, a new state cannot replace your old one
dealing with unwanted circumstances
my desire:
react respond
× ×
what emotion do I feel?
dwell on it, complain, self victimise
no yes
complete some worksheets from the anxiety what does the law of assumption teach about the 3D?
section & come back
why shouldn’t I worry about it, or fixate on it?
let go
the things you give attention to, you will get more of
so, you want to love your outer world by changing your inner world
but, how do you feel about your outer world right now? are you creating a smooth transition process?
inner world
‘I enjoy and appreciate ‘ I love my outer world’
many aspects of my outer world’ (materialisation of desire)
inner world
challenging transition
you do not have to love your current 3D circumstances, but you can learn appreciate some aspects of it
in the space below, write 5 things you appreciate about your outer world right now
now, write 3 things that you could do to make your stay more enjoyable
slip-ups & falling off track
what did you do after giving up on your manifestation? (no wrong answer)
entered self- got back on track affirmed & got upset about
victimisation like nothing practiced it, dwelled on it
mode happened gratitude
if it was not desirable, how will you get back on track in a way that works for you?
In Neville Goddard’s classic Barbados story, he admits that after months of visualising himself in Barbados, he was
worried about not seeing any physical evidence, and often questioned his mentor about it
even after his bursts of doubt and worry, he practiced his imaginal acts and made it to Barbados, and so can you :)
list 3 things that you have right now, but do not consciously think about:
well, eventually (if its not already) your desire will be on that list :)
in fact, it wont be a ‘desire’ anymore, as you know it is already yours, and have nothing to yearn for
when something becomes natural to you, it will freely enter your mind
the thoughts enter your mind by default & most of the time, you will not even notice them :)
once this happens, you know that you have impressed the
subconscious mind
manifesting with the 4 mighty ones
in the book ‘Seedtime and Harvest’, Neville describes the soul to be of 4 quarters
he uses a theatre analogy to display them as the: author, producer, director & actor
the role of the producer is to suggest a theme, for instance, I wish to be successful
the role of the author is to dramatise this, but only the scene in which the wish is fulfilled
the director ensures that the actor remains faithful to the script and rehearses it until it becomes
the director also directs attention, and only focuses on the fulfilled wish
the actor enacts the drama and does it over and over again until it takes on the tones of reality
the curtain will rise upon the seemingly solid world and the mighty 4 will cast a shadow of the play
Fighting doubt
you don’t need to predict the future when you can create it :)