Lessons 7-9
Lessons 7-9
Lessons 7-9
Classroom Teacher’s Role in Guidance
Classroom Teachers are in the best position to help in the facilitation of guidance
services and activities because they are the very first persons to whom the students would
relay personal and other concerns and worries. As such, they have to be competent in
their responsibilities towards their students inside and outside the classroom. And one of
the most important roles they can play is by providing the necessary guidance among
their students.
At the end of this module, it is expected that you describe the teacher’s role in
guidance and the preventive objective of guidance in the classroom as it seeks support
that suits the learner’s gender, needs, strength, interests and experiences to become
a responsible and effective individual.
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● Describe the varied guidance resources for the teachers and the importance of
collaboration between the home, school and the community to come up with a
responsive guidance program.
As part of procedures for determining your prior knowledge on the topic presented
in this module, I want you to answer the simple quiz below without any pretension or
interest to impress me and your classmates. Your honesty is the key to success in
achieving the intended learning outcomes of this module for you.
Direction: Choose whether the role listed hereunder is performed by the teacher
or other guidance personnel. If your answer is the teacher, simply put a check mark on
the space for the teacher, but if your answer is guidance personnel you have to write the
respective personnel performing the said role on the space provided for such.
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Recall an instance during your stay in high school wherein you have experienced
the loving touch of your previous teacher. (Whether Ma’am or Sir)
Can you identify what characteristics you have known then as a result of the good
deed of your teacher.
You finally did it, you already completed the first two tasks. Before you begin I
would like you to reflect on what you have done and experienced in your recent activity
because that is the key to moving forward. You can do that by completing each clause
I therefore commit to
By this time, you are very much prepared to learn more about Classroom
Teacher’s Role in Guidance and other related topics.
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Page 87 of 169
12. Foster the development of positive attitudes. An attitude is defined as “a persistent
disposition to act either positively or negatively toward a person, group, object
situation, or value.”
13. Assist each child to improve his study skills. Many of the educational problems of
learners arise from the failure to develop effective study skills.
14. Individualized teaching. The teacher should find ways, through different teaching
techniques to provide individualized instruction, so that each learner develops his
talent to the fullest.
15. Utilize group techniques. An efficient teacher converts a class from a collection of
individuals into a cohesive group. He teaches his learners how to live harmoniously
with others in society, for the class is indeed a miniature society.
16. Exemplify a high level of personal adjustment and self-actualization. The teacher
should be the model of all those traits he wants to develop in his learners, as a
guidance-aware teacher.
Ordonez indicates two ways by which a teacher can help each student discover
and develop his special abilities and
interests, and find suitable adjustments
for them.
Knowledge leads to
understanding, and the teacher’s
understanding of the students grows
with daily observation. Of all members
of the school staff, the teacher has an
obvious opportunity to observe and
study the students through classrooms, homeroom, playground, and extra-curricular
1. The Intellectual Capacity of the Child – The teacher must not only recognize the
dissimilarity of pupils in intellectual power but also should know the techniques
which are most important in helping towards maximum attainment of potentialities.
2. Emotional Conditions Affecting the Child – Attention must be given to emotional
differences among children in establishing a program for personality development.
3. Sociometric Stratus – One of the foremost factors affecting educational policy is
the sociometric background of the pupil. (Disadvantaged, Under-privileged,
The teacher who knows his student and intelligently tries to understand their
behavior is in a position to act wisely on their behalf. Through analysis of written
examination and oral recitation, the teacher may discover the nature of the materials
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proving difficult for the student to learn. The alert teacher may be conscious of this and
try to help the pupils at the point of their difficulty.
Strang summarizes the Teacher’s opportunities for guidance while teaching as follows:
As a future teacher, what characteristics of your former teacher would you like to
emulate to become a good one? What additional traits do you need to embrace to become
a significant other person in the guidance function of the school?
Assess what you have learned. (Post – Test will be administered on a later date)
Final Requirement
Congratulations you are one step away from finishing this module. You have done
so much to come this far. As a final requirement, I want you to do the following: Write a
four-sentences paragraph tribute statement that you would like to deliver at the time your
favorite teacher is retiring.
Suggested Readings
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Page 90 of 169
Implementation of Homeroom Guidance
As part of procedures for determining your prior knowledge on the topic presented
in this module, I want you to answer the short pre-test below without any pretention or
interest to impress me and your classmates. Your honesty is the key to success in
achieving the intended learning outcomes of this module for you.
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Name and define the parts of a homeroom guidance lesson plan.
Recall a situation in your elementary days, or high school years where your teacher
have spent time with your class not to discuss academic lesson but to talk with class about
life or your concerns as student.
Then, on the space below share the story of your experience/ lessons you have
learned. You may share it through writing a short poem, slogan, essay, or simply narrate it
in a paragraph.
You finally did it, you already completed the first two tasks. Before you begin I
would like you to reflect on what you have done and experienced in your recent activity
because that is the key to moving forward. You can do that by completing each clause
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The activities above made me remember
I therefore commit to
By this time, you are very much prepared to learn more about the Implementation
of Homeroom Guidance.
A Homeroom Guidance period provides a venue to both the students and teacher
to develop positive interactions outside an academic lesson. According to the Bureau of
Curriculum Development of the Department of Education, the following are the
philosophy, vision and mission of Homeroom Guidance.
Homeroom Guidance believes that every learner is unique and has the ability to
develop him/herself using his or her own learning experiences from family, community,
school, and society.
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of learners taking into consideration his/her developmental stage, gender, needs,
strength, interests and experiences. In addition, according to ASCA National Model for
School Counseling Programs (ASCA, 2012), homeroom guidance gives emphasis on
providing direct services for students to prevent the onset of mental health issues, for
students in crisis, or for students in transition.
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tend to reinforce existing strengths and weaknesses rather than to change
adolescents’ characteristics. Research has shown that adolescents perform better
academically, have more achievement-oriented goals, and think more about the
future when they have access to supportive networks that include their peer group
and caring adults.
❖ Determining the needs of the students. As a first step, school counselors should
develop and provide a needs assessment prior to planning classroom guidance
programming and should also review data from the previous school year. The
outcome of the assessment data is used to design guidance curricula that could
meet specific developmental, social/emotional, and academic needs of the
▪ Establishing clear goals and objectives. After identifying the students’ needs
through assessment or through reviewing existing data, school counselors can use
this information to help determine appropriate goals and objectives for the
classroom guidance program.
▪ Goals- are recognized as general statements about what the
students will be able to do following the guidance unit or lesson.
▪ Objectives- are stated as specific and measurable behavioral
changes that are anticipated following the program and should be
written in a manner in which they can be evaluated.
▪ Some possible goals might include teaching students how to identify
and express their feelings (such as appropriate coping skills) or
strategies that students can use to handle stressful events that may
occur (such as stress management skills).
▪ Facilitation. Using various media and formats when presenting information could
help to engage students. In fact, activities could be facilitated in a way that
incorporate visual, auditory, and tactile stimulation (as one example, a middle
school counselor might use a talk show format with some students functioning as
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the show host, others as panelists, and the other students asking questions as
members of the audience; Davis, 2005).
Here’s a sample outline that can be used in planning homeroom guidance lessons.
Objectives Students will learn how it makes others feel/ react when
hurtful, negative things are said about them. This lesson is
intended to teach each student that they are part of a greater
world, where their actions have consequences. The
students will learn how positive phrases/words can have a
much better impact than negative ones.
Materials ● Backpack
● Books of Different sizes
● Post- its (different color)
9. Point out that the third sticker is higher than the other two.
Discuss why and the following:
a) How do negative words impact us?
b) How can positive words impact us?
c) How can we foster a more positive school climate?
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Closing Review the impact positive and negative phrases/words can
have. Discuss what students have learned from the activity.
Evaluation Process: How many lessons are in the unit? How many
students received each lesson?
Perception: Pre- and post-surveys assess the students’
knowledge about positive and negative words.
Outcome: Compare the number of discipline referrals
related to verbal bullying before and after the guidance
▪ When designing classroom guidance lessons, school counselors must take into
consideration their students’ developmental levels, multicultural backgrounds, and
special needs.
o Another example, high school students may focus much of their time and
attention on friendships and romantic relationships and continue to
differentiate themselves from their parents. While elementary students may
be focused on making friends, autonomy, and winning approval.
▪ School counselors/ Homeroom Guidance Teachers can use some of the following
skills to facilitate classroom guidance programs. These skills include a way of
being—for example, caring, warmth, empathy, support, positive regard,
acceptance, and genuineness. These skills are key elements to building a safe
environment in the classroom in which to help students want to participate in the
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What particular characteristics of your homeroom guidance teacher would you like
to emulate as you prepare to become a values education teacher. State the reasons for
your choice.
Assess what you have learned. (Post – Test will be administered on a later date)
Final Requirement
Congratulations you are one step away from finishing this module. You have done
so much to come this far. As a final requirement, I want you to do the following: Write
your most memorable experience during a Homeroom Guidance Class when you were in
Suggested Readings
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Page 100 of 169
The nature, meaning, importance and scope of counseling in schools
Duration: 3 Hours
As the heart of the guidance program, counselling service is not a recent idea and
service having wide applications in different social set up such as family, school, medical,
other counselling centers etc. Counselling service may be provided by parents to children
in the family, by teachers to students in school, by doctors to patients in medical and so
on to overcome the problems that generally occur in their lives. In day to day life
thousands of problems create hindrances in the development and prosperity of individuals
as these are educational, occupational and personal-social in nature.
To attain this goal, counselling service is initiated by counsellor for the purpose of
solving the problems of counselee. Thus counselling service is basically meant for the
betterment and welfare of the students so called counselee and the service is offered by
the counsellor which cites a picture of their better relationship between them. In other
words, counselling service is considered as the relationship between two individuals in
which one helps the other to help himself. To make the concept clear about the meaning
of counselling several definitions are cited here.
● At the end of this module, it is expected that you describe the nature, meaning,
importance, scope of counseling in schools.
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Specifically, you should be able to:
As part of procedures for determining your prior knowledge on the topic presented
in this module, I want you to answer the self-rating form below without any pretension or
interest to impress me and your classmates. Your honesty is the key to success in
achieving the intended learning outcomes of this module for you.
Direction: Check whether the following statements fall under the goal, essential or
principle of counseling.
Statement Goal Essential Principle
1. Counseling is dependent on the relationship
between the counselor and the counselee.
2. Counseling develops positive mental health
3. Counseling is oriented around cooperation not
4. Counseling focuses on the prevention of
5. The counselor establishes rapport as he
creates an atmosphere of acceptance and
freedom and a willingness to help by a show
of deep understanding.
6. Counseling is based on the recognition of the
dignity and worth of the individual and on his right
to personal assistance in time of need
7. Counseling must respect the right of every
person to accept or refuse the service it offers.
8. Counseling helps the client to have decision-
making skills.
9. Counseling to be effective must be scientifically
10. Facilitation of Counselee’s Efforts is
needed in counseling.
Were you happy with the results of the dialogue? Why did you say so?
You finally did it, you already completed the first two tasks. Before you begin I
would like you to reflect on what you have done and experienced in your recent activity
because that is the key to moving forward. You can do that by completing each clause
I therefore commit to
By this time you are very much prepared to learn more about the nature, meaning,
importance and scope of counseling in schools
• Latin – “Consiliu” meaning “together, with or take.” The English translations
suggest connection, bonding, relationship.
Definition of Counseling
Ohlsen: “Counselling is an
accepting, trusting and safe
relationship in which clients learn to discuss openly what worries and upsets them, to
define precise behavior goals, to acquire the essential social skills, and to develop the
courage and self-confidence to implement desired new-behaviors.”
Hahn and Maclean: “Counselling is a process which takes place in a one to one
relationship between an individual beset by problems with which he cannot cope alone
and a professional worker whose training and experience have -qualified him to help
others reach solutions to various types of personal difficulties.”
Arbuckle: “Counselling is helping a person to come to see who really is, what he has and
does not have, what he can do easily, what he can do with difficulty and what he probably
cannot do at all…… [It] is a close sharing of a human relationship with one who has for
Robinson: “The term counselling ………. covers all types of two person situations in
which one person is helped to adjust more effectively to himself and to his environment.”
Ruth Strang: “Counselling process is a joint quest. The student responsibility is to try to
understand himself and the direction in which he should go and to gain self confidence in
handling problems as they arise. The counsellor’s responsibility is to assist in this process
whenever the student needs and is ready for help. The counsellor serves as a kind of key
that unlocks new insight.”
James Michael Lee and Nathaniel J. Patten: “Counselling is the relationship between
two persons in which one of them attempts to assist the other in so organizing himself as
to attain a particular form of happiness, adjustment to a like situation, or in short, self-
actualization. Counselling always involves a one-to-one relationship that is one client and
one guidance worker in a formal or informal interview situation.”
Summing up these, it is found that the followings are the main elements of counselling
which make meaning of counselling more clear:
Counseling is not…
● Counseling is based on the recognition of the dignity and worth of the individual
and on his right to personal assistance in time of need.
● Counseling is being concerned with the optimum development of the whole person
and the fullest realization of his potentials for individual and social ends.
● Counseling is a continuous, sequential, and educational process.
● Counseling has a responsibility to society as well as to the individual.
● Counseling must respect the right of every person to accept or refuse the service
it offers.
● Counseling is oriented around cooperation not compulsion.
● Counseling implies assistance given by person in making wise decisions, plans,
interpretations and adjustment in the critical situation in life.
● Counseling requires a comprehensive study of the individual in his cultural setting
by the use of every scientific technique available.
● Counseling is focused on helping the individual realize and actualize his best self,
rather than solving isolated problems.
● Counseling to be effective must be scientifically evaluated.
Scope of Counselling
Based on the number of definitions of counseling that you have learned in this
lesson, kindly make your own definition of counseling.
Assess what you have learned. (Post – Test will be administered on a later date)
Final Requirement
Congratulations you are one step away from finishing this module. You have done
so much to come this far. As a final requirement, I want you to do the following: Write a
reflection on the benefits of counseling in a school system.
Suggested Readings