FS2 - Episode 6
FS2 - Episode 6
FS2 - Episode 6
Given the concepts and the info graphics, how can you participate and assist in a
face-to-face learning environment?
Having been exposed to the traditional classrooms in your basic education, it seems that
everything is familiar. However, as teaching-learning theories evolve over time there are
changes that are taking place.
You'll notice that traditional teaching methods are being phased out over time.
However, I will decide to make technology-based instruction a requirement because it will
captivate students, provide a fresh environment for learning, and help them concentrate on a
given subject. As a result, people will feel less strain and tension at school, which may inspire
and encourage them to continue learning. This will also make the classroom active and
Based on my own observations, I believe that some classes' interior layouts contribute
to students' difficulty focusing. These caused students to lose focus while they were
studying, yet they managed to keep up with the process.
2. What are some constructivist teaching strategies and tools that teachers can
employ to encourage students to participate more actively in class?
I can fix the problem through research project. I'll concentrate on the issue. I will do a
survey and an interview as soon as feasible to figure out how to remedy the situation. This
will help me enhance and grow my instructional methods and skills. I can do it more
efficiently and quickly.
Conducting this research may find ways on how to counterpart the problems or
barriers that student faces now a days. By doing these you are giving time to student to cope
up with it and may lessen their hard works and contribute on building them up.
Choose the best answer the options
1. In the face to face learning environment, the most critical elements is/are the
a. Arrangement of chairs and tables.
b. Physical, psychological and social considerations
c. Teacher and student interactions
d. None of the above
2. The traditional classroom spaces are still considered valid and effective for as long as
these conditions exist. What are these conditions?
I. There should be one teacher to one student ratio.
II. Chairs should be fixed in such a way that they cannot be removed.
III. The presence of the teacher is needed in a given time to guide learning.
IV. All students should be heard in class discussion.
a. I & II
b. II & III
c. 1 & IV
d. III & IV
4. Outdoor activities like group games, scavenger hunt and the like provide a positive
a. Psychological environment
b. Social environment
c. Physical environment
d. Cognitive environment
The physical setting of a wellness school is among its most important qualities. This
criteria, according to SHE, is an environment that fosters student and staff wellbeing, safety,
and security. A larger, well-kept physical environment fosters positive attitudes and
motivations related to students' capacity for academic performance, pro-social behavior, and
conduct, all of which are related to their ability to study. Teachers who work in outdated
schools report feeling frustrated and unwell. Building upgrades can give educators newfound
hope and dedication. Unpleasant working conditions and rising teacher absenteeism are
caused by overcrowding and heavy teaching workloads. The amount of time teachers may
spend using innovative teaching techniques is limited by overcrowding in the classroom,
which also leads to a constant struggle to maintain order.
PEOPLE - Friendships and connections made by students with their classmates and teachers
at school; this is also related to effective parental involvement, positive teacher attitudes, and
group projects.
PROCESS - an enjoyable and stimulating setting where teachers and students may
cooperate, express their creativity, and learn without worrying about making mistakes. This
holds true for gaining knowledge that is worthwhile, pertinent, enjoyable, and manageable.