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in Fs1
Submitted by: Pame Marvin
Submitted to: Dr. Dana B. Tebia

Observe (P.10)
As you look around and examine board displays, use the observation guide
and forms provided for you to document observations.

An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS

Read the following statement carefully before you observe:
1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many
Board displays do you see? There are 26 Bulletin Boards

2. Where are the display boards found? Are they in places where target
viewers can see them? At Lobbies,Corridors and near the doors
of every room.

3. What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey?
What images and colors do you see? How are the pieces of
information and images arranged? As I have noticed and
observed some of it have motivational quotes and rules.
Have different colors and mostly have its own originality
when it comes of design and arrangements.

4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders used?
As I have noticed, each of them has different materials used
such as bond papers, colored papers, different pictures and
mostly utilized by recycled materials.

5. Do you notice some errors? {Misspelled words, grammar

inconsistencies and the like) Each of it has no errors or
misspelled words and done by efforts if it is seen.
6. Are the messages clear and easily understood? Yes, clear and very

7. Think about what got your attention. Why did it get your attention?
Each of them got my attention because it has their own theme
that would convince every individual.

8. Take a photo of the display boards (if allowed).

Page 12

From among the board displays that you saw, pick the one that you got
most interested in. Evaluate is using the evaluation form below.
Topic of the Board Display: Welcome back to School

Location of the Board Display in School: Metro Manila College at the main Corridor

Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your ratings.

4-Outstanding 3-Very Satisfactory

2-Satisfactory 1-Needs Improvement

Criteria NI S VS O Comments
Effective Communication Very clear and influential for readers
Conveys the message
quickly and clearly
Attractiveness Colorful but balance
Colors and arrangement
catches and holds interest
Balance Have proper arrangement of designs and
Objects are arranged so materials used.
stability is perceived

Unity I am satisfied with it.

Repeated shapes or colors or
use of borders hold display
Interactivity Very attractive especially for learners.
The style and approach
entice learners to be involved

Legibility Well-printed, creative style.

Letters and illustration can be
seen from a good distance

Correctness It is correctly spelled.

Free from grammar errors,
misspelled words, ambiguity
Durability Has an accurate understanding/learning
Well-constructed, items are
securely attached

Page. 13

Bulletin Board Evaluated by: Pame Marvin

Location: Metro Manila College
Brief Description of The Bulletin Board: Pinky when it comes of color but
done by recycled materials
Strengths Weaknesses
Description of the Bulletin Used by recycled Since it done by recycled
Board layout materials and no materials I see some lack
of supporting designs such
expenses are spent.
different arts materials that
Clean, clear and done
could make it colorful
with efforts.
Evaluation of Educational Has a good content I am satisfy with its
content and other aspects and concepts that for content and ideas but I
suggest more creativeness
sure will convince
for some development.
every person who
notice the bulletin
Recommendation or Suggestions for Improvement:
If possible, more arts materials and creativeness.
Signature of Evaluator over Printed Name:

Page. 14

Based on your suggestions, make your board display lay-out. You may
present your output through any of these
 An electronic (computer) drawing/illustration or layout

My Board Display Lay-out

Page. 15
 What do you think was the purpose of the board display?
For announcements, check lists and to convince people on what
to do especially for information.
 Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of is target
audience? Why? Why not? I think yes, because it convinces and
influences me when I observe each of them.

 Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to
understand? Why? Why not? Yes, because it uses the universal
language when anyone could understand.

 Was the board display effective? Why? Why not? Yes, because
since it successfully influences me, it would influences others
too, I guarantee it.

 What suggestions can you make? I suggest making bulletin

boards should be supported especially in schools and other

Page. 16
My Proposed Board Display
Theme: 1st Day of School

Board Title: Welcome come to School

As a future teacher, I would like to be updated and show what can I do when I am in my profession
doing a teacher things and other school purposes.

To expose a public messages, announcements and to update people especially students
about what changes are to be done. It also has an updated news for everyone.

Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement:

I will do my bulletin board with the use of recycled and arts materials. Also applied with some
motivational quotes and that would convince people when reading the bulletin board.

Content Resource (Name each needed resource and give each a brief description)
Motivational quotes - In order to refresh the mind of people and also to convince them in a
good way.
Check list - To know the other required steps on how and what should be done.
Member’s list - To know who are the official and legitimate member of the school.
Calendar- To be informed about or to agree on a future event and to record an event that
has happened.
Materials for aesthetic enhancement:
Recycled materials such as utilized arts materials, news papers, coloring materials but mixed
with needed materials such as colored bond paper and others.

Page. 17 (Reflect)
1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able
to come up with effective board &splays. Elaborate on why
each skill is needed.
① CREATIVE - Because making bulletin boards applied with
creativity and uniqueness.
② IMAGINATIVE - It is better to have more colorful and mixed
ideas that could be the result of influential.
③ IDEALISTIC- It is better to have lot of ideas and concept that
could be helpful for content.
④ CONSIDERATE - It is better if the teacher lets his or her
colleagues give some ideas or opinions and consider it for
gathering information.
⑤ TIME MANAGEMENT - It is better to be committed
including when it comes of time.

2. Which of the skills you named in # 1 do you already have?

Recall your past experiences in making board displays. How do
you practice these skills?
Yes, I have this Skill because I am the who draw and
paint our bulletin board with its uniqueness.

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps

will you take on how you can improve on or acquire these
When it comes with concepts, I am still in the process
where I have to develop it myself because I am not really
satisfy when it comes of ideas.

Page. 20 (Show your Learning Artifacts

A Thought about School

Schools, students and teachers
Are golden treasures and knowledge sharers
Brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers
let pure knowledge embraces your sons and daughters

Schools are not only for learners and teachers

It has something to do with barangays, churches and others
you, me, societies and communities
are always together and have stronger powers

Wanna have a positive learning environment in school

boost your spirit and be committed to your school
Having a good school environment is truly essential
but the most important is you and your potential

If you want to eat and to feel fine

The mmc has lots of canteen where you may dine.
Not satisfied?
There are more go outside

Inside or outside the school

Our uniform is always cool
Don’t need to go in any mall
Cause near the school there is mini city hall

In speaking of school environment

At mmc, there is no disappointment
Plants, trees, fresh air and good ambience
Will make you feel at home at any chance

Wanna study but don’t have enough money

No problem just be a brainy
No need to pay any membership
Because the mmc has scholarship

Mmc has lots of partnerships

With this, you will feel kinships
Its learners are completely insane
But just for study with morally upright and humane
I really love you mmc
you are great and see what i see
If you are a ground please let me fall
I feel comfortable with your companion the mini city hall

when I go to school I feel I am handsome guy

Because I feel safe when I 'am in gate near the barangay
My school is in inside the subdivision
I can study there every where even without invitation

There is also a church, not only subdivision

You can go there and pray for a successful class session
School, barangay, church and others in community
Are bond together with a strong security

Not feeling well?

There’s a good clinic you can yell
Wanna know your balance ?
Go to accounting office and meet the girl with a bangs

Wanna shape your body well?

Go to gym and harden your muscles like a shell
There are many good offices at mmc
See the details in registrar and see

there are many courses and choices

also pretty and handsome faces
If you wanna feel happy
Enroll now and be lucky

Some people say it looks like a resort

Because it’s colorful applied by effort
There is a new building built with confidence
And also an old building built with historical essence

It does not matter if the school is university or not

The matter is how you change yourself and have a shot
Respect and love are the foundation
Study well, succeed and share to others your salvation

I will become a teacher very very soon

Wait for me students and beloved classroom
I will teach all of you with feelings and tireless
Because learning is truly endless

The school environment I want

Is where students are happy to learn like an ant
Reading, writing,sports and academics
Are felt and documented like a comics

The assurance of quality education will be the priority

Health, condition and security
Fresh air,trees, plants are every where
Knowledge, opportunity and gift would be shared

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