Field Study

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The Learning
LESSON 1 Learner Safety and Security


Check ( ) the box that corresponds to the learning environment of the

class you have observed.

The learning environment... Yes No Remarks

1. is clean and orderly  Yes, in a way that every morning,
noon, and before they go home
the assigned cleaner will clean.
2. has policies that ensure the  Setting of classroom rules and
safety and security of students regulations

3. has space where students can  Vacant spaces – outside the

play classroom

4. displays work of students  Insides the classroom such as

instructional materials, projects,
and etc.
5. allows students to freely  Yes, they have the freedom to
express their thoughts and speak out what they feel.

6. gives students an opportunity  Yes, their suggestion and

to take part in the formulation opinions will freely be accepted.
of classroom rules and policies

7. has teachers who are calm  Yes, very well.

and respectful

8. encourages students to  Yes, a teacher motivates and

explore and learn on their own gives them the courage to learn
on their own.
9. gives students opportunities to  Yes, their wrong or inappropriate
correct mistakes behaviors the teacher give them
advice and correct their mistakes
10. encourages students to  In a nice and friendly way to have
resolve conflicts peacefully a peaceful and organized.


Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you
have observed in class.

1. What features of the learning environment have significantly contributed to

the students' learning?

Positive behavior, and flexibility, promote meaningful learning

experiences, encourage higher levels of student performance, and

motivate students to practice higher-level critical thinking skills. To

effectively convey the message of God to your students, teachers must

possess both moral and religious virtues.

2. In your opinion, how can the school's learning environment be improved?

I believe that giving them adequate attention, allowing them to freely

express their feelings, giving them chances to practice social skills,

building relationships with other students, and giving them relevant

knowledge would all help to improve the learning environment at school.

Additionally, by creating an environment where children feel secure in any

3. How does Maslow's theory explain the importance of security and safety in

ensuring that learning will take place?

Since existential demands come first at the first level and safety and

security come second, the degree to which a secure environment

influences learning is inversely correlated with the degree of perceived



Complete the following:

1. I realized that a harmful and risky environment is not good for students
they are prone to sickness and unhealthy living. However, if the
environment is safe and secure it minimizes bullying, violence, and
discrimination so that students feel free and fairly environment applied. I
realized that teaching is not easy to handle it. As a teacher you can
encounter different kinds of problem that you can encounter in your life.
but if you love your job you give your 100% to be a good teachers to your
students. if you have a plan to
2. I believe that safe and secure environment

3. I feel that I had a lot of experience observing the students because they
have different attitudes and behaviors. And also sad because the learning
of the students is delayed. That's why teachers adjust their lesson for the
learners to understand well.

4. When I become a teacher, I will

LESSON 2 Fair Learning Environment


Check ( ) the box that corresponds to your class observation and answer

the succeeding questions.

Yes No
The teacher provides students opportunities to make mistakes.
The teacher knows the students well. 
The teacher provides a wide range of options from which 
students can choose from in order to engage in an activity.
The students are allowed to engage in a variety of experiences to 
learn a new concept or skill.
The students are encouraged to express themselves. 
The teacher extends the lesson so that all students benefit from 
The teacher utilizes various ways of determining how students 

1. What can you say about the learning environment?

I would say that she is well prepared and shares her expertise with their
students to learn more and new ideas/lessons they learned. Teacher mold
them into a better person and be “Kabataan ang Pag-asa ng Bayan”. The
learning environment of the school is good because the students are
willing to learn and their environment has good communication. They
accept all students to study and learn well, and they have a comfortable
listening style. I see in the faces of students that their smile is happy
because of the environment they are in. Their skills and talents are
expressed because they give importance to their passions. That’s why
their schools are peaceful and accommodating to the people who visit
them, like me as a PST.

2. How can the teacher further promote a fair learning environment?

Teacher can promote and establish a fair learning environment by being
transparent and having positive teacher-student relationships. As well as,
by being trustworthy, friendly and creating a respectful and safe

Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you
have observed in class.

1. What could have contributed to the presence or absence of a fair learning

Some factors that can contribute to the presence or absence fair learning
environment are gender, language, and technology. Inequitable learning
environments may result in boys and girls not receiving equal attention or
opportunity in the classroom. On the other hand, learners who are not
proficient in the language of instruction could find it difficult to stay up with
their peers and might not get the help they require to achieve.
Furthermore, in the digital era, pupils who do not have access to
technology at home may find it difficult to stay up with their peers. Hence,
ensuring that every student has the chance to achieve this requires
addressing these issues and working to build a more equal and inclusive
learning environment.
2. How does a fair learning environment affect the way children learn?
It affects the way children learn in the sense that they have the inspiration
to go to school to learn something because it is your responsibility to do
your work as best as you can. As I observe my CT she can manage and
control well her students with a different strategy yet effective.

Complete the following:

1. I realized that once you are a teacher

A fair learning environment is important to students' learning since it has a
significant positive impact on their learning. Positive learning environments
help students perform better. Because of this, it is necessary to create a
positive environment.
2. I believe that using the different methods and techniques to use a
One of the most interesting aspects of teaching is creating an engaging
and enjoyable learning environment for students, particularly in
mathematics. I think it will be helpful for all of the students in the class to
establish an atmosphere focused on justice, trust, and respect.
3. I feel that Fairness in the classroom encourages students to feel safe, at
ease, and willing to take risks, especially for those who may have had
unpleasant experiences in traditional classroom environments. When
combined with improved reading skills, students are encouraged to take
more risks in achieving their goals. Learners usually perceive supportive
learning environments as increasing their sense of family and boosting
their self-esteem.

4. When I become a teacher, I will I will promote for fairness and a good
learning environment so that children feel safe, trusted, and at ease while
attending school. This will allow students who attend safe schools to
anticipate forming good relationships with me as their teacher and with
their peers.
LESSON 3 Management of Classroom Structure and Activities


A. In the box below, draw the room layout of the class you have observed.

B. Interview the cooperating teacher. Ask the following questions:

1. What can you say about the physical structure of your classroom?
As for today’s physical arrangement, it’s cozier than what it was. The
DepEd’s way of rearranging the physical structure of what we used
traditional classroom gives me more comfort and it somehow maximizes
the teacher-student interaction and at the same time minimizes
distractions due to the required postings and corners from the past school

2. What were the things that you considered when you arranged the


The very first thing that I consider is the height of the students so that I
can easily see them in front. Next is the arrangement of the seats where
there will be enough pathway for them and me to pass and most
importantly when during emergencies. Another is that I don’t allow the
academically inclined student to be seated beside to its same level, with
that, there will be a chance for the slow learners to learn from those who
excel in class.
3. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of

physical setup?

Well this promotes positive interaction between me and my students and it

will assist me in the smooth flow of my discussion and prevent some
students to distract the class. On the other way around, maybe some of
the shy students will have trouble in approaching me or their seatmate.
Maybe some clever students, in a negative sense, will take advantage to
become parasites to their truly intelligent seatmate.

Based on the classrooms I observed, I think the advantage is that they

have their own television for presentation of the topic, one classroom have

comfort room, every room have their cabinet to store the files needed, and

each classroom had their adviser table in the left/right corner.

Based on what you have observed in class and the teacher's responses

on the interview, answer the following questions:

1. Do you think that the classroom structure is consistent with the teacher's

objectives? Why? Why not?

Yes, based on my observation the aim or goals of the teacher were met at

the end of the discussion.

2. How does the classroom setup affect the students' performance and


3. If you were the teacher, what kind of classroom structure would you adopt

to maximize the students' learning?


Complete the following:

1. I realized that

2. I believe that

3. I feel that

4. When I become a teacher, I will

LESSON 4 Support for Learner Participation


Check ( ) the box that corresponds to what you have observed in class.

Yes No

1. The teacher tells the students of his or her expectations after 

every activity.

2. The teacher recognizes the effort made by the students who 


3. The classroom is arranged in a way that the students can see 

and communicate with each other.

4. The teacher moves around the room as he or she discusses 

the lesson.

5. The teacher makes use of various teaching strategies to elicit 

the students' participation.

6. The students are given the opportunity to discuss their 

thoughts, ideas, and opinions with the whole class or some

Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you

have observed in class.

1. How does the teacher encourage the students to participate actively in


The teacher encourages the students to participate actively in class by

picking them randomly and motivate

You can encourage the students to participate actively in class by using

the activities interesting and they can relate to their life. Organize it class

session it includes to accommodate everyone to your class discussion.

Use question to assess students learning to advanced their knowledge

and thinking. Classroom participation is a feature of many course designs.

It can result in insightful comments and interesting connections being

made by students, and can foster a high level of energy and enthusiasm in

the classroom learning environment. However, poorly managed

participation can also lead to instructor frustration and student

confusion. Below are strategies to consider using to make your classroom

participation more effective.

2. What do you think is the best classroom setup to encourage the students

to engage in the activity?

I think the best classroom setup to encourage the students to engage in

the activity
Connect learning to the real world situations because the students relate

their self if you give the example in real world. Encourage students to

present and share work regularly with their classmate because it helps

them to grow their knowledge and boost their self –esteem to present their

activities in school. It is very important to engage students with interest to

learn about your activity. You can do is to set your rules in set up you

classroom especially if you have an activity. You must participate any of

the activity that given you teacher because it helps you a lot in achieving

your goals.

3. What strategies should the teacher use to make the students participate in


The strategies my cooperating teacher used to make the students

participate in class is that she calls one student to have their partner then

they both answer and solve the problems on the board after that students

explain their answers.


Complete the following:

1. I realized that

2. I believe that

3. I feel that
4. When I become a teacher, I will


LESSON 5 Promotion of Purposive Learning


Determine if the environment supports purposive learning by checking ( )

the box that corresponds to what you have observed in class.

Yes No

1. The learning environment promotes respect by giving the 

students opportunities to listen to each other.

2. The students are provided with avenues to observe and 

practice a skill.

3. All experiences are considered learning experiences. 

4. The students are given opportunities to collaborate with each 


5. The teacher uses other strategies aside from lecture to help 

the students understand the lesson.


Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you

have observed in class.

1. Does the teacher support purposive learning? If yes, how? If no, how can
the teacher support purposive learning?
Yes, the teacher supports purposive learning through collaborative

learning to help students expand their capacity to learn and with that, they

are eager to learn more and build their confidence so that students can be

able to socialize with other students.

2. How else can purposive learning be promoted in the classroom?


Complete the following:

1. I realized that

2. I believe that

3. I feel that

4. When I become a teacher, I will

LESSON 6 Management of Learner Behavior


Preliminary Activity

Observe the teacher. Check the item that best describes the learning


Yes No Remarks

1. Does the teacher expect the  Yes, by how the lesson was
students to respond according
presented, the instructor
to how the lesson was taught?
expects the students to respond.

2. Does the teacher provide the  Yes, she provides an

students with opportunities to
opportunity to engage in
engage in activities of their
activities of the students in their

3. Does the teacher provide  Yes, she immediately provides

immediate feedback like praise
feedback to the students like
or grades?
praise of grades.

4. Is the classroom environment  Yes, the classroom is well

arranged so that the students
organized so that they can
can easily collaborate?
easily collaborate.

5. Is the classroom environment  Yes, most of the students can

arranged so that the students
freely explore their interests but
can freely explore their
some of the students are not.
6. Does the teacher provide the  Yes, she motivates and
students with opportunities to
encourages her students with
opportunities to succeed.

7. Does the teacher immediately  Yes, if the students make

correct the mistakes made by
mistakes the teacher will
the students?
immediately correct them.

8. Does the teacher guide the  Yes, the teacher has a good
students to discover their own
way and guide her students to
discover their own mistakes.

9. Does the teacher allow the  Yes, in solving problems if the

students to commit mistakes
students will get the wrong
until they are able to correct
answer, the teacher will make it
these errors on their own?

10. Is the student-teacher  Yes, they have a good

relationship cordial?
relationship between students

and teacher.

11. Can the students freely express  Yes, they have all the freedom
their thoughts and ideas in
to express what they feel.

12. Does the teacher listen to the  Yes, in every situation the
students' ideas?
teacher listens to her student's


Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. What kind of classroom management does the teacher practice? Why?

2. Do you think that the management style that the teacher is using in class

contributes to the students' learning? Why? Why not?

3. If you were the teacher, what management style would best maximize

students' learning?


Write your reflection by completing the following:

1. I realized that

2. I believe that

3. I feel that

4. When I become a teacher, I will be an

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