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The following is a list of minor characters from Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu, arranged in a categorical order.

The Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica

Torion Aruz

Torion Arus

Torion Aruz (トリオン・アルーズ, Torion Arūzu) is a viscount in the Western Margrave Domain, with him being the second in command, with Roswaal L. Mathers being the first in command. He has short, messy hair, along with a little bit of facial hair. Befitting his role as a viscount, Torion wears clothing that represents his status. He is a little bit chubby and is easily amazed.

Gryphus Allen

Grifas Aren

Gryphus Allen (グリファス・アレン, Gurifasu Aren), also known as the Dairy King (酪農王), is a representative of a city in the Western Margrave Domain. He is fat, with quite the potbelly and is approaching old age. He has earrings, a saggy face, and clothes that denote an important status.



Tokaku (トカク, Tokaku) is a half-blood demi-human resident of the Sanctuary. In the novel, he was described to have beast hair on his face, narrowly long canine teeth, and was in his thirties. In the anime, he appears as a clean-shaven man with brown hair, brown eyes, and beastman ears. He is the strongest among the villagers. During the incident at the Santuary, he was tasked with finding the ungrouped villagers by Emilia.


Misère (ミゼール, Mizēru) is a Viscount in charge of Lugunica’s northern territories bordering Gusteko. He helped Fourier and Ferris sabotage the former's marriage interview with Tiriena. However, he was in love with her himself and had known her for many years. It is implied that they later married.[1]


Badak (バダック, Badakku) is a military officer under the Karsten family. He was one of Meckart's retainers who Crusch inherited from her father after she took over as the Karsten family's head. He is also a member of the Crusch Camp.


Maloney (マロニー, Maronī) is a butler who follows the orders of the Karsten family and a current member of the Crusch Camp.

Helena Karsten

Helena Karsten (ヘレナ・カルステン) was Crusch's mother and Meckart's wife. According to Meckart, Crusch takes after Helena's appearance.[2]


Crumère (クルーメル, Kurūmeru) was a Lugunican noble and a commanding officer during the Demi-Human War who supposedly died from a stray arrow in battle. However, Leip Barielle was named as a potential suspect in his death.


Asta (アスタ, Asuta) was a member of the White Dragon's Scales. Currently, both his name and memories are eaten by Lye Batenkaitos (Web Novel character only).


Rookfelt (ルックフェルト, Rukkuferuto) was a member of the White Dragon's Scales. Currently, both his name and memories are eaten by Lye Batenkaitos (Web Novel character only).

Hicks Hartmann

Hicks Hartmann (ヒックス・ハルトマン, Hikkusu Harutoman) was a member of the White Dragon's Scales. Currently, both his name and memories are eaten by Lye Batenkaitos.

Bennett Mossa

Bennett Mossa (ベネット・モッサ, Benetto Mossa) was a member of the White Dragon's Scales. Currently, both his name and memories are eaten by Lye Batenkaitos.

Calshifs Finrell

Calshifs Finrell (カルシフス・フィンレル, Karushifusu Finreru) was a member of the White Dragon's Scales. Currently, both his name and memories are eaten by Lye Batenkaitos.

August Burren

August Burren (アウグスト・バレン, Augusuto Baren) was a member of the White Dragon's Scales. Currently, both his name and memories are eaten by Lye Batenkaitos.

Muslan Kallard

Muslan Kallard (ムスラン・カラード, Musuran Karādo) is an Observation Official in Priestella and the father of Lusbel Kallard.

Ina Kallard

Ina Kallard (イーナ・カラード, Īna Karādo) is a citizen of Priestella and the mother of Lusbel Kallard.


Chikya (チーキャ, Chīkya) was an elderly Oni midwife. She perished along with the majority of the Oni Clan when Witch Cultists massacred their village.


Limrear (リムリル, Rimuriru) is a bunny demi-human who once worked as a maid for Grace Miload.


Tilmi (ティルミ, Tirumi) is a citizen within the Astrea Domain.


Jonas (ヨナス, Yonasu) is a citizen within the Astrea Domain.


Lowell (ロウエル, Roueru) is a citizen within the Astrea Domain.


Cochran (コクラン, Kokuran) is a citizen within the Astrea Domain.

Ahrim Lavril

Ahrim Lavril (アーヒム・ラブリル, Āhimu Raburiru) is the son of Colin Lavril.


Henehehe (ヘネヘヘ, Henehehe) is a citizen of the Royal Capital mentioned in the web novel version of Arc 3. They are an acquaintance of Kadomon Risch who is connected with underground smuggling.


Rascal (ラスカル, Rasukaru) is an earth dragon residing at Roswaal's mansion. It was mentioned to be one of the few earth dragons whom Subaru can use for dragon carriage without others' help.


Peter (ペーター, Pētā) is an earth dragon residing at Roswaal's mansion. It was mentioned to be one of the few earth dragons whom Subaru can use for dragon carriage without others' help.


Caerulein (セルレイン, Serurein), commonly known as Sir Caerulein (セルレイン卿, Serurein-kyō), is the current lord of Pappelt. During the events of The Three Idiots Set Out! Earth Spider Episode, he was sent away from Pappelt for his safety.

Array Denkuts

Array Denkuts (アレイ・デンクツ, Arei Denkutsu) is a former resident of Coffleton and the only male survivor of the zombie infection during Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. After escaping Coffleton with the help of the village's women, Array visited Priscilla Barielle and pleaded for her to lay the infected villagers to rest.

Charon Denkuts

Charon Denkuts (カロン・デンクツ, Karon Denkutsu) was a resident of Coffleton. He was among the men who became zombies when the village's drinking water was contaminated by an infectious parasite.

Monet Denkuts

Monet Denkuts (モネ・デンクツ, Mone Denkutsu) is a resident of Coffleton.

Riddle Denkuts

Riddle Denkuts (リドル・デンクツ, Ridoru Denkutsu) was a resident of Coffleton. He was among the men who became zombies when the village's drinking water was contaminated by an infectious parasite.

Maria Juukulius

Maria Juukulius (マリア・ユークリウス, Maria Yūkuriusu) is the wife of Alviero Juukulius and mother of Joshua Juukulius.

Adnell Impusen

Adnell Impusen (アドネル・インプセン, Adoneru Inpusen) is a Viscount of the Kingdom of Lugunica and the head of the Impusen family.

Azla Eastern

Azla Eastern (アズラ・イースタン, Azura Īsutan) a tall young man with rust-colored hair that lives in the Royal Capital. He seems to work at a trading company with a focus on cargo transportation, and enjoys painting.

Hogey Marshepo

Hogey Marshepo (ホギー・マルシュポ, Hogī Marushupo) is a painter and the father of Azla Eastern.

Amilét Megis

Amilét Megis (アミレイ・メギス, Amirei Megisu) is a antique dealer. She deals in things like stolen goods.

Morgan Frantz

Morgan Frantz (モーガン・フランツ, Mōgan Furantsu) is the editor-in-chief of the Dragon Times. He is the boss of Shorty Meigan and Lululala.


Gomuz (ゴムズ, Gomuzu) is a manservant under the service of the Regundra family in Picoutatte.


Ilzea (イルゼア, Iruzea) is a researcher at the Magic Research Institute. He works under Russell Fellow to some extent, as Roswaal expressed awareness that Ilzea could contact him quickly.

Bikram Edditz

Bikram Edditz (ビクラム・エディッツ, Bikuramu Edittsu), also known as the Silver Knight (銀騎士, Ginkishi), is a former member of the Royal Guard. Known for his exploits in commanding a subjugation of the Dawn Brigade and for holding the record in a hunting festival organized by Zabinel Lugunica, he is the longest-serving knight to hold the title of Silver Knight and the head of the Bikram family, known for producing knights for generations. He worked alongside Julius Juukulius and Helaine Gatness to take down Reiner Wahrheit's drug operation. After the culprits behind distributing the Hexcel drug were caught, he was forced to resign from the knights due to his son betraying them by leaking information to Reiner's group.

Reiner Wahrheit

Reiner Wahrheit (ライナー・ヴァールハイト, Rainā Vāruhaito) is the former leader of an unnamed organization. He is a sharp-looking man in his thirties with an eyepatch over his left eye. A former mercenary, he was favored by Count Easley Oruon and managed to join the knights thanks to his sword skills. His behavior was said to have not been cut out for the knights, however, resulting in an incident where he supposedly killed one of Easley's servants, causing him to be stripped of his knighthood and avoiding severe punishment thanks to the count's assistance. In truth, the real culprit was Wyatt Edditz, and Reiner took the fall for him. He was court-martialed, but beat by Marcos before facing justice. Both Reiner and Easley went on to spearhead an organization operating in several activities, including the management of gambling dens, illegal moneylending, and the distribution of the Hexcel drug, the last of which drove in the most profits for the duo. He also expressed familiarity with The Balance and its customs. In the end, Julius battled with Reiner and contributed to capturing him alive.


Blau (ブラウ, Burau) was a member of Reiner Wahrheit's organization. He was incriminated by Julius, then a new knight who infiltrated the organization, for exposing Reiner's identity as a former knight when the former accidentally let his knowledge slip, and he and Blau briefly fought. Their battle ended with Julius faking Blau's death and keeping him away from Reiner and his people. Sometime later, Helaine Gatness drugged Blau, administering enough Hexcel to cause him to go on a rampage and serve as a diversion while Julius and Bikram rescued Belmont at where he was being held captive. Contrary to their expectations, Reiner returned earlier than expected and sliced Blau in two, killing him.

Easley Oruon

Easley Oruon (イーズリー・オルオン, Īzurī Oruon) is a count of the Kingdom of Lugunica. He was the nobleman who favored Reiner Wahrheit, allowing the man to be promoted to the knights. When Wyatt Edditz killed one of his servants that had interjected in the plans of an escort while he was being escorted, Reinher took the fall for it and Easley mediated the punishment to ensure he would avoid severe consequence and only be stripped of his knighthood. Both Easley and Reiner went on to spearhead an organization operating in several activities, including the management of gambling dens, illegal moneylending, and the distribution of the Hexcel drug, the last of which drove in the most profits for the duo. In the end, Reinhard, while crossdressing and acting as "Adelheid", intercepted Easley's attempt to escape from the Royal Capital and apprehended him.

Wyatt Edditz

Wyatt Edditz (ワイアット・エディッツ, Waiatto Edittsu) is a former member of the knights and the son of the Silver Knight, Bikram Edditz. He was the true culprit of the incident resulting in the death of one of Count Easley Oruon's servants, a crime which Reiner Wahrheit took blame for. After Easley and Reiner masterminded a criminal organization most notable for distributing drugs, Wyatt acted as the informant who leaked information from the knights to their organization. In the end, he was caught, and his misdeeds forced his father to retire from the knights.

Julius's Unnamed Master

When Julius was younger, he had a master who trained him with the sword. He was skilled at developing the skills of other people rather than increasing his own, and he enjoyed to talk about the history of sword techniques.

Emilia's Unnamed Father

Over a century ago, an elven man married a human woman and together, they had a daughter who they named Emilia. Next to nothing is known about him apart from the fact that Fortuna is his sister. His appearance is unknown though it is said Emilia's appearance was largely inherited from him. It has been strongly implied from Fortuna's words that Pandora was responsible for the deaths of Emilia's parents.[3]

Green Room Spirit

Around 400 years ago, an unnamed spirit was placed into the Pleiades Watchtower's Green Room. This spirit treated any wounded individuals who visited the Green Room, though the amount of people who could be in the room at once was limited. It is thought to have resided at the Pleiades Watchtower for as long as Shaula was there, if not longer.[4]

The Sacred Vollachia Empire

The Gladiator King

The Gladiator King (剣奴王, Kendo Ō) is an individual who visited the Gladiator Island Ginunhive at one point in time. He became known as a hero there, and a statue of him was built and displayed in the island's Colosseum.


Rommel (ロンメル, Ronmeru) was Priscilla's 32-year-old half-brother. He was not chosen by the Yang Sword when he tried to grab it out of midair after the emperor materialized it, and he was subsequently burnt alive by it.


Auran (オーラン, Ōran) was Al's assigned guard at Gladiator Island Ginunhive. Unlike most other guards, he was a friendly man who was often kind and friendly to most of the gladiators who resided there. However, he had a bad memory. He was later murdered by Ubilk when a rebellion broke out on the island.


Gaius (ガイウス, Gaiusu) was the flying dragon of Miles. It was killed by Reinhard van Astrea in Ex Volume 1, though it was not named until Ex Volume 5.


Botecliffe (ボテクリフ, Botekurifu) is the falo of Flop O'Connell and Medium O'Connell. She helped the O'Connell siblings, Natsuki Subaru, Rem, and Rui Arneb escape the Fortress City of Guaral when members of the Imperial Army came to attack them.


Feyron (フェイロン, Feiron), nicknamed the White Cloud (白雲, Shirakumo) was the flying dragon of Gaoran Peitiet. Due to its snow-white scales and eyes, Feyron was considered to be one of the most beautiful flying dragons in the Empire and was often put on display for all others to marvel at its beauty. However, Feyron was killed during the siege of the Crystal Palace, a few short months following Vincent's coronation and the subjugation of the Gladiator Island Ginunhive's rebellion.


Leidy (レイディ, Reidi) is the galewind horse of Zikr Osman. She has brownish hair.

Picard Aurélie

Picard Aurélie (ピカート・オーレリ, Pikāto Ōreri) was the older brother of Jamal and Katya. He was described as a young man with extraordinary abilities and a bright future ahead of him. Although the two were related, Picard did not care for Katya, unlike Jamal. He met his untimely death in a rockfall incident while riding in a dragon carriage alongside his two siblings.


Orson (オーソン, Ōson) is a friend of Hiain Yatz who was captured and sent to the Gladiator Island Ginunhive. He later became a member of the Pleiades Battalion.


Hitz (ヒッツ, Hittsu) is a friend of Hiain Yatz who was captured and sent to the Gladiator Island Ginunhive. He later became a member of the Pleiades Battalion.


Nadrey (ナドレイ, Nadorei) is a friend of Hiain Yatz who was captured and sent to the Gladiator Island Ginunhive. He later became a member of the Pleiades Battalion.


Quonson (クオンソン, Kuonson) is a friend of Hiain Yatz who was captured and sent to the Gladiator Island Ginunhive. He later became a member of the Pleiades Battalion.


Codley (コドリ, Kodori) is a friend of Hiain Yatz who was captured and sent to the Gladiator Island Ginunhive. He later became a member of the Pleiades Battalion.


Rex (レックス, Rekkusu) is a former gladiator at the Gladiator Island Ginunhive. He later became a member of the Pleiades Battalion.


Milzac (ミルザック, Miruzakku) is a former gladiator at the Gladiator Island Ginunhive. He later became a member of the Pleiades Battalion.


Cashew (カシュー, Kashū) is a former gladiator at the Gladiator Island Ginunhive. He later became a member of the Pleiades Battalion.


Moizo (モイゾ, Moizo) is a former gladiator at the Gladiator Island Ginunhive. He later became a member of the Pleiades Battalion.


Deeroy (ディロイ, Diroy) is a former gladiator at the Gladiator Island Ginunhive. He later became a member of the Pleiades Battalion.


Creegkin (クリグキン, Kurigukin) is a former gladiator at the Gladiator Island Ginunhive. He later became a member of the Pleiades Battalion.


Codroe (コドロー, Kodorō) is a former gladiator at the Gladiator Island Ginunhive. He later became a member of the Pleiades Battalion.


Phenmelle (フェンメル, Fenmeru) is a former gladiator at the Gladiator Island Ginunhive. He later became a member of the Pleiades Battalion.

Jacques-Rosé Blau

Jacques-Rosé Blau (ジャッカローゼ・ブラウ, Jakkarōze Burau) is a bat human who calls himself the Lord of Blood (血主, Chi-nushi). He sought to have a "blood bride". However, two of his younger half-brothers mistakenly kidnapped Otto, and Jacques-Rose attempted to pursue him after he feigned being a woman. He would eventually come to drink Frederica's rare blood and grow in power, but he was defeated by Garfiel.


Jagi (ジャギ, Jagi) is one of Jacques-Rosé's two younger half-brothers. Tasked by Jacques-Rosé to kidnap women in the town of Mozotto, Jagi reluctantly agreed alongside his brother, Moses. Both Jagi and Moses later partnered with Emilia so she could meet with their older half-brother.


Moses (モーゼ, Mōze) is one of Jacques-Rosé's two younger half-brothers. Tasked by Jacques-Rosé to kidnap women in the town of Mozotto, Moses reluctantly agreed alongside his brother, Jagi. Both Moses and Jagi later partnered with Emilia so she could meet with their older half-brother.

Murkia Vollachia

Murkia Vollachia (ムルキア・ヴォラキア, Murukia Vorakia) was the thirty-first emperor of the Sacred Vollachia Empire. He attempted to use Yang Magic as a method to enhance the power of his army; however, his plans were unsuccessful, and it had a disastrous result on his army's effectiveness. After the resolution of an unknown conflict and the defeat of an enemy general, he was engraved into Vollachia's history as the Emperor of the Great Defeat (大敗帝, Taihai Tei).

Atlem Nevi

Atlem Nevi (アトレム・ネヴィ, Atoremu Nevi) was a citizen of the Vollachia Empire who was revived as an undead during the Great Disaster.

Diphone Trevola

Diphone Trevola (ディフォン・トレヴォラ, Difon Torevuora) was a citizen of the Vollachia Empire who was revived as an undead during the Great Disaster.

Gaion Talfou

Gaion Talfou (ガイオン・タルフォ, Gaion Tarufo) was a citizen of the Vollachia Empire who was revived as an undead during the Great Disaster.

Lescar Brain

Lescar Brain (レスカー・ブレイン, Resukā Burein) was a citizen of the Vollachia Empire who was revived as an undead during the Great Disaster.

Niolf Tradd

Niolf Tradd (ニオルフ・トラッド, Niorufu Toraddo) was a citizen of the Vollachia Empire who was revived as an undead during the Great Disaster.

Yaren Swoker

Yaren Swoker (ヤレン・スウォーカー, Yaren Suuōkā) was a citizen of the Vollachia Empire who was revived as an undead during the Great Disaster.

Vellum Joytoh

Vellum Joytoh (ベラム・ジョイト, Beramu Joito) was a citizen of the Vollachia Empire who was revived as an undead during the Great Disaster.


Ludgar (ルドガー, Rudogā) is an aide who assisted Vincent Abellux and Chisha Gold prior to the Imperial Selection Ceremony.


Madelyn (マデリン, Maderin) was a woman who cared for Balleroy Temeglyph when he was younger and gave him his name. The two of them parted ways when he was still a child. Before receiving her surname from Berstetz, Madelyn Eschart was given her first name by Balleroy, who named her after the person that treated him kindly in the past.

Radkain Vollachia

Radkain Vollachia (ラドカイン・ヴォラキア, Radokain Vorakia) was the sixtieth emperor of the Sacred Vollachia Empire and Eugard Vollachia's father. He spawned over 200 children, engraving his name in history as the Sowing Emperor (種蒔き帝, Tanemaki Tei), though near the time of his death and the commencement of the Imperial Selection Ceremony of 300 years ago, around half of his children were under the age of ten.


Tigre (ティグレ, Tigure) was a woman who lived in Iris's village.


Jimuna (ジムナ, Jimuna) was an individual who lived in Iris's village.

Gildeo Musik

Gildeo Musik (ギルデオ・ムジーク, Girudeo Mujīku) was Eugard Vollachia's half-brother and the final sibling he killed before the end of the Imperial Selection Ceremony of 300 years ago. Gildeo was regarded as the most powerful force in the ceremony.


Rondando (ロンダンド, Rondando), also known as the Monster Arm (怪腕, Kaiwan) was a citizen of the Vollachia Empire who was revived as an undead during the Great Disaster.

Galahau Dracroy

Galahau Dracroy (ガラハウ・ドラクロイ, Garahau Dorakuroi) was the father of Serena Dracroy. After losing his position as head of the Dracroy family to his daughter, he sent four assassins to slay her. When three of the assassins were slain and the fourth was convinced by Serena to turn against them for his survival, foiling Galahau's attempts to force his daughter out of her position, she returned to the Empire and had him killed.

Ouluuzo Tarask

Ouluuzo Tarask (オウルーゾ・タラスク, Ourūzo Tarasuku), also known as the Silver Tail (銀の尾, Gin no O), was a weaponkin assassin who was sent to assassinate Serena Dracroy.


Jimrack (ジムラック, Jimurakku) was an assassin of the Insect Cage Clan who was sent to assassinate Serena Dracroy.


Eclain (エルケイン, Erukein) was a steelfolk assassin who was sent to assassinate Serena Dracroy.

The Holy Kingdom of Gusteko

Holy King

The Holy King (聖王, Sei Ō) is the current monarch of Gusteko. It is known that they are the one who purportedly grants Blessings such as the Blessing of People Repulsion to Temple Knights.

Gaddogi Guadozeaddo

Gaddogi Guadozeaddo (ガッドギー・グアッドゼアッド, Gaddogī Guaddozeaddo) is a great spirit not included among the Four Great Spirits. According to the author, it is powerful, and it is sealed at the far end of Gusteko due to its poor behavior.[5]

The Kararagi City-States


Rajan (ラジアン, Rajian) is a member of the Iron Fang and was tasked with spying over the Witch Cult in Arc 3. He is a fox-human and it was mentioned he speaks in Kansai dialect, similar to Anastasia and Ricardo.

Orgo Hayata

Orgo Hayata (オルゴ・ハヤタ, Orugo Hayata) is the mayor of the Third City Ivada and a member of the League of Cities. He, like the other mayors, is described as a competent individual.


Melakuera (human)


Melakuera (メラクェラ, Merakuera) was a human that once lived in the distant past who journeyed across the world with his family and prayed to the sparks of fire and the "friend" that followed them. Upon dying, his "friend", a lesser spirit, took the name Melakuera for itself, and eventually became the Arbitrator, Melakuera, a great spirit known for exacting his judgement unto others.


Ikeda (池田) is a friend of Natsuki Kenichi. He moved to Thailand somewhere in the past and used to send letters on Christmas, Father's and Mother's Day.


Milian (ミリアン, Mirian) is a character who was mentioned during the fight against Lye Batenkaitos at Priestella. When confronting Dynas, Lye stated that it wasn't his fault he couldn't save Milian or Meili.[6]

The Sword God

The Sword God (剣神, Kenshin) is an entity whose origins are unknown, but is linked to the Divine Protection of the Sword Saint. Although there is some knowledge about this entity among general martial artists, its existence can only be perceived by the current Sword Saint. It is shown to have an arrogant and possessive personality. It's said that the Dragon Sword Reid was blessed by the Sword God itself.[7] 

Palma Eule

Palma Eule (パルマ・エウレ, Paruma Eure) is a character mentioned in Arc 6 when Subaru was looking through the Books of The Dead at the Taygeta Library.


Coyote (コヨーテ, Koyōte) is a character mentioned in Arc 6 when Subaru was looking through the Books of The Dead at the Taygeta Library.

Noah Libertas

Noah Libertas (ノア・リベルタス, Noa Riberutasu) is a character mentioned in Arc 6 when Subaru was looking through the Books of The Dead at the Taygeta Library.

Aegon Voller

Aegon Voller (エイゴン・ヴォラー, Eigon Vorā) is a character mentioned in Arc 6 when Subaru was looking through the Books of The Dead at the Taygeta Library. Aegon is exclusive to Volume 22, as in the corresponding Web Novel scene, Libre Fermi's Book of the Dead was pulled out instead of theirs.


Trisha (トリーシャ, Torīsha) is a character mentioned in Arc 6 by Reid Astrea. According to the first Sword Saint, she was a very strong and capable woman who had a few tricks up her sleeve; some of which were used even by Reid.

Hauroy Rallior

Hauroy Rallior (ハウロイ・ラリオル, Hauroi Rarioru) was a swordsman who was the neighbor of Reid Astrea. Reid introduced himself using this pseudonym when facing Lye Batenkaitos.


Remina (レミナ, Remina) was the wife and childhood friend of Toska. Born in Carnattse as the village head's daughter, she was chosen as a sacrifice for the Blight Dragons until she was saved by Echidna.


Amangam (アマンガム, Amangamu) was the head of the Silver Dragons who controlled the eastern lands. It was killed by Toska's elder brother.


Fargall (ファルガル, Farugaru) is a Silver Dragon who sought to avenge the death of its leader, Amangam, by killing Toska and his kin. It was defeated by Echidna.


Myonmyon (ミョンミョン, Myonmyon) was a mage who, according to Echidna, existed before her birth. The Witch of Greed claimed that at a time when magic was not properly organized, there was a magic user called Myonmyon who made a name for herself, and those who received her teachings hummed her name while recalling the words their mentor used as magic. It is unknown if Echidna was joking about Myonmyon's existence or if she was a historical mage from the distant past.


  1. “I heard how things went. Word is, the young lady Your Highness met will become Viscount Misère’s wife.” Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 2, Section 5.
  2. “Hm? Oh, yes, sorry, sorry. Well, it is just that I was thinking that you were starting to look more and more like Helena… Oh no, that is something unrelated.” Stories of the Great Crusch-sama Extra, Days Without her Follower, Section 1.
  3. "I'll make it up to Brother by turning you into a pincushion!" Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 14: Chapter 3. Section 1.
  4. The spirit had been in the tower for as long as Shaula, if not longer. Arc 6, Chapter 90, Section 6.
  5. Author's Comment
  6. "We know about your hard work, Dynas. It wasn't your fault you couldn't protect Milian and Meili." Arc 5: Chapter 68. Section 1.
  7. "It is said to be a sacred blade, bearing a blessing bestowed by the Sword God itself." Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 4: Record of the Days Before the Royal Selection - The Silver Flower Dance of the Sword Saint and the Lightning. Section 1.