- “Have fun, kids! I'll just be here listening to my tunes!”
- ―Sheri Squibbles[src]
Ms. Sheri Squibbles is Scott "Squishy" Squibbles' mother that appears in the 2013 Disney•Pixar animated film Monsters University. She is a large, middle-aged female monster who is pink and has five eyes like her son, but wears a flowery blue shirt and blonde hair that is held together with hair curlers. It is also revealed that she has a fondness for death metal, and likes to refer to it as her "tunes".
At the end of the movie, Don Carlton announces he and Sheri are engaged, which Squishy deems as "weird" due to his friend marrying his mother.
Official Description[]
- Ms. Squibbles is a doting, single parent who encourages, accommodates, and more so, coddles her only son, Scott "Squishy" Squibbles. Squishy is 19 years old and still lives at home, but who can blame him? Ms. Squibbles is Monstropolis' best mom—she cooks for him, does his laundry—she even acts as house mom when he has his "little friends" over to play fraternity.[1]
Sheri is the typical mother who dotes and embarrasses her son in front of his friends. However, Sheri is very supportive of her son as she allowed him to use her house for his fraternity residence. She is also supportive to her sons' friends, supporting them during the Scare Games and making sure they were doing well with their assignments.
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