Otis is a recurring character in the Disney/Pixar animated series, Monsters at Work. He is the receptionist of Monsters, Inc. who took over Celia's role, promoting the latter to become a supervisor of Monsters, Incorporated.
Otis serves as the new receptionist of Monsters, Inc, replacing Celia in promoting her as a supervisor ever since Waternoose's arrest. He is shown to provide a kind personality to those whom he approaches him in Monsters, Inc., albeit often seen on talking on the telephone before someone approaches him.
Physical Appearance[]
Otis is an orange peanut-shaped monster with three blue long arms which he uses for hands and three long legs which he uses for feet. He is often seen wearing a pair of eyeglasses as well having a cyan blue hair on the top of his head.
Role in the series[]
In "Meet Mift", Otis plays the piano during the episode's "Mike's Comedy Class" segment while Mike teaches his class of jokesters by warning them that there are dangers that they need to avoid, which he explains through song, only for Roze to come in with a joke of her own.
In "Adorable Returns", the Yeti approaches Otis who is busy talking on the phone which the latter replies to know how he returned even though he was banished while Bernard Tuskmon approaches Otis explaining to him that he needs to drop off his son Tylor's lucnh which he forgot at home which the Yeti asks Bernard to know if he has ever been banished only for Tylor to interrupt the conversation between his father and the Yeti and just as Tylor attempts to leave, only for Bernard to notice Tylor catching up with the Yeti.
In "Little Monsters", Thalia Flint approaches Otis while talking to him about his mother, which Otis replies to her that she has more eye where those came from and as Ms. Flint asks Otis to know where she is from, he replies to Thalia that she is from the Monsters, Inc. Fun Team.
- Otis has a striking resemblance to Mr. Peanut from the Planters company.