Carrie Williams is a character in the 2013 Disney/Pixar animated film Monsters University. She is the fearless leader of the Python Nu Kappa sorority, who goes against the Roar Omega Roar fraternity in the Scare Games. She is exactly the same as her sorority sisters physically, and differs only in her coloration. She is the reddest of the PNKs, and the only one who has bright red hair combined with pink skin.
Official Description[]
- Fearless leader of the Python Nu Kappa sorority, Carrie Williams commands the respect and attention of the house with a simple flash of her burning red eyes. The youngest of eight siblings and the only girl, Carrie relishes being in a sorority and the relationships with her PNK sisters.[1]
- During the final credits, scaring cards of graduating or promoting students are shown and Carrie was one of them. Although, it shows that it was actually Britney Davis' picture on the card instead of Carrie's.
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