"One by One" is Track 7 featured on the CD, Rhythm of the Pridelands. It was written by Lebo M and Jay Rifkin, performed by Lebo M and his South African chorus. The song does appear as the entr'acte for the Lion King musical.
The song speaks, in native Zulu, how the return of the true king will return to the Pride Lands. Till then, they must keep hope, fight, and not forget that they will win. Most of all, they must be proud of who they are, and their beautiful homeland in Africa. In recent performances in further years from the early 2000s, the aforementioned entr'acte was shortened, making a female soloist to participate in singing along with the choir as the lyrics are altered throughout the song in recent performances. This version is the one currently used in recent performances of The Lion King around the world where a female soloist participates towards the end of the song as this version was also included in international Cast Recordings.
The song is also the theme song for the short film of the same name which is constantly heard throughout the short originally produced for an unfinished third Fantasia film.
Ibabeni njalo bakithi ninga dinwa (Hold on tight, my people; don't get weary)
Ningapheleliwa nga mandla (Don't lose your strength)
Siyababona bebefun' ukusiqeda (We can see - they wanted to hold us back)
One by one
Ngeke balunge (They will not succeed)
One by one
Sizo nqoba (We will win)
One by one
Ngeke ba lunge (They will not succeed)
One by one
(Repeat verse above)
Sizo nqoba (We will win)
Ngoba thina, siyazaz (Because we know who we are)
Ngoba thina, siyazaz (Because we know who we are)
(Repeat verse above)
Zobona bayabaleka (Come and see)
Zobona, zobon (The cowards are running away)
Zobona, zobon
Zobon, amagwala
Ibala lami elimnyama (The color of my skin that is dark)
Ndiya zidla ngalo (I'm proud of it)
Ibala lami elimnyama (The color of my skin that is dark)
Ndiya zidla ngalo (I'm proud of it)
Ibala lami elimnyama (The color of my skin that is dark)
Ndiya zidla ngalo! (I'm proud of it)
Kumnandi... (Oh yes...)
Kumandi bakithi bo!
Kumandi kwelakakith Eafrica! (It's beautiful in Africa!)
Ibabeni njalo bakithi ninga dinwa (Hold on tight, my people; don't get weary)
Ningapheleliwa nga mandla (Don't lose your strength)
Siyababona bebefun' ukusiqeda / negeke balunge (We can see - they want to hold us back)
One by one
Sizo nqoba (We will win)
One by one
Sizo nqoba
One by one
Sizo nqoba
(Repeat verse above)
Sizo nqoba (We will win)
Ngoba thina, siyazaz (Because we know who we are)
Ngoba thina, siyazaz (Because we know who we are)
Ngoba thina, siyazaz
Zobona bayabaleka (Come and see)
Zobona, zobon (The cowards are running away)
Zobona, zobon
Zobona, zobon
Zobona bayabaleka
Zobona, zobon
Zobona, zobon
Zobon, amagwala
Umhlaba Wabantu (Land of the people)
Gazilabantu (Yes, all the people)
Ndiya zidla ngalo (We are proud of it)
Soloist: Umhlaba Wabantu (Land of the people)
Stembe nkosini (Our protector)
Sqonde phambili wema (Praises all of us)
Uhmhlaba Wabantu
Nokhokho bethu (Land of our ancestors)
Yelele, yelele, yelele a yelele mama (Praise chant)
(Verse in occasional performances)
Stembe nkosini
(Heard in background when soloist sings)
Umhlaba Wabantu
Ndiya zidla ngalo
Umhlaba Wabantu (Land of our people)
Nokhokho bethu (Land of our ancestors)
Ndiya zidla ngalo (We are proud of it)
(Continued verse)
Umhlaba Wabantu
Nokhokho bethu
Ndiya zidla ngalo
(Occasional performances)
Noba kanjani silolibona ilanga... (No matter what, we will see the sun)
Kumandi... (Oh yes...)
Kumandi bakithi bo!
Kumandi kwelakakith Eafrica! (It's beautiful in Africa!)
Ibabeni njalo bakithi ninga dinwa (Hold on tight, my people; don't get weary)
Ningapheleliwa nga mandla (Don't lose your strength)
Siyababona bebefun' ukusiqeda (We can see - they wanted to hold us back)
One by one
Ngeke balunge (They will not succeed)
One by one
Sizo nqoba (We will win)
One by one
Ngeke ba lunge (They will not succeed)
One by one
(Repeat verse above)
Sizo nqoba (We will win)
Ngoba thina, siyazaz (Because we know who we are)
Ngoba thina, siyazaz (Because we know who we are)
(Repeat verse above)
Ibala lami elimnyama (The color of my skin that is dark)
Ndiya zidla ngalo (I'm proud of it)
Ibala lami elimnyama (The color of my skin that is dark)
Ndiza kufa ngalo (I will be gone with it)
(Repeat verse above)
Kumnandi... (Oh yes...)
Kumandi bakithi bo!
Kumandi kwelakakith Eafrica! (It's beautiful in Africa!)
Silolibona thina
Sizo nqoba
Ethembeni thina
Sizo nqoba
Stembe nkosini thina
Silolibona (Silolibona)
Silolibona (Silolibona thina)
Silolibona (Sizo nqoba)
Silolibona (Ethembeni thina)
Silolibona (Silolibona thina)
Silolibona (Sizo nqoba)
Ibabeni njalo bakithi ninga dinwa (Hold on tight, my people; don't get weary)
Ningapheleliwa nga mandla (Don't lose your strength)
Siyababona ngoba kanjani (We can see - they taught us how)
One by one
Sizo nqoba (We will win)
One by one
Sizo nqoba
One by one
Sizo nqoba
(Repeat verse above)
Sizo nqoba
Silolibona m'yethu bamba
(Repeat verse above)
Kahle, siyazaz (2x)
Noba kanjani silolibona ilanga (No matter what, we will see the sun)
Noba kanjani silolibona ilanga
Noba kanjan...
(Repeat verse above)
Silolibona (Silolibon)
Noba kanjani silolibona ilanga
Noba kanjani silolibona ilanga
Noba kanjan...
Noba kanjani silolibona ilanga
Noba kanjani silolibona ilanga
Zobona bayabaleka (Come and see)
Zobona, zobon (The cowards are running away)
Zobona, zobon
Zobon, amagwala
Umhlaba Wabantu (Land of the people)
Gazilabantu (Yes, all the people)
Ndiya zidla ngalo (We are proud of it)
Umhlaba Wabantu
Ndiya zidla ngalo
Umhlaba Wabantu (Land of our people)
Nokhokho bethu (Land of our ancestors)
Ndiya zidla ngalo (We are proud of it)
Soloist: Umhlaba Wabantu (Land of the people)
Stembe nkosini (Our protector)
Sqonde phambili wema (Praises all of us)
Umhlaba Wabantu
Nokhoko bethu
Umhlaba Wabantu
Nokhoko bethu
Stembe nkosini
Male Chorus: Umhlaba Wabantu
Umhlaba Wabantu
Gazilabantu (Gazilabantu)
Ndiya zidla (Stembe nkosini)
Umhlaba Wabantu (Stembe nkosini)
Gazilabantu (Stembe nkosini)
Ndiya zidla ngalo
Umhlaba Wabantu (Stembe nkosini)
Nokhoko bethu (Stembe nkosini)
Ndiya zidla ngalo
Noba kanjani silolibona ilanga...
Kumnandi (Oh yes)
Kumnandi bakithi bo
Kumnandi kwelakakith Eafrica (It's beautiful in Africa)
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