Interview Report English Learning Management

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By :

Aliffya Rizka Anandya 151811813005

R. Lucky Febri Dewantari 151811813006



Interview Report..............................................................................................................................5
The Instituion Profile.......................................................................................................................6
Interview Transcript.........................................................................................................................7

Wait blm fix Toc nya

A. Background
AI Learning Center is an Islamic kindergarten and homeschooling located in Depok, West
Java, that accommodates student learning requirements by implementing the Islamic value
through several languages; Indonesia, English, and Arabic languages.
This institution was founded by Dian Kasriyani along with her husband due to their concern
about the muslims condition these days. Many of them thought that everything which come
from western is a … thing.. in fact, we still have to filter the…
From AI Learning Center, the founder hoping that they can bisa mendidik murid2nya agar
bijak ketika bertindak dengan menggunakan English, namun juga

B. Date, Time, and Place of Interview

The interview was arranged at:
Date : June 17, 2020
Time : 11.00 A.M.
Place : - (was conducted online through WhatsApp call)

C. Interview Method
For this report, we use a virtual interview by Whatsapp call as the interview method.

Interview Report

A. The Interviewee Profile

Name : Dian Kasriyani, S.Kom 
Place, and Date of Birth : Jakarta, 28 Mei 1982
Sex : Female
Address : Perumahan Depok Maharaja – Cluster Nirwana Blok N3-1, Rangkapan Jaya, Kec.
Pancoran Mas, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat
Position : The Head of Institution

The Instituion Profile

Name of the Institution : AI Learning Center

Phone : 0813-1828-8875
Website : https://ai-learning-center-islamic-kindergarten-and-education-
Location : Ruko Arafah RB 02, Perumahan Villa Rizki Ilhami 2, Jalan Raya
Muchtar Raya, Sawangan – Depok.
Educator / Teacher : Sarah Tri Poetri, S.pd (Arabic teacher)
: Celine Dagra Ranti and Karina Isnaini (English teachers)
: Ahlam Al-Zebani and Zahra Kharissyah Mahfuz ( Tahseen
: Endang Retno Puspito and Nurmahyani (Calistung teachers)

Interview Transcript

1. Q : What the reason that make you to establish this institution?

A : First of all, the main reason we establish the AI Learning Center because of
Allah swt. Then, we want to make AI Learning Center as a place to do da’wah
for fellow Muslims especially children since doing da’wah is one of the duties
as a muslim. By founding the AI Learning Center, we want to help and educate
the children so that they will not easy to be fooled since many people believe
that everything come from western is a great thing should be followed.
Therefore, as muslim, we should be able to distinguish and sorting out which
one has positive impact and not.
2. Q : How many students that AI Learning Center have?
A : We have 27 students in total.

3. Q :How many classes that AI Learning Center have?

A : Since our institution still new, we have 3 classes only.

4. Q : How many hours the students study per a day at AI Learning Center?
A : It can be divided into 2 parts. From Monday to Thursday, the class started
from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m, but for Friday, it starts from 8 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.

5. Q : Do you have your own curriculum or system?

A : In this institution, we apply 2 different systems. The first one is Kartilas or
Kurikulum Tiga Belas which following the Education Office. For the second one is
our learning system called “Social alert.” The meaning of “Social alert” is we want
to build some awareness for our students as early as possible so that they won’t get
influenced by the negative social environment because these days a lot of kids are
being impolite and it’s such a pity.

6. Q : Does AI Learning Center its own textbook?

A : We don’t have our textbook yet. We use the textbook in which the materials
adapted from the Kurtilas curriculum.

7. Q : Did you arrange the teaching planning by yourself?

A : Yes, we do arrange the teaching planning by ourselves. Since this learning
center is a Kindergarten, we try to make the teaching process is fun and interactive
as possible.

8. Q : Did you have any difficulties when arranging the teaching planning?
A : Talking about difficulties, yes, sometimes we face some difficulties when
arranging the teaching planning. One of them is the adapted material from
Kurtilas curriculum doesn’t match with our visions and missions.

9. Q : How is the evaluation system in AI Learning Center?

A : In AI Learning Center, there two kinds of evaluation. The first one is for
the academic system while the second one is for the reciting Qur’an activity. We do
the academic evaluation every six months and three months for the reciting Qur’an
activity. We evaluate it to make sure whether the students have any progress during
the teaching activity or not.

10. Q :How do you motivate and make the students to be enthusiast when/while
learning English?
A : To make the students enthusiast in learning English and other subjects, we
do some outdoor activity as well. For example, we do a picnic or have some
activities in the swimming pool at the weekend.

Based on the interview with Dian Kasriyani, S.Kom, we can conclude that AI
Learning center actually has different teaching method with general course, they
arrange teaching planning by themselves that has goal to try their students feel fun as
possible during learning process. So, the teachers have role to develop their students
and understand how far the students comprehension about the subject.
Then AI Learning Center held evaluation the academic every six months and
three months for reciting Qur’an activity whether the learning process is successful or
not. It makes the students know their ability and what should they do in the next
learning process.

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