Mata Kuliah: Metode Khusus Dosen Pengampuh: DR - Hj.Nuryaqin, SKM, M.Kes

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Mata kuliah : Metode Khusus

Dosen Pengampuh : Dr.Hj.Nuryaqin, SKM,M.Kes






Consists of instructors, students and the learning and learning process which is
aids given by educators so that the process of acquisition of knowledge and knowledge,
mastery of skills and character, as well as the formation of attitudes and beliefs in
students in the classroom is learning theory that offers explicit guidance on how to help
people learn and develop better.

Classroom selection and structuring
Activities undertaken by teachers aimed at creating classroom conditions that
allow for a conducive and maximum learning process. Classroom management
emphasizes the aspect of setting (management) the learning environment that is
related to the regulation of people (students) and goods / facilities. The lecturer
activities can be in the form of conditions and facilities in the classroom that are
needed in the learning process including seating, equipment and teaching materials,
classroom environment (light, air temperature, ventilation) etc.
Classroom Arrangement 1. Visibility 2. Accessibility (easily achieved) 3. Flexibility
4. Comfort 5. Beauty 6. Student Seats

In the school environment the teaching and learning process, teachers and
students sometimes lack pleasure. Although, in learning we know the term learning
must be fun (fun learning). However, the implementation is far from expected. In
teaching teachers sometimes often make scenarios so that students enjoy learning, for
example teachers make engineering in the form of play games in teaching, but teachers
rarely understand the nature of excitement in learning. What they make and manipulate
in the form of a game sometimes does not connect with the material being taught.
In teaching, making student learning activities fun is a fundamental right.
However, in providing the joy of learning is not merely giving them a game when
they learn without a clear purpose, but a way that is integrated with the goals of long-
term learning. Sometimes students feel bored when they study, this can be seen, for
example when study hours are over. Everyone cheered and wanted to go home
quickly, or when they heard that the school was brawled they would release it would
excite joy. This is a sign that learning is a tiring, boring, even annoying activity. If
these facts are obtained by our children, what will happen with the development of
their souls in the future.
The mental and mental development that they experience when they learn,
if consistently shows that the lack of joy and excitement in learning will affect the
future success of students themselves. Several studies have shown that an
encouraging learning effect can increase the architectural capacity of a child's brain,
which is when the brain will have a positive influence in shaping social behavior and
emotionally intelligent children. But on the contrary, the boring effects of learning
will make children feel depressed and will ultimately affect the future success of
students themselves.
            Therefore, happy learning that is programmed and well planned must be
arranged properly and correctly in a series that is inseparable from each field of study
taught. However, we still see many mistakes occur in the process of putting joy in
learning. Some of these errors are seen in the learning process which is more
dominated by the demands of the development of children's academic capacity so that
children do not get authentic learning experiences based on social and cultural
contexts that occur in the middle of their lives
In addition, not a few of us find the wrong thinking of the teacher who sees
the learning experience as a condition that is completely under the teacher's control. If
seeing the meaning of learning experiences in a positive way is a learning process
that is always in accordance with the actual conditions experienced by students,
excitement in structured and innovative learning is a necessity for every teacher. So,
the meaning of the wrong learning experience is mostly caused by the teacher who
has no creativity in designing quality and fun learning.
The importance of a correct understanding of a child's learning experience
will clearly have an influence on the child's ability in the future. Therefore, evaluation
becomes mandatory for teachers who do not understand the meaning of the learning
experience and its importance for the child's future growth. Thus, there must be good
intentions from educators to change teaching styles to become more creative.

1. Preparation Stage
In the preparation stage there are several things you have to do including determining
the topic, setting goals, recognizing the situation and recognizing the audience,
compiling the material, determining the approach used, compiling the slide design,
and practicing.
Defining Topics. Setting Goals, Recognizing Your Situation and Audience,
Arranging Material, Determining the Approach You Use, Compiling Presentation
If your presentation uses slides, then the next step is to arrange your presentation
slides as attractive as possible. In making slides there are several principles that you
must understand.
• Simple
• Strong content
• Beautiful fonts
• Interesting and appropriate images
• Use the right colors
• Comply with the CRAP principle, namely contrast, repetition, alignment and
2. Stage of Bringing In delivering a presentation you can use a three-part structure,
which is opening, discussion and closing. Opening Presentations, Discussions,
Closing Presentations Never leave your audience confused, but leave them with
something meaningful that they will remember forever. Close your presentation by
concluding the essence of your presentation, make it in a statement sentence, then
convey your call to action. One more thing you need to note, never close your
presentation with a sentence that is too long and do not apologize. Those are the three
steps you can take in delivering a presentation. Do it well and you will be
remembered by the audience as an inspiring presenter

3. Evaluation Phase This is a positive habit that you must do after you finish the
presentation. I mean this to evaluate which things are not going according to plan,
which ones need to be improved and which ones must be maintained. And rest
assured this will have a positive impact on your next presentation. These are the steps
you can take to make a smart and convincing presentation. Hope it helps you to
present a better presentation. Now it's time for you to change your world by
becoming a great and inspiring speaker.


1. Use of AVA so that class percentages are more effective

2. The use of AVA is a critical stage in PBM

3. Indivdu has a different learning style - AVA allows students to receive information
in various ways and improve the learning process

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