LAPORAN PPL Fitri Alpinah
LAPORAN PPL Fitri Alpinah
LAPORAN PPL Fitri Alpinah
Fitri Alpinah
Setelah diadakan pengarahan, koreksi dan perbaikan terhadap laporan individu Praktik
Pengalaman Lapangan mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Fakultas Ilmu Agama
Islam yang disusun oleh :
Nim : 16422090
Lokasi : Malaysia
Telah memenuhi persyaratan dan dapat diajukan kepada kepala sekolah/madrasah yang
bersangkutan dan Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam (P3I) Fakultas Ilmu
Agama Islam sebagai bentuk laporan pelaksanaan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan.
Kepala Sekolah/CEO Founder
Brainy Bunch International Islamic Montessori School
Thank God, the author said to Allah SWT. Which has provided the author with a form of health,
opportunity so that the author is able to complete the Field Experience Practice Report.
This Field Experience Practice Report is titled Report on Field Experience Practices in the
Brainy Bunch Islamic Montessori School located in Lot PT 56957 Seksyen, 4, Jalan Cyber Valley 1b /
1, Taman Sains Selangor 2, 43800 Dengkil, Selangor, Malaysia.
This Field Experience Practice Activity is a task that is a must to be completed by every
Islamic Education Department Student undergraduate program at the Indonesian Islamic University.
The main purpose of this field experience practice is to strengthen the theory and practice
learning that has been learned before on campus and apply it in the field. In the process of making
this report, I did not forget to thank my parents who gave a lot of encouragement from the beginning
to the end of the preparation of this report.
Not forgetting, I also thanked my friends on campus who gave me encouragement in the form
of morale and material and information that was very useful for me. Also with all due respect, I thank
the lecturers at UII Yogyakarta so much that we can apply the knowledge that has been given to us.
The author realizes that this report is far from perfect with all its shortcomings. For this
reason, the authors hope for criticism and suggestions from all parties for the perfection of this field
experience practice report.
Finally, the writer hopes, hopefully this report can be useful for friends of students and
readers as well as to increase knowledge about Field Experience Practices.
Fitri Alpinah
A. Preliminary
B. Purpose
A. History Of School
A. Learning Model
C. Motivation to Learn
A. Clossing
A. Conclusion
C. Attachments
In this case students from the Islamic Religious Education study program of the Indonesian
Islamic University. These activities include teaching practices and other academic activities in order
to meet the requirements for the formation of professional teaching staff.
In preparing the professional teaching staff, UII is tasked with providing knowledge and skills
to students about the learning process and other academic activities. One form of concern for UII in
the world of education is the holding of International Field Experience Practices (PPL International).
For this reason students are deployed to schools abroad within a period of approximately 1
month in order to observe and practice all the competencies factually about the implementation of the
learning process and other academic activities required by the teacher or education staff.
The purpose of PPL International is to train students in applying their knowledge and abilities
and to practice the knowledge they have gained during the course of the learning process according
to their field of study, so that students gain provision in the form of factual experience to develop
themselves as professional and responsible educators, besides that with the existence of this
International PPL students can develop foreign languages and deepen the language and can know the
culture, customs or characteristics of the people there and also by holding International PPL we can
get new experiences, new friends, and new knowledge that we can practice when we become real
For many years, our founding couple has been successful entrepreneurs and business people
in the Klang Valley area. Yet, more important than their pursuit of financial, they have always
dreamt of creating the ideal world that will benefit everyone in every aspect of their lives.
In 2004, their desire to pursue their lifelong dream became more pressing with the birth of
their firstborn, followed by the births of their two other children in 2005 and 2008. Just as having a
baby changes every parent’s life, it further realigned our founders’ priorities. Overnight, their greatest
concerns were centered around providing only the best for their children and giving them every
opportunity to excel in life – linguistically, intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally, and
especially, spiritually!
To this end, our founders believe that children should not just continue their parents’ legacy
but instead, the next generation should be far better than their parents’ generation! And, this can only
be done with strong learning foundation seeded early in their lives. They believe that children’s
learning could be accelerated during the first six years of their lives when their tender minds are truly
sensitive and in its high absorbency state.
That momentous day finally arrived in January 2008. Unable to deny their aspiration any
longer, they bravely embraced the new year by purchasing their first kindergarten in Kajang. With a
dream of an ideal world held very close to their hearts and fuelled by their strong desire to give back
to the community, their first kindergarten was meticulously designed and developed with the prime
objective of shaping it to be their children’s and their children’s friends’ dream school, and then later
to act as a pilot for all Brainy Bunch franchises.
During these crucial foundational years in the Brainy Bunch story, our founders Moch Fadzil
Hashim and Puan Efizah met and partnered with Madam Ladyana Zoraya Abdullah, who brought
with her 21 years of early childhood education experience as well as a solid Montessori background.
Together, they helped build Brainy Bunch from a modest beginning to soar to great heights to get to
where they are now. What started as a kindergarten to their then very young children, Brainy Bunch
grows to provide Islamic, Cambridge and Montessori learning at Elementary, Secondary and High
School level. The growth was rapid and exemplary and could not have been made possible without
the relentless and overwhelming support by dedicated and equally passionate parents who shared the
same dreams as our founders. Today, Brainy Bunch boasts a total of 114 campuses across the country,
four in Singapore, one in China, two in Indonesia, and a charity school in Gaza. Then, one more
school will be built in Indonesia which is now under construction.
Insha-Allah the dreams will continue burning as they target to open 5,000 campuses worldwide
by 2030. Those campuses will continue to serve the very main purpose it was built on, and that is
towards building the betterment of humanity and produces great generation of Ummah, Insha-Allah.
The school management system in Brainy Bunch uses montessori systems and methods and Brainy
Bunch is the only school in Malaysia that uses a montessori system. At Brainy Bunch consists of
several levels including :
7) Hybrid Dream Tahfiz (Students Upper primary, Lower secondary dan Upper secondary)
Students who stay in the dormitory and there are additional classes to learn and understand
the Qur’an and religion.
Learning starts every day at 07.45-17.00. Active school days and learning are carried out every
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday, then Saturday and Sunday are holidays.
Management of students in the Brainy bunch is there a separate level if students want to move
up to a higher level then students must be able to master all subjects at the level being pursued if
students are considered capable and mastered all subjects so students can move up to the next level
which is more height. For example students who enter the Primary (Elementary) level students cannot
directly enter the Upper primary or (Upper elementary) level, then students must enter and pass the
Lower primary or (Lower elementary) level first and if the student is considered capable and masters
all subjects in Lower primary, students can go to a higher level or continue to the level of Upper
primary (Upper elementary). This rule applies to all stages of Playschool, Preschool (Kinddy), Primary
(Elementary), Secondary (High school) in Secondary also has a level, students will enter Lower
Secondary (Lower high school) first and if students are able to master all subjects in Lower secondary
students can proceed to a higher level, namely Upper Secondary (Upper secondary).
At Brainy Bunch uses a montessori method where all students are taught to be independent,
and students when learning in class use learning tools namely Apparatus, Apparatus is a tool to help
and facilitate the learning process of students. By using the Apparatus students enthusiasm for learning
increases and students do not feel bored when learning because each msubject uses different
In the Brainy bunch there is also a Hybrid Dream Tahfiz, the Hybrid dream tahfiz program is a
student who lives in a dormitory and learning is conducted after every evening and dawn prayer,
religious learning is preferred so that students are able to understand the Qur’an and its contents and
deepen religious knowledge. Students in the dream dream hybrid program consist of Lower secondary,
Upper secondary (Upper high school), and Upper primary (Upper elementary) lessons. However, not
all students who study in Secondary (high school) and Upper primary (upper elementary) follow the
Hybrid dream tahfiz program. So it depends on students and parents, the Hybrid Dream Tahfiz
program is not required so only students who want it to take part in the Hybrid Dream Tahfiz program.
In fact, most of those who enter the Hybrid.
2 Mohd Fadzil Hashim Certified Business Coach with Founder & CEO
Action Coach International U.S.A.
Diploma in Accountacy, Universiti
Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
3 Efizah Mohtar Rasali Advance Diploma in Accounting, Founder & CFO
Accounting and Business College
Diploma in Toddler Education,
North American Montessori
4 Ladyana Zoraya Bachelor's Degree in Psychology Founder & CTO
Abdullah North America Montessori Centre
Diploma in Elementary Ed.
London Montessori - Early
Childhood Education Diploma
International Montessori Centre
London - Diploma Foundation
St. Nicholas London - Teacher
Training Diploma
5 Mawar Ashireem Diploma in Montessori, North COO
Razali American Montessori (NAMC)
No Name Educaion
1 Ustaz Mohd Firdaus Ahmad Master's Degree and Bachelor's Degree in
Usuluddin and Comparative Religion
International Islamic University Malaysia
2 Ustazah 'Athirah Yunus Bachelor in Fiqh Fatwa with Honors
Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM)
7 Ustaz Muhammad Faizal Mohd Haini Degree from Pondok Modern Darussalam
Gontor, Panogoro, Indonesia
There are Preschool is 4-6 years old and Lower Primary is 7-9 years old, co-curricular
and extracurricular activities in Preschool and Lower Primary are different
1. Early Language
2. Early Mathematics
3. Cultural Studies
5. Sensorial Education
6. Islamic Studies
1. Taekwon-Do
2. Little Scientist
3. Practical Skills
4. Mandarin Language
For example schedule daily activity in Preschool, especially on Monday
Apparatus of Sensorial Education Learning of Sains
1. Mathematics
2. Science
3. Language (English)
4. Melayu Language
5. Mandarin Language
6. ICT
7. Money Tree
8. Arabic
9. Tafseer
11. Seerah
12. Brainy Muslim (Do’a, Hafazan, Sholat Dhuha, and Quranic Reading)
1. Taekwon-Do
2. Music
4. Health Science
5. Performance Arts
6. Scout
7. Swim
2 08.45 – 09.45 Melayu Language Class
Arabic Class Brainy Maths Class
Brainy Bunch International Islamic Montessori School get a variety of awards from
School Achievement
5. Money Tree : Brainy Bunch incorporates Money Tree lessons for primary and
secondary level to develop financially savvy children
6. The World’s Best Brand : Brainy Bunch received the World’s Best Brand
Awards 2018
7. Star Outstanding Business Awards (Star SOBA) : Brainy Bunch received Star
Outstanding Business Awards 2017
8. Global Leadership : Brainy Bunch received the Global Leadership Awards 2015
by American Leadership Development Association
10. Teraju Peneraju Bumiputera (Superb) : Brainy Bunch received the Superb
Awards 2014 from TERAJU.
Students Achievement
In the brainy bunch there are several levels of education including: Brainy
Playschool for children aged 1.5-3 years, Brainy Preschool for children aged 4-6 years,
Lower Primary for children aged 7-9 years, Upper Primary for children aged 9- 11 years old,
Lower Secondary for children aged 12-13 years, Upper Secondary for children aged 14-15
years, Hybrid Dream Tahfidz.
When I was in a brainy bunch I only taught at 3 levels of education namely the first
Brainy Preschool, the second Lower Primary, and the third Hybrid Dream Tahfidz.
In Brainy Preschool and Lower Primary I use the CTL (Contextual Teaching and
Learning) model because in the brainy bunch using the method of montesorri therefore the
suitable model is the CTL (Contextual Teaching and Learning) model.
In the Hybrid Dream Tahfidz I used the Demonstration model because in the hybrid
dream Tahfidz in my learning I used lecture and demonstration methods, so the suitable
model was the demonstration model.
The Media use in the Brainy Preschool and Lower Primary is use media in the form
of Apparatuss, Apparatuss in the form of tools to help the learning process of students and
each subject is required to use apparatuss as a media to assist the learning process.
Each lesson has its own apparatus. But the apparatus was placed in a different class.
So that every lesson takes place the student moves to the class adjusting the apparatus
during the lesson.
Learning Resources :
The Media used in Hybrid Dream Tahfidz are using media in the form of laptops,
LCD, folding papers, picture books, color markers, pen markers, colored pencils,
whiteboards, Al-Qur’an.
Learning Resources :
Motivation for learning students in class is to want to study and have extensive
knowledge and want to develop their scientific potential to be able to benefit science in the
future, besides that students have a strong desire and great ideals to support their parents by
the way students excel in school and by the way students study behind in class and accept
the rules at school well. In addition, the teacher always motivates them so that they can get
what they aspire to and so that someday they can be independent and can be useful in the
Learning Evaluation Techniques and Results at Brainy Bunch uses progress report
paper every 3 months and progress reports are given directly to students parents so parents
know about their children's progress at school, the school also does not keep a copy of all
progress reports submitted to parents of students.
Every day the teacher also has a note about the development of student learning
because each student has a different learning boundary, each time the teacher finishes
learning must make a note of student learning progress and the teacher also makes a daily
schedule of subject matter that will be studied by students because each child has different
subject matter limits so the teacher must make a schedule according to students abilities.
Learning in a brainy bunch is very good because every day learning must use
English and speak English very well and when learning is also very disciplined, the teacher
is also very strict and disciplined when learning.
Thank God I thank all the lecturers and the campus of Islamic University of Indonesia
who has helped this international PPL activities, because of this activity I can get
knowledge and experience that is immeasurable and can not be priceless with money. And
with this activity also, Alhamdulillah I can participate a little to bring the good name of the
Islamic University of Indonesia and especially the Department of Islamic Religious
Education to neighboring countries in Malaysia.
As for if there are any shortcomings and mistakes during my follow this activity and
the writing of this report, I apologize and ask for suggestions for improvement, because the
human being is wrong place and forgot.
At Montessori Preschool they are 4-6 years old, they are encouraged to learn
independently of individual learning practiced and in accordance with children's speed by
moving freely around the room and choosing from a variety of practices, according to age.
The main purpose Montessori class is to help children learn concentration, motivation, self-
discipline and foster a love of learning, the language used in each subject is English and they
always speak English well.
BrainyElem Program for Elementary School level, for students aged between 7-11
years. At this level their main topics will be introduced to English as a first language,
mathematics, gramer, and science. First they will enter the Lower Primary (Lower
Elementary) level for ages 7-9 years. All subjects use English In the lower primary they will
learn more deeply by using the montessori method. After that they will level up to the upper
element When they proceed to Upper primary (Upper Elementary) at the age of 9-11, they
will still adapt Montessori deeper methods to prepare them to progress smoothly to the next
The Dream Hybrid Dream Tahfidz Program was established with the aim of
producing capable students understand the Qur'an better and be able to memorize the Qur’an,
understand it and incorporate Islamic teachings and Islamic values in everyday life. Hybrid
dream tahfiz It also aims for students to become proficient in Arabic language.
School Achievement
Students Achievement
Learning Khat
Learning of Public Speaking
Takhsin Material Report Of Daily Aktivity
Release Of PPL Students at Brainy Bunch
Student ID : 16422090
Learning Activities/Experience
prayer, greetings greetings.