List Pertanyaan Dari PPT FIBAA-rev1

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1. What are your expectations on the program and why?

How do you ensure that the program

will meet your future career?
I expect that MoA programme will help me to pursue my future career as an academician
and researcher in accounting field. Because, MoA sets its programme objectives to produce
professional accountant (middle manager), academician, and researcher who able to
manage accounting activities and processes which are in line with my expectation.

I can ensure that the programme will meet my future career by looking at the curriculum
and the academic staff owned by this programme. From the curriculum aspect, MoA
curriculum is designed to equipt students with necessary skills and knowledge to compete in
both national and international job market. For instance, the curriculum do not marely
discuss the Indonesian business setting but also involve the ongoing cases in overseas. It is
important to me as someone who want to be an academician in the future for
understanding the global context not only locally. In academic staff aspect, MoA has
supported by 21 qualified academic staff consist of 6 professors and 15 doctors who has
experience such as the educational background from overseas, professional practice, and
joint research with lecturer from foreign universities which are supposed to help students to
gain multicultural perspective.

2. How many hours a day you spend for student final project, student intership and community

3. What do you think of your academic staff and why you think that? How do you interact with
your academic staff (in and out class)?
I think, All of academic staff are qualified and professional. Because they were graduated
from any reputable university either in domestic and oveseas. Moreover, they can also
divide their time well between teaching and working in other places as we know that some
of them work as public accountant or company consultant.
We are interact well with them either in or out class. They always give us a chance for asking
question or pose opinon in the middle of the course during class. When time is up, they
were opened to receive any question align with the course or something else, for instance
our personal problems, and they always sent their respons about it.

Menurut saya, seluruh staff akademik di Maksi sangat qualified dan kapabel, mereka
memiliki kemampuan untuk menyampaikan materi dengan baik meskipun proses
pembelajaran dilakukan secara online akibat covid-19. Saya rasa juga seluruh staf akademik
sangat adaptif dan responsif dengan sistem pembelajaran online ini.
Kami berinteraksi dengan baik dan lancar dengan seluruh staf akademik, di dalam kelas para
dosen menerapkan sistem dua arah sehingga antara mahasiswa dan dosen terjadi feedback
satu sama lain. Sedangkan diluar kelas, para staf akademik juga sangat terbuka apabila kami
ingin menanyakan hal-hal terkait materi pembelajaran.

4. Is there any feedback given by your academic staff? If yes, how the feedback is useful for you
to comprehend the course materials?
Yes, it is. The class apply interactive lecturer system, where the lecturer doesn’t deliver
material course in one way from lecturer to students only. They always involve us into
discussion. We were given the opportunity to pose either question, explanation, or opinion.
Then the lecturer always respons our action with their explanation. The feedback is
important to us cause sometimes our explanation or our opinion is uncomplete yet.
Therefore, the feedback is very helpful for understanding the material course in

Ya, tentunya ada. Maksi menerapkan sistem pembelajaran dua arah, dimana antara dosen
dan mahasiswa dapat berdiskusi bukan hanya menerima materi pembelajaran saja. Dosen
selalu memberikan kesempatan untuk bertanya jika ada yang tidak kami pahami terkait

5. How the program provides you with facilities and programs to improve your English skills?
Hasanuddin University has a english language center as a facility to improve their student
english skills. This place has a program like additional english course and TOEFL test for any
student who want to improve their english skill. The MoA will suggest their student to the
English Language Center to improve their english skills because this programme has defined
TOEFL score of 450 minimum as one of requirement to do thesis seminar. Beside that,
academics staff prepare the materials such as slide presentation in English so it will support
students to be familiar with english language and also improve their english skills.

Unhas memiliki unit pusat bahasa asing, khususnya bahasa inggris, untuk meningkatkan
kemampuan bahasa inggris mahasiswa. Maksi akan memberikan rekomendasi kepada
seluruh mahasiswa yang ingin meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa inggrisnya, disana
mahasiswa bisa mengambil course ataupun melakukan TOEFL test untuk meningkatkan
kemampuan bahasa inggrisnya sehingga para mahasiswa tidak perlu mengambil kursus di
luar lingkungan universitas.

6. How the academic supervisor assist you in completing the courses on time? (student final
Pembimbing skripsi sangat koperatif dalam membantuk mahasiswa menyelesaikan studinya,
mereka biasanya akan memberikan jadwal khusus yang rutin untuk mahasiswa agar bisa
melakukan konsultasi terkait tesisnya. Biasanya sebulan 4 kali atau bahkan lebih. Selain
bertemu langsung, mahasiswa juga boleh melakukan pembimbingan secara online via zoom
ataupun whatsapp.

7. How do you think of the facilities provided by the institution? And why?
Menurut saya, fasilitas yang diberikan oleh unhas secara umum dan maksi secara khusus
sangat lengkap dan sangat membantu para mahasiswa dalam membangun suasana belajar
yang kondusif. Maksi dilengkapi dengan ruang kelas yang lengkap dan nyaman, koneksi
internet yang memadai, e-library, student center, dll.

8. If you are not satisfied with the grade given by your academic staff, who do you make
Sejauh ini saya belum pernah merasa tidak puas terkait nilai yang diberikan oleh dosen.
Karena pada saat pertmuan pertama di setiap pembelajaran, antara mahasiswa dan dosen
terdapat sebuah kesepakatan yang berisi tata tertib pembelajaran, tugas, dan proses
penilaian. Dengan demikian, proses penilaian akan berlangsung transparan. Kalaupun
seandainya ada yang merasa keberatan, para dosen membolehkan mahasiswa untuk

9. How transparent and accountable are your academic staff giving the grading to you and
Sangat transparan dan akuntabel. Pada awal pertmuan, selalu ada kesepakatan terkait
penilaian yang disepakatan oleh dosen dan mahasiswa bersama-sama. Sehingga penilain
sangat tergantung kepada usaha masing-masing mahasiswa untuk memenuhi kriteria yang
sudah disepakati.

10. What kind of out class activities do you do? How the program value your out class activities?

11. What suggestion and recomendation will you give to improve the quality of the program?
Saya menyarankan kepada Maksi untuk terus memantau dan mengupdate fasilitas yang
dimiliki, utamanya fasilitas yang berkaitan dengan teknologi informasi karena
perkembangannya sangat cepat di era ini.

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