Student Handbook
Student Handbook
Student Handbook
1 Version 13
1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................................................................................3
2. ACADEMICS ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................8
3. STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 14
4. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................................................................................ 17
5. OTHER EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................................................................ 18
6. CODE OF CONDUCT............................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
7. REFUND POLICY ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
8. TRANSFER, DEFERMENT AND WITHDRAWAL POLICY ................................................................................................................... 30
9. STUDENT CONTRACT ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 33
10. FEE PROTECTION SCHEME (FPS) / MEDICAL INSURANCE POLICY ............................................................................................ 34
11. YBIS TERMS & CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 38
2 Version 13
1.1 Rationale
The Student Handbook lists out the rules and regulations expected to be followed by
students of YBIS.
It is my pleasure to welcome you for the new academic year. The school is honoured
and privileged as the preferred school for your child’s academic journey.
Your child gets the best out of the learning experiences that is nurtured in every
student to realise their optimum potential and emerge as future leaders.
Student will take responsibility for their learning and work to realise that the institution
is not just a place to acquire knowledge but is also open to new ideas and innovations.
Best wishes
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1.3. Motto, Mission, Vision & Core Values
Initiating Inquiry.
Focus on centrality of activities and innovative practices through thematic links.
To resound values enshrined in our culture that adapt to scientific and social
Core Values and Cultures
Action plan to inculcate the Core Values that is translated into context for staff and
students are - values of being effective communicators, open-minded, team spirit, caring,
courageous, knowledgeable, thinkers, being reflective and innovative. These values
shape the attitudes and are role modelled and demonstrated to build the desired culture
by the management team
The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that govern
behaviour in conducting of an activity.
These are the values that develop in all the organisations operations.
This culture is evident in all interaction within the organisation and with
partners and stakeholders.
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1.4. School Prayer
Morning Prayer
Almighty God,
I thank you for this new dawn.
Help me to renew my strength and multiply my knowledge.
Empower me to achieve my goals and do my duties sincerely.
Fill me with love and wisdom to serve others
and become a shining star of Yuvabharathi.
Evening prayer
Almighty God,
I thank you for this day,
I am grateful for the knowledge I acquired.
Kindly shower your blessings on everyone around me.
For school calendar, click on the link below for the AIMS Student Portal – Academic
Year Planer :
1.6. Contact Us
The School Office Contact:
Telephone : 62652342
Hotline : 90405969
Facsimile : 62652341
e-mail : [email protected]
Website :
5 Version 13
School/Office working Hours:
1. 7. Communication Mode
My Accounts
o Update Particulars (Change of Address, Email IDs, contacts & blood
group, Visa Status & Validity Date)
o Invoice
o Receipts.
o Insurance Policy Certificates
o Academic Year Planner
6 Version 13
Student Handbook
o Student info kit
Course Details
o Subjects
o Assessment details
o Syllabus
Progress Report
o Termly Academic Results
Sharing platforms like:
Learning Resource
o Work Sheets
o Email option
Students can drop their suggestions with solutions in the “Suggestion Box” placed at
the display board or give it sealed to the front office staff.
1.9 Grievance
For timely and fair resolution of disputes or complaints related to the student’s
enrolment contact [email protected]
7 Version 13
3.1 Introduction
5. Students who are unable to come for lessons are expected to send a leave of absence
to [email protected], letters in diary, or phone calls to office who will inform the
class teacher.
6. YBIS expects that in all cases, a student should have a valid reason for not attending
class regularly. He must produce proper evidence (e.g. medical certificate from a
registered practitioner) to justify any absence.
7. YBIS requires a minimum 90% attendance each month from its international students
on ICA’s Student Pass. The Admin staff obtains the attendance list from the teaching
staff, and notes the absentees. Action is taken to ensure compliance with the 90%
attendance requirement in the following manner.
Should a student be absent for 2 days in a month without valid reason,
the coordinators will inform the Principal who will call the parent or send mail
to enquire about the student’s absence.
The level coordinator will arrange to meet a student’ parents who is absent for
3 days in a month without valid reason, to find out the reasons for the absence
and counsel the student if necessary.
8. The Admin Officer will also inform ICA that the student attendance for the month has
dropped below 90% in case of students with student pass.
9. A student who is absent from class for seven (07) consecutive days without valid reasons
will be deemed to have withdrawn from the course. If the school has been unable to
contact the student, the Admin Officer will make a police report and cancel the Student
10. For other student (e.g. PR, DP pass holders) who do not require a student pass, the
school requires a 75% attendance for the student to be eligible to be given a progress
report upon completion of the course. This requirement is clearly communicated to the
student during pre-counselling, orientation and website.
11. When a student wants to go on long leave prior permission from Principal needs to
be obtained. Permission will be granted on compassionate ground; any other reason
will be decided on case by case issue.
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12. In case a student is absent for an examination, retest will be given if the student
produces a medical certificate. Students absent for other reasons will be given retest
based on individual case.
3.6 Assessment Pattern
Assessment at YBIS happens all through the year both formally and
informally. Students are assessed in both Scholastic and Co-scholastic areas. It
helps in a holistic development giving room for improvement and enhancement of
knowledge and skills. For details login to the individual AIMS Student Portal -
Assessment Details:
CBSE Class 6 to 8
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CBSE Class 9
o Attendance requirement: Minimum of 75% for regular students and 90 %
for those students on Student Pass.
Qualifying grade:
o ‘D’ and above in all Scholastic subjects.
CBSE Class 11
o Attendance requirement: Minimum 75% for regular students and 90 %
for students on Student Pass.
o For promotion to Class 12 a student should get 33% in each subject. It is
important to pass theory and practical/project separately to be considered a pass.
3.9 Assessment Appeal Policy
The appeal holds good for all assessments.
Appeal for discrepancy of marks in answer scripts is handled in two phases.
- In the first phase after moderation, the papers are distributed to
the students and the answers discussed by the subject teachers.
- Any inconsistency in marks brought to the notice of the teacher will
be addressed instantly.
- In the second phase answer scripts will be sent home, after which, if there
is any discrepancy parents will communicate to the school within 5
working days.
- The appeal will be discussed with the examiner after which, within
3 working days it will be resolved and communicated to the students
- Appeal will be considered and decided by the Principal.
Appeal for discrepancy in Achievement records / Report card should be
lodged no later than 7 days after official publication of the same.
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3.11 Criteria for academic proficiency Award
Subjects considered for the Proficiency Award are:
Class 1 and 2
II Language
Environmental Science
Class 3 to 5
II Language
Environmental Science
Class 6 to 10
English/ English Communicative
II Language
Social Science
Class 11
English Core
Chemistry/Business Studies
Biology/Computer Science
3 Highest scorers in each subject in the cohort will be awarded the ‘Proficiency Award’
Consistency in performance throughout the year
Class 12 proficiency award will be given to the school’s highest aggregate score.
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1. This school provides student support services that meet their needs, as well as help students
to develop holistically. For this sub-criterion, YBIS has the following objectives
Provide range of student support services that help enhance educational experience.
Enhance student experience to develop holistically.
Communicate recent development to students.
Evaluate and review student support for continual improvement.
2. The school provides a variety of student support service to meet the needs of the
students studying in Singapore. These can be categorised as follows:
(a) Medical Insurance Coverage is provided for hospitalization and related medical
treatment for the entire course duration for all students. The details are made
available on the school website.
(b) Pastoral counselling, if needed, is provided by professional school counsellor.
(c) The school organises Parent Teacher Meeting (PTM) on monthly schedule as per
the Academic Planner.
Regular mails are sent to parent providing each child a time-slot to meet the Class
teacher to get regular updates on the student’s progress.
Parents are informed to fix an appointment 2 days prior if they wish to meet the
subject teachers.
Official meeting with the Director and Principal on working days is viable with
a prior appointment.
All information is made available in the Student Handbook and website.
(d) Financial Assistance Scheme
The school provides Fee Protection Scheme for all the course fee that is paid.
Availability of sibling discount in the course.
(e) Career Guidance
Orientation on opportunities for Higher Education for all graduating students.
The school encourages students to take part in professional course entrance
exams like IIT JEE by arranging orientation for students /parents of graduating
classes. Further, for the convenience of the students, the school facilitates as one
of the centers to conduct IIT JEE entrance examinations which one of the
gateways for professional courses in India.
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In order to promote brain develop and mental skills the school also facilitates as
center for SIP Academy which is one of the Abacus Brain Gyms. This is to
encourage maximum number of participation and benefit that the students can
enjoy at school after school hours. This programme helps students to enjoy
numbers, develop their mental skills of concentration, visual memory, listening
and builds their self- confidence.
(f) Alumni Support
YBIS has just started the Alumni Association as with 2 batches of student
have passed out of the school.
3. The list of student support services is communicated to students through the student
handbook and website.
4. The school institutes programmes that help students develop holistically. They are:
(a) Community involvement programmes. School involvement in:
Participate in activities that help integration into the local community.
Chingay Parade
Community Activities - Students for CIP hours.
Exchange programs with local schools.
(e) Heritage Club: The school has taken a membership with the national heritage board
for students to pay a visit to the National Museum to learn beyond classroom.
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(f) Science Centre: The school has taken a membership with the Science Centre for
students to pay a visit to the Science Centre to learn beyond classroom with hands
on science experiments.
(g) Sports Support: The department of Sports has joined the ACSSIS to provide a
wide range of opportunities for inter-school and National-level sports events.
(h) The school also provides free coaching in Cricket and Foot-ball for those student
who are identified to have an inclination.
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YBIS offers a diverse range of extra-curricular activities (ECA). These activities help
to hone innate skills and support students in social development by offering
opportunities to mix with students of different age groups. The students will be
trained by special/experienced coaches.
Extra-Curricular Activities (ECA) is optional.
ECA is conducted during school hours for Class 1 to 3 on Tuesdays and Classes
4 to 8 on Thursdays.
A fee of S$60 (Exclude GST) /- per month is charged. Fee does not include
the material cost.
ECA activities - Soccer, Basket Ball, Cricket, Badminton, Karate,
Keyboard, Skating, Table -Tennis, Indian Classical Dance, Western Dance, Art,
Music, Speech & Drama.
Interested parents may select one of the ECA activities and send an
request mail to [email protected]
o Eco Club
o Math Club
o Heritage Clubs
o Integrity Club
o Health and Wellness Club
Students of Class 1 to 3 who do not wish to join ECA will be given Reading
Activities during the ECA period.
Students of Class 4 to 8 who do not wish to join ECA should opt for one Club
Activity during the ECA period.
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6.1 Competitions
Competitions at YBIS are integral with an intent to inspire the young minds and strive to
ensure that there are clear pathways and opportunities for all children with a wide range
of competitions. Comprehensive year-round competitions are organized by the school in
Scholastic and Co-Scholastic area.
Intra - school (Level 1) - competitions.
Inter - school (Level 2) - individuals and teams are selected to represent YBIS at local
and international school competitions.
Field trips
Field trips are conducted as an integral part of the curriculum which supplement
classroom teaching by providing learning experiences in an environment outside the
school and help students relate to school experiences.
National/International Examinations
School Assembly
All students from Classes 1 to 12 are given an opportunity to showcase their talents
and work as a team during class assembly. Students get an opportunity to learn
organisation skills under the guidance of the class teacher.
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The projects and exhibits prepared by the students are exhibited in the classroom.
This helps in bringing out the hidden talent of the students. This helps them to
develop their presentation skills.
Special Celebrations
School Events
Oneness of Yuvabharathi is fostered through these annual happenings which bind all
the young minds of YBIS. Right from Preschool to Class 12 students bring to the lime
light their varied innate potentials be it in Sports or Dance & Drama.
6.3 Awards
The following awards are given to students to encourage and motivate them to excel:
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White & Grey designer frocks with a red belt (Montessori/KG to Class 5)
Low waist Grey pinafore with a white shirt and a red belt (Class 6 to Class 12)
Bloomers or inner tights in grey colour is compulsory.
House T- shirts (dry fit) & black shorts for Classes I to XII to be worn on PE, Yoga & ECA
Hair to be well- groomed or plaited if the length is below shoulder level.
One small stud (non-dangling) earring is allowed.
Make up or nail polish is not permitted.
Nails have to be kept short and clean.
Simple black shoes with white socks to suit all school activities to be worn.
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7.2. Discipline Policy
o Students should report to school by 8.45 a.m.
Absence from school will be considered under the following conditions:
The following may be considered valid reasons for recommending the cases of the
candidates with attendance less than the prescribed percentage:
Prolonged illness
o Loss of father/mother or some other such incident leading to his absence from the
school and meriting special consideration
o Any other reason of similar serious nature.
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o Authorized participation in sponsored competitions, tournaments and sports meets
of not less than inter-school level including the days of journeys for such participation
shall be counted as full attendance.
Permission to leave school:
o No student is permitted to leave the school premises during the school hours.
o Students who need to leave the school during school hours must seek permission from
his/her class teacher, and then proceed to the office who will notify the parent/
guardian. Permission to leave school will be granted only when parents/guardians are
o For early pickup, an early departure form needs to be filled by the parent and
handed over to the security at the gate.
7.4. Truancy
o Blatant and persistent truancy is a serious offence.
o Truancy in the first attempt will be warned by the Principal and intimated to
o Repeated Truancy may result in being barred from sitting for the Final
o Assessment or expelled from school.
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7.5. School Books and Belongings
o Students must be responsible for their school books and personal belongings.
o Students are encouraged not to bring valuable items to school.
o Students can borrow one book at a time from library during the library open hour
(between 9.00 am and 3.00 pm) and is responsible for the same.
o Payment should be made for any lost or damaged book.
o Students are prohibited from carrying mobile phones or electronic devices. Any
mobile deposited in the front office is at the student’s own risk. School will not be
responsible for any damage/loss.
o Students must remain in class during changeover of periods and are only
allowed to leave the class with permission of the teacher.
o Students are encouraged to give feedback to the school through their teachers or
the suggestion box located at the library.
o Students will be given opportunities to give feedback during the Principal’s
o informal interactive sessions.
o The school will conduct spot checks on students grooming (i.e. hairstyles, nails,
and uniform).
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7.12. Classroom rules
o Students need to bring textbooks, workbooks and other materials relevant for
lessons and participate actively in lessons.
o Assignments must be completed by the specified deadline.
o Students are to respect the authority of the Student Prefects and the Class Leaders.
o Consumption of food and drinks is not allowed in the classroom except during
short break and lunch break.
o Students must closely follow the class rules and expectations set by the class
teacher and subject teachers.
o Students should remain on the playground where they can remain under
supervision of the P.E teacher. Leaving the playground to other designated areas
is not permitted.
o Students must always keep classrooms, school premises and public areas clean
and refrain from littering.
24 Version 13
7.16. Profanity and Violence
7.17 Vandalism
o Students should use school’s technology appropriately and adhere to the below
o Student access is logged and monitored. Students should not access material which is
inappropriate, obscene or offensive to any group in our school or society.
o Students should not use internet to download or install inappropriate files or pirated
software in the school computer.
o Using thumb drives at school computers is not allowed.
o Privacy of all other user accounts is to be respected.
25 Version 13
YBIS will notify Student within three (3) working days upon knowledge of any of the
The Student will be informed in writing of alternative study arrangements (if any), and also
be entitled to a refund of the entire Course Fee and Miscellaneous Fee already paid should
the Student decide to withdraw, within seven (7) working days of the above notice.
If the Student withdraws from the Course for any reason other than those stated in
2.1 of the Standard Student Contract version 3.1, YBIS will, within seven (7) working days of
receiving the Student’s written notice of withdrawal, refund to the Student an amount
based on the table in Schedule D of the contract.
26 Version 13
The said Schedule D reads as follows:
YBIS will provide the Student with a cooling-off period of seven (7) working days after the
date that the Contract has been signed by both parties.
The Student will be refunded the highest percentage (stated in Schedule D) of the fees
already paid if the Student submits a written notice of withdrawal to the PEI within the
cooling-off period, regardless of whether the Student has started the course or not.
Non-Refundable Fees
a. Application Fee. In circumstance where YBIS has decided not to commence a course,
the application fee will be refunded within seven (7) working days after the student is
notified, unless the student takes up alternative study arrangements with the school.
b. Miscellaneous Fees paid to the school. However, a refund will be made for ‘Withdrawal
Due to Non-Delivery of Course’.
c. Third party’s charges e.g. Bank charge, ICA Student Pass application fee and Issuing
27 Version 13
d. No refund of any fee if the student has committed an offence and is expelled by the
school after due process of investigation by a Disciplinary Committee set up by the
The time taken by the school to process refund requests shall not be more than
7 working days.
Prospective students are briefed on the Refund Policy during pre-
course counselling and later again during the orientation program.
Full details of the policy are also available on the school web site,
student contract and student handbook.
Weblink: Withdrawal/Refund Policy:
The school’s refund procedure covers the following commonly occurring situations:
a. School’s non-performance
b. ICA not approving the student pass
c. Student changes his mind during the 7-day cooling off period
d. Student’s withdrawal
The procedure for student initiated refund (due to Student’s withdrawal / change
28 Version 13
c. The school will look into the student’s eligibility for a refund. The amount of
refund will be calculated and then the parent/student is shown the breakdown of
the refund. The parent/student then signs an acknowledgement form.
d. The school refunds the money through bank transfer to students and cancels the
FPS insurance within 3 working days.
The procedure for a school initiated refund (due to the school not performing / ICA not
approving the student pass,) is as follows:
The Admission Officer and Admin Officer ensures that the time taken to process the refund
meets Edu trust requirement and does not exceed 7 working days.
The school has its refund records in hard copy. There is a payment voucher for the exact
amount paid to the student, with a breakdown attached.
29 Version 13
9.1. a No transfer is allowed as the school offers only a single curriculum.
9.2. b No deferment is allowed in accordance with the policy of school.
9.3.c The Withdrawal Policy covers the following areas:
Circumstances of Withdrawal
YBIS will provide the Student with alternative study arrangement (if any) within seven
(7) working days of notifying the Student in writing of the above circumstances that will
allow the Student to make a timely and appropriate decision on the alternative
30 Version 13
9.1.1 b. Withdrawal due to other reasons
If the Student withdraws from the Course for any reason other than those stated in Clause
2.1 of the standard student contract version 3.1, request for withdrawal must reach the
school office at least 2 months before the effective date of withdrawal through official
withdrawal form given in the School website.
If the Student submits the notice of withdrawal to the School within the cooling-off period of
seven (7) days after signing of the contract by both the parties, YBIS will process the
withdrawal within seven (7) working days if the application is through the official
withdrawal form with all necessary details.
All requests for TC or withdrawal must reach the office at least 2 months before the
effective date of withdrawal by filling in the form provided by school on its website,
failing which two months’ fees will be remitted to the school.
The notice of withdrawal is not deemed to be given until written confirmation has
been received, and acknowledged by the admission office staff.
Withdrawal formalities will be completed by the school only upon fulfilment of
condition that include the return of school property and any payment of dues.
Upon withdrawal, the school will issue a Transfer Certificate to the student and it
serves as a formal intimation that the student has officially withdrawn from school.
Withdrawal notice given by the parent/student can be cancelled before the end of two
months or before collection of TC.
If the student is below 18 years of age, the parent or guardian’s approval for
the withdrawal will be required.
31 Version 13
For withdrawals, the service target is to complete the process (including assessing and
replying to student’s request, change of status of student’s pass, refund made) within 7
working days.
Prospective students are briefed on the Withdrawal Policy during pre-course
counselling and later again during the Orientation.
The pre-counselling (FRM-02) checklist require that students acknowledge
that the
withdrawal policy, and the implications of a withdrawal (described below), have been
explained to them.
During the orientation, students are informed about the implications of the status
of the student pass if international students withdraw from the school, or are forced to
withdraw from the school. They are told that:
o if the international student withdraws from the school, the school will login to the
ICA system to cancel the student pass. When cancelled, the student would have 30
days to remain in Singapore.
32 Version 13
The Student Contract is a critical document that governs the relationship between the
Private Education Institution (PEI), i.e. Yuvabharathi International school (in this case)
and the student. Prospective students should therefore understand and agree to the
terms and conditions stated in the contract before signing it. The Student Contract needs
to be signed before the course fee is paid.
The Student Contract contains information on course information and details of course
fees, refund policy, fee protection scheme, medical insurance scheme and additional
information relating to the governing law and dispute resolution.
To download a sample of the Advisory Note and YBIS Student Contract, click on
33 Version 13
The purpose of these schemes is to protect the unconsumed course fees paid by
students in the event that a private educational institution is unable to continue
operating due to insolvency, and/or regulatory closure. The Fee Protection Scheme
also protects students if the private education institution fails to pay penalties or
return fees to the students arising from judgment made against it by the Singapore
Private Education Institutions can choose to adopt either the escrow scheme,
insurance scheme, or a combination of both to provide fee protection to all their
34 Version 13
11.2 Fee Protection Scheme at YBIS
Students studying in an Edu Trust-certified private education institution need to pay fees
of up to a maximum of 12 months of their course duration to their private school.
The school has appointed Lonpac Insurance BHD as the fee insurance provider for its
students. A copy of master insurance certificate can be downloaded from the link below:
Upon payment of the insurance premium Lonpac will issue a Certificate of Insurance to
the insured student directly via email.
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11.4 Claim Process
In the event that a student needs to make an FPS claim, the Council for Private Education
(or any Singapore Government authority) will take charge, inform all affected parties, and
organise the claims pay-out if necessary.
All claims have to be made on prescribed forms and submitted to AXA Insurance through
YBIS, within one month or as soon as reasonably possible, together with all the original
copies of final medical bills.
36 Version 13
Students are given a copy of the medical insurance policy stating clearly the
policy’s terms and condition, claim procedure etc.
c) Working in close collaboration with students not exceeding 16 years of age.
Remedial and extra coaching is given by the teachers to cope with student’s
learning needs
d) Facilities provided to enrich educational experience:
o Library
o Field trips
o Vegetarian Canteen & Vending machine
o Computer room.
o First Aid
Academic assistance to students who need remedial class or extra class. The student
orientation programme is currently for students whose families are in Singapore for work,
and are hence familiar with the Singapore situation. The orientation programme covers,
among the various topics, the following:
o Welcome Address
o Benefits of Student Protection Scheme
o Refund/withdrawal policy and their rights
o Course & Qualification of Award
o Graduation Course
o Miscellaneous Fee Payments
o The Do’s & The Don’ts in school
o Complaints & Grievance Procedures
o Redress Policies
When YBIS is Edu trust-certified and can take in international students on Student Pass,
the coverage of the orientation will be extended to include other topics relevant to them,
such as Student Pass requirements, relevant Singapore laws, etc.
Pastoral Counselling is done by admission officer/admin executive.
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On enrolment, the parents agree to YBIS terms and conditions. For YBIS terms and
conditions click on the link below:
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