SKB Questions

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SKB Questions

1. Introduce yourself (describe your profile)

Well before, thank you for the opportunity given to me, my name is rira jun fineldi, I come from
the province of Riau. I took my undergraduate education at UIN Sultan syarif kasim riau with a
major in mathematics education, then continued to the Masters degree at yogyakarta state
university with a linear major from bachelor degree, namely mathematics education. i got the
title of best graduate. I have participated in international conferences organized by UNY, UNS and
UNSYIAH Aceh and I was awarded as the best presenter of the international conference at UNY so
that my article was accepted to publish in AIP publish indexed scopus.

2. What are your strengths?

Adaptive ability and flexibility are one of my strengths, I can easily fit in a new environment which
makes me finally able to maximize my social network professionally, such as when I continued my
master's studies in Yogyakarta, which has different cultural customs and culture from the city of
Pekanbaru, I had no difficulty in adjusting to the environment of Yogyakarta which is famous for
its rich culture, customs and various ethnic groups there. In addition, my nature of thinking before
acting has taught me how to manage my emotions effectively. When I am faced with a
complicated problem, I am not hasty in deciding a problem. What I do is think about the good and
bad things that happen and decide what is the best thing to do.

3. What are your shortcomings?

My perfectionism sometimes becomes my weakness as I focus too much on paying attention to
every little detail of a job well but at the same time it also causes the job to be delayed and takes
a lot of time and energy. However, I have started to learn to balance myself between wanting
perfect work and completing work on time by making a performance to do list.
In addition, my shortcoming is that I still lack more experience than my opponent in this SKB
because I searched both of my competitors who have become lecturers. However, I am confident
that I can carry out this task because I have experience teaching internships when I was in S1 at
SMA 9 pekanbaru and I have participated in Community Service and Empowerment (PPM) in the
field of technology development for Mathematics Education lecturers FMIPA UNY. I also
participated in various research collaborations with lecturers in the field of learning assessment
so that I can be competitive and develop quickly.

4. Why do you deserve to be accepted here?

I have a qualification beckground that suits this formation. then I have the ability and experience
in the field of research and have experience in community service when I was a research assistant
from my lecturer during college. it became my provision for improving my skills and experience,
so I think I am suitable to fill this formation position.

5. Why choose to become a civil servant?

First of all, obviously I want to be a lecturer and why did I choose the civil service? Because being
an ASN my opportunities to develop are greater and open, then it facilitates my desire to continue
my studies such as when I try to apply for several scholarships, for example the LPDP scholarship,
it will be much more open for civil servants to be able to continue their studies because they have
their own path. Then in terms of research implementation, it will be easy to collaborate with
many government and private agencies and community service is much wider so that it hones my
capacity and capability to develop myself into a competitive person.

6. Why civil servants, why not private?

My opportunities to contribute to society and this country are wide open, because a state civil
apparatus is someone who is part of the policy makers so that my self-development of my soft
skills and hard skills will be much more upgraded.

7. How do you work with people in the study program?

With my adaptive ability and flexibility in working, it really helps me to be able to collaborate and
work with various kinds of people for the progress of the study program in their respective
portions, and even though there are differences in terms of thinking, abilities, backgrounds or
other things, it becomes a strength as a team because it has various different points of view so
that it can provide the best decision from all sides.

8. Why do you want to be a lecturer?

A lecturer for me has the ability to transfer knowledge very large and useful for people around,
especially because of my focus on the field of education which has an important role in
contributing to the next generations of the nation and has a broad scope to serve the community
and country.

9. Why choose the formation on this campus?

The first is clearly that this campus provides a formation that matches the beckground and field of
service that I want, namely in the mathematics education study program at the faculty of teacher.
then I see future prospects if I join here, I will be able to increase my social network because this
campus is located in one of the areas with the largest industrial city in Indonesia. I can collaborate
with various agencies and companies, so that graduates of the mathematics education
department are not only a teacher, but can also compete in other fields. as seen in the
mathematics education study program courses that provide mathematics education
entrepreneurship and digital literacy final projects which in my opinion other campuses rarely or
even do not have these compulsory courses. This is my interest in the vision and mission of the
study program and university so that I believe I can be part of a superior study program.

10.Have you ever worked and are working now?

I am a master's graduate in mathematics education, but now I am doing activities as a tutor by
making a small tutoring at home and making consultant services for final project guidance. Then
in some spare time, I also do some preparations to support me to continue my studies such as
participating in developing my English skills.

11.Have you ever created an activity and been the coordinator of an activity?
When I was in college, I participated in many organizations and some of them have been the chief
executive in various campus activities such as I became the chief executive of the school
mathematics olympiad in Riau Province which was attended by more than 1000 students who
participated in the OM event at UIN Suska Riau in 2019. I have been the head of the
implementation of new student debriefing activities at UIN Sultan Syarif kasim. Then when I was
in S2, I became a student supervisor at a study tour event from UNJ Jakarta mathematics
education master students on campus and I was more involved in the research section.

12.Have you ever done community service?

At the undergraduate level, I have done community service by participating in the Real Work
Study for 3 months in one of the underdeveloped areas in Riau province. Then when I was a
master, I was included in helping to succeed PPM by being in charge of demonstrating camtasia
application-based videos in improving the development of junior high school teachers' cybergogy
skills in sleman district.

13.What are the courses that you want to be effective in later?

Of course, I want to take courses in accordance with my major in mathematics education if I am
told to choose, I choose basic statistics and learning evaluation because when I was a master, I
focused on statistics and learning evaluation.

14.What do you do when you pass CPNS this year?

I will deepen my role as a mathematics education lecturer. I build creative ideas and programs in
the study program. then I will continue my study abroad to strengthen superior human resources
in the study program, then I plan my research to be published internationally indexed by Scopus
in Q3.

15.What research experiences have been done? The research has been published? Are your articles
published in international journals?
in 2021, I have created a Scopus Proceedings scientific paper with the title "Designing Learning
Trajectory: A Case of Data Distribution using the context of congkak". Then in 2023, I published an
article in Sinta 2 with the title "Students Difficulties: Mathematical Creative thinking Skill
Question based on Habits of Mind". And there are 2 international conference articles and 1
national article in collaboration with the research team that have been reviewed and are waiting
to be published.

16.What is the vision and mission of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of
"The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology supports the President's Vision and
Mission to realize an Advanced Indonesia that is sovereign, independent, and personable through
the creation of Pancasila Students who are critical, creative, independent, have faith, fear God
Almighty, and have noble character, mutual cooperation, and global diversity"
 Realizing relevant and high-quality, equitable and sustainable education, supported by
infrastructure and technology.
 Realizing the preservation and promotion of culture and the development of language and
 Optimizing the participation of all stakeholders to support the transformation and reform of
education and cultural management.
17.What is the vision and mission of the university, faculty and study program applied?
Unsika Vision
"Innovative, competitive, and superior imbued with the nation's culture"

Unsika Mission
 Preparing professional and noble human resources;
 Create, apply, and develop science, technology, and art that are effective and effective;
 Carry out community service actively to improve community welfare; and
 Creating a tridharma management system for higher education that is accountable,
transparent, efficient, effective, and responsible.

18.What do you know about merdeka belajar (kampus merdeka)?

Independent Campus is a policy issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture by giving
students the right to take courses outside the study program for 1 semester and activities outside
the university for 2 semesters. Universities are given the freedom to provide Independent
Campus activities that suit the needs and interests of their students.

19.What contribution will you make to the university?

I will help improve the journal management of the math education study program which is now
sinta 3. I will take part in improving the accreditation of the study program. I want to continue my
studies to become superior human resources for the campus. I certainly cooperate with the
academic community in improving the tridarma of higher education. And I improve the quality of
scientific publications both myself and my students later.

20.Describe your work experience and training!

I have attended briefings from the campus to write quality scientific papers that focus on
reputable journals Scopus and Sinta. I also participated in various development of my abilities in
the field of education by taking part in the research of lecturers and students from
Kemenristekdikti grants as a research team.

21.If accepted as an ASN at Univ. A, are you ready to work and live away from your family? Does the
family allow?
Insyallah I am ready, my family is very supportive and allows for the development of my career to
serve the community, nation and state, because my father is also an ASN so my father is an
example of how his service for more than 30 years.

22.The main task of lecturers is the tridharma of PT. What is it?

The Tridarma of Higher Education consists of three core aspects carried out namely Education and
Teaching. Research and Development. Community Service.

23.What do you think is a competent lecturer?

A good lecturer is someone who has the ability to behave, think and act consistently as a
manifestation of the knowledge, attitudes and skills possessed by carrying out the tridarma of
higher education.

24.The meaning of success and greatest success in life?

Success in my opinion is something that brings happiness and comfort. Of course, making my
parents happy is my success, such as completing my master's degree well and on time.

25. Describe your organizational experience?

There are several organizations that I participated in that made life for a student so beautiful and
meaningful. During school, both junior and senior high school, I was active in an influential
organization in the school environment, namely the student council, which was the forerunner of
the formation of my own leadership spirit that I built. Then continue the lecture by participating
in the success of the Se-Riau Mathematics Olympiad held by the Department of mathematics
education since the start of the 2016 lecture until being entrusted with being the chief executive
of the Mathematics Olympiad activities in 2018. This is a valuable experience for me personally
where I found a lot of knowledge, namely teaching me knowledge such as time management,
priority scale, building communication and sociaty links, and having an impact on the progress of
the world of education. From here, I also began to like the field of assessment and evaluation,
which with this event, one of the benefits of its output is to measure and evaluate the
mathematical abilities of each school in Riau Province. Later in the lecture, I also became part of
the Mathematics Education Department Student Association and the regional student association
which also taught me how to socialize and expand my social network. Outside the campus, I was
also involved in the 2021 family data collection carried out by the BKKBN health office which
taught about data collection how survey research is carried out.
26. What are you doing to overcome these shortcomings?
The step I do every morning is I make a to do list of what activities are done every day using a
priority scale. This will make me more focused because I can know the goals to be achieved every
day and the next step. the most important thing is discipline and consistency is the key in
overcoming my weaknesses. Until now, I have tried to do small consistent habits such as reading a
book for 15 minutes every day and exercising for 30 minutes in the morning. Small things if done
consistently will have a big impact on self improvement.

27. What's the biggest failure you've ever experienced?

The failure I experienced was when I didn't pass the National Examination in elementary school.
At that time the fear of not being able to continue to the next level was so big, but God still gave
me the opportunity to continue my education. I learned a lesson from this incident that focus and
consistency are the main keys to completing your studies on time and achieving whatever goals
you want.
28. What is the greatest achievement of your life? why?
The most memorable achievement in my life was being able to lead and succeed a big event, the
Riau Mathematics Olympiad, in which more than 1000 students from all levels of education
participated. This was one of the most important activities for me. I was able to learn various
things ranging from time management, how to communicate, how to deliberate, and how to
make the best decisions.
Then when I was studying S2, the biggest achievement I could achieve was to be the best
presenter at the international conference held by ISIMMED. this was able to increase my
confidence that I was able to do something when giving hard effort and perseverance in doing it.

29. What was the biggest difficulty in your life? How to solve it?
when I thought about continuing my studies. I faced many challenges when I decided to continue
my studies. Starting from the preparation of all the materials that had to be prepared which took
quite a long time to complete such as toefl scores, essays and so on. so that it had made me often
think less confident about what I would go through later .
However, I did some things to motivate myself to be consistent and diligent in doing what I had
decided. I grow a positive vibe within myself and grow self-confidence that when people can do it,
then we also have the opportunity to be able to do it.
30. What's the biggest problem you've had in the last 2 years?
Completed the thesis within the time target I made.
31. How to solve the problem
Ever since I decided to go to graduate school, I have been determined to graduate on time. I
always give myself plenty of time to finish what I start. As a result, I had to be consistent and
focused and I was able to do it. It is the fruit of being consistent and of course the prayers of my
parents that I was able to complete my master's degree well.
32. What is your job and what contribution/role have you done to society?
So far, as a student, my role has always been to improve by gaining as much knowledge as
possible in order to prepare for a greater role for Indonesia, especially my region. Even so, some
of the contributions I have made during my time as a student include playing a role in the field of
research in my area. The research from S1 and S2 that I have done in my area has more or less
helped in the development of education that is able to answer the challenges for the future for
students. Like when in my thesis research which examined how the ability of SMP Negeri 1
Kampar students in aspects of creativity and independence in learning so that the output
obtained became material for teacher evaluation in formulating more effective learning designs to
improve students' creative thinking skills, especially in the field of mathematics. Then at the S2
level, I participated in several collaborative researches with lecturers and participated in Research
and Community Service activities carried out by academics to improve teachers' abilities in
concocting teaching materials such as effective learning videos, specifically on teachers'
cyebergogy comprehension skills in teaching.
33. What are the academic and non-academic achievements so far when you carry out S1 and S2
As for my achievements in the academic field, the first is successfully completed on time to
complete educational studies, both S1 and S2. Then able to create scientific papers both thesis or
thesis and some research carried out which can then be published in reputable journals both
nationally and internationally. Alhamdulillah, I was awarded the best presenter award in an
international conference held by ISIMMED UNY in 2021.
While in non-academic achievements, there are several hobby activities that I pursue such as
football and athletics as well as the fields of music and crafts. Some of these hobbies provide
good experiences as activities that are beneficial both for me and my health.
34. Describe the academic research you've done
There are several studies that I have done both personally and collaboratively. One of the
collaborative research is with S2 students and lecturers of the Mathematics learning assessment
course where we examine how learning trajectory experienced by students so that cultural
element games such as arrogant can improve students' concept solving skills on data distribution
material. The output that we get is that the flow of thinking experienced by students when
studying data distribution material using arrogant can provide an understanding of the concept of
data distribution itself. Then in other collaborative research such as HOTS-based learning
assessment on the teacher's perspective which explains that the steps that teachers can take in
learning HOTS can be effective. Then in the research on Bank Development of Minimum
Competency Assessment Questions in Yogyakarta elementary schools. This results by developing
a question bank application so that later with this application can help students get used to
understanding problem solving from abstract to complex in mathematics learning. Then there is
my thesis research which explains in detail how creative thinking skills and Self Regulated
Learning exist at SMP Negeri 1 Kampar. My thesis research is still being developed from my thesis
research on how the difficulties experienced by students in solving mathematical problems are
based on creative thinking skills and how the level of cognitive styles and habits of mind
experienced by students. Then in research that collaborates with lecturers who teach assessment
courses about case studies about students' self-efficacy in improving students' creative thinking
35. What are some of your professional achievements so far?
I also felt how to work as a team in researching with expert lecturers in the fields I like and get a
lot of learning from these researches.

36. Do you prefer to work independently or as a team?

I prefer to work with a team to reach out to all the different perspectives that make for good
collaboration with colleagues. Like when I do research together with good lecturers and students.

37. What research will you do?

Newman Error Analysis on Students' Creative Thinking Ability reviewed from Cognitive Style and
Habits of Mind.
38. What is the topic raised?
I will raise the topic of learning evaluation with the variables I use, namely the ability to think
creatively where the ability to think creatively is a very important ability for students in the 21st
century, namely 4C (comunication. Creativities, Crticial thinking, Collaboration). The aspect of
psychology that I want to research is related to cognitive styles and habits of mind which are one
of the influential aspects for students' cognitive development. This is evidenced in the research of
Hayatun Nufus and Ariawan (2019) which states that there is a significant relationship between
cognitive styles and habits of mind of students with positive categories. So I wanted to find out if
this aspect has a significant effect on the ability to think creatively.
39. What real contribution can you make with this research to Indonesia's development?
For Teachers is to help teachers to know about the types and locations of student errors in solving
math problems, especially in HOTS-based math problems and provide information and reflection
to mathematics teachers, especially to be able to diagnose more deeply and in detail the causes
of difficulties and overcome them to help students' mathematics learning fluency. Then you can
find out more deeply the cognitive styles and habits of mind of students so that they can design
learning appropriately and in accordance with the cognitive styles and habits of mind owned by
Knowledge of students' mathematical difficulties, especially in mathematics problems based on
mathematical creative thinking skills, as well as facts that might cause it. This became a
benchmark for further action and efforts from schools and education offices to overcome these
Researchers can gain new experience and additional knowledge about the difficulties experienced
by students in solving HOTS-based mathematical problems and obtain information to be able to
arrange appropriate learning and overcome the difficulties experienced by students in solving
mathematical problems related to the ability to think creatively mathematically.
Can improve student learning activities through creative thinking and knowing the cognitive style
and habits of mind of the students themselves, which in turn can improve students' ability to
solve problems related to math problems.
40. What are your hopes for Indonesia?
My dream for Indonesia is that education in Indonesia is getting more quality and evenly
distributed from Sabang to Merauke, from Miangas Island to Rote Island. The quality of teacher
competence from elementary to tertiary institutions in cities and border areas is equally qualified,
there is no difference. The facilities and infrastructure obtained by students in all schools
throughout Indonesia are equally good so that the level of ability of students throughout
Indonesia is equally good, as there is no difference between the ability of students from
Yogyakarta and students in Kampar. There is no longer such a thing as remote schools or
underdeveloped regional schools and there are schools everywhere in Indonesia all equally
qualified. If this can be realized, then the country's aspiration to educate the nation's life can be
evenly distributed and realized throughout Indonesia so that it becomes a just, prosperous and
developed country.
41. What is step by step towards your goals?
Now I have built personal branding in education by always communicating with lecturers who
when I was studying at S1 and S2, especially my supervisor during my thesis and thesis. Then
design the topics of research that I will do during lectures and provide solutions that can later be
a reference in the design of Education, especially in the First Menengan School Education in
Kampar Regency where their interest and ability in learning mathematics is still low. I will
collaborate with related parties according to the research I want to raise so that later with the
research carried out I can answer the problems that occur in junior high schools in Kampar
42. Closing your statement?
Thank you
Give a prayer

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