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All praise is to Allah SWT, the owner of all the worlds, thank God because
with His taufik and guidance. We have given our permission to complete this
Interview Report. First of all, we would like to thank Ms Siti Amerah Saryati Binti Idris
for accepting us for an interview.
Cherie Hearts International Preschool in Bukit Jalil is the 19th Cherie Hearts
centre to be opened in Malaysia. Situated in Residence Park Bukit Jalil, a fast-
growing township in Kuala Lumpur, the branch was officially opened in June 2019 as
an international mid to high end childcare & preschool.
Cherie Hearts Malaysia has been successfully operating for the past 10 years
since 2009. Throughout these wonderful years, Cherie Hearts have won the best
Childcare and Preschool awards in Malaysia for 2 consecutive years in 2015 & 2016
among many other awards and recognitions by the industry and the government.
Cherie Hearts Bukit Jalil has a very generous space and play facilities.
Besides a huge indoor playground, the centre has a ballet room and music studio for
children to use according to their choice of enrichment classes. On top of that, the
centre has a spacious library fully stocked with children’s books.


First, I would like to introduce an excellent teacher who was interviewed by

my group. Her name is Siti Amerah Saryati Idris. She is 25 years old. She was born
on July 6, 1996. She graduated from Kolej Poly-Tech Mara Kota Bharu, Kelantan in
2019. Currently, she works as a kindergarten teacher at Cherie Hearts International
Preschool in Bukit Jalil. Finally, before she started working as a kindergarten teacher,
there were several jobs, namely food and beverage (F&B) and others.



Ms. Ameera is currently working as a teacher at Cherie Hearts International

Preschool-Kindergarten in Bukit Jalil. She has been teaching and working there for 1
year and a half. According Ms. Ameera, the intake of students every year is only 20
people. She also said that last year, Ms. Ameera taught 3-year-old students. But this
year, Ms. Ameera has moved to nursery class and she teaches 3 and 4-year-olds. As
for the student population for this year according to Ms. Ameera, the intake is 20
students. These students will be divided into three classes. Each class has its
number, for example, class A has only 5 students.
As we all know, Cherie Hearts preschool is an international kindergarten. So,
most parents are businessmen as well as a foreigner. Because this kindergarten is
international, this kindergarten has students from various races. According to Ms.
Ameera, the students are from Malaysia, Iran, Europe, and Korea. However, half of
the students are Chinese.
Each new year the kindergarten teachers will have goals for the students. The
same goes for Ms. Ameera. Her goal is to achieve every learning objective presented
by the students so that they can read and count quickly. But she did not want
children to feel stressed while studying. The next goal is, she wants to try a one-by-
one learning approach with children who have problems learning slowly in the
classroom. Ms. Ameera said according to her, students like this we should pay more
attention because we do not want them to feel left out and being ignored. In
conclusion, Ms. Ameera's goal is for children to grow their holistic development in the
Strength in kindergarten plays an important role for an organization to always
stand firm. Similarly, with Cherie Hearts Preschool, Ms. Ameera said the strength of
Cherie Hearts is in every teacher who teaches in the kindergarten. Educated
teachers where the kindergarten will send teachers to the workshop to improve and
allow Cherie Hearts teachers to learn more about how to achieve the objectives as
well as to teach children. The second strength is in the syllabus Cherie Hearts
preschool, where this kindergarten does not use the syllabus of Malaysian education
but uses the syllabus of Singapore education because Cherie Hearts is a preschool
from Singapore. Next is the language of force, Cherie Hearts does not just focus on
one language. According to Ms. Ameera Cherie Hearts also provides preschool
Bahasa Melayu and Mandarin where the foreign students can learn multiple
languages at a young age.
As we all know, receiving support from the community is also something that
inspires teachers to work and teach students. According to Ms. Ameera, Cherie
Hearts Preschool has an excellent environment where it is difficult for every
workplace to have a good and good working environment. This is one of the reasons
why she still survives working with Cherie Hearts Preschool. Principal Cherie Hearts
Preschool also played a very important role as a leader. According to teacher
Ameera, principal Cherie Hearts is someone that every teacher in kindergarten can
lean on or talk to whenever they feel lost whenever they don’t know what to do.
Teaching materials also important for teachers to teach. Most of the kindergarten
hardly provides the teaching materials for their teachers, not with Cherie Hearts
Preschool. Ms. Ameera stated that this preschool will organize and provide every
teaching material for teachers, which makes things easier for all teachers in the


To have good ethics, teachers must have strong qualities, such as

perseverance, honesty, respect, patience, justice and responsibility. As a teacher, we
must treat each child with patience and kindness, give equal treatment and do not
discriminate. Teachers also need to have the nature of interest to teach children so
that everything that the teacher does must be done sincerely.

4.1 How will you archive your goals?

The way Ms Ameera achieves the goal that has been set is by recognizing
the abilities of children. This is because it helps Ms Ameera to help the development
of children by doing activities based on the level of development and abilities of
children. The approach used to each child is also different. She has an autistic child
who needs to be taught and cared for. Every child has their own advantages. Ms
Ameera goal is for children to be able to read and write. To ensure that the goal is
achieved, Ms Ameera provides appropriate teaching and training materials for
children to do to help achieve the set goals.

4.2 How to apply good ethics to yourself?

To apply good ethics in ourselves, we need to be a disciplined person. Ms

Ameera is the leader of the teachers in the Kindergarten, as the leader we need to
set a good example to other teachers. Impression and good behaviour towards other
teachers can build positive relationships. In addition, we also need to have the nature
of helping each other to the teachers in the Kindergarten. As leaders we also need to
be role models by setting a good example and apply all the good attitudes. Working
together is also highly emphasized, this is because it wills helps the teachers help
find a solution together if they’re having problems and facilitate work if the attitude of
cooperation is applied.

Cherie Hearts International Preschool with its team of in-house specialists in

Early Childhood, Child Development and Child Psychology has developed an active
and interactive curriculum. The curriculum focuses on promoting the growth of the
child in all areas of development – Physical, Social, Emotional, Cognitive and
Language. Therefore, the curriculum’s focal point is to develop a whole child.
This preschool adapts a Singapore-based program known as the SPIRAL
Literacies Curriculum which includes reading and holistic skills such as academic,
emotional and physical development at an early age.
SPIRAL Literacies Curriculum gives children the autonomy through a uniquely
designed approach – The CHILD Approach – Children Holistically Inquire to Learn
and Develop. This approach is crafted using local context setting that enhances
children’s learning through concrete, attention-grabbing and meaningful experiences.
At the same time, children also learn to understand and appreciate their learning
environment in the Centre as well as the environment around them. They will also be
exposed to multi-cultural settings and values that are incorporated in our curriculum.
Lessons are planned in progression over the various age levels from Playgroup 1 to
Kindergarten 2. This facilitates continuous learning because each lesson is built upon
the previous lesson and the children’s prior knowledge. Their teachers are guided
and trained to use the prescribed lessons to ensure that the quality of the curriculum
is adhered to in all the Cherie Hearts centres.
Ms Ameera has stated some of the problems faced during her degree as an
educator in early childhood education. Among them is the problem of children's
addiction to the use of gadgets. Ms Ameera said this problem has become a serious
problem for children's education in learning centres because they do not want to
carry out activities that do not involve the use of gadgets.
It leads to a new problem that the child's attitude will be more aggressive,
refusal to socialize and tantrum problems. When this happens, the learning and
teaching process that should be carried out at that time will be disrupted and will
cause teachers to have to focus more on children who behave in such a way.
Ms Ameera shared how she handles the problem but still guided by the
principles of an educator and professionalism. First, the teaching and learning
process will involve the use of gadgets but have a certain time limit. Do not want
children to focus too much on gadgets alone. Enough screen time should not be a
problem for children because it is enough. Second, Ms Ameera will discuss this
problem to the management and plan a best solution to address this problem in the
hope that a solution will be found. Finally, she and management will hold a meeting
with parents to identify the root of the problem. If the problem stems from home, they
will give advice and try to deal with this problem better.


In closing, this is a brief overview of the number of committed teachers inside

our nation’s public schools. There are several who leave before sunset and arrive an
hour before instruction. A number of the brothers and sisters in the field put in long
hours for new and engaging activities. The devotion to create new relationships with
students shows how committed they are to education.
An excellent teacher expects no rewards; her reward purely lies in the task
well done. She is eager to see children develop into mature, intelligent adults and
good citizens; herein lays her reward. She knows that encouraging students to use
their rightful privileges develops character as efficiently as teaching them to fulfil their
obligations. An excellent teacher urges students to strive for patriotism and
incorporates the lessons of brotherhood-devoid of communal or social barriers. She
ensures that these ideals are put into practice right there in the classroom,
playground and the school while simultaneously expanding children’s horizons and
inspiring in them deeds of sacrifice and service. No wonder teaching has long been
considered to be one of the noblest of all professions. After all, isn’t it true that the
children of today will be the citizens of tomorrow?


Ms Ameera interviewed by my group

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