Mechanical Engineering subject gateway

Advice and information

Claudia Todt
Mechanical Engineering, Patents and Standards

Phone: +49 511 762-3423
Email: claudia.todttibeu

Site: TIB Technik/Naturwissenschaften (Science/Technology)
Room: 0.06

TIBgefragt – I advise you!

I will advise you on the following topics:

Research strategies and data sources for Mechanical Engineering/technology fundamentals

Protection of intellectual property and industrial property rights

Digital media

In the TIB AV-Portal you will find many scientific videos on mechanical engineering.

watch videos in the AV portal

You can gain access to licensed electronic journals for Mechanical Engineering and those freely accessible on the internet via the Electronic Journals Library in the subject area of Mechanical Engineering and Technology.

You can access licensed specialist databases for Mechanical Engineering and those freely accessible on the internet via the database information system (DBIS) in the subject area Technology.


The TIB collects patents from its fields of expertise and offers access to patent documents.

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The TIB has large collections of standards from German, international and foreign institutions.

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Useful links

German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI):

  • NFDI4Ing - NFDI for Engineering Sciences


Literature sites

Mechanical Engineering reference material can be found at the TIB Science/Technology site.

Suggestion for acquisition

Were you unable to find the publication required in TIB's collections? Then why not make a suggestion for the acquisition of books, journals and electronic media here.

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