Biology subject gateway

Advice and information

Dr. rer. hort. Petra Mensing
Biology, Plant Sciences, Environmental Technology, Economics

Phone: +49 511 762-17590
Email: petra.mensingtibeu

Site: Conti-Campus Site
Room: 112

TIBgefragt – I advise you!

I would be happy to advise you on research strategies and data sources for biology, plant sciences and environmental engineering.

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Digital media

In the TIB AV-Portal you will find many scientific videos on Life Sciences.

watch videos in the AV portal

You can access licensed or freely accessible electronic journals via the electronic journals library for the subjects Biology, Biotechnology and Agriculture and Forestry, Horticulture, Nutritional and Domestic Science.

The database information system (DBIS) gives you access to licenced or freely accessible specialist databases on biology and biotechnology.

to the database list

Useful links

Leibniz University Hannover (LUH):

DFG-funded Specialised Information Services (FID):

German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI):


Related subject areas

Literature sites

Biology reference material can be found at the TIB Science/Technology site in the Large Reading Room.

Literature in the reading room

Suggestion for acquisition

Were you unable to find the publication required in TIB's collections? Then why not make a suggestion for the acquisition of books, journals and electronic media here.

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