BP202T - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I - Theory
BP202T - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I - Theory
BP202T - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I - Theory
Scope: This subject deals with classification and nomenclature of simple organic compounds, structural
isomerism, intermediates forming in reactions, important physical properties, reactions and methods of
preparation of these compounds. The syllabus also emphasizes on mechanisms and orientation of reactions.
Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to
1. Write the structure, name and the type of isomerism of the organic compound
2. Write the reaction, name the reaction and orientation of reactions
3. Account for reactivity/stability of compounds,
4. Identify/confirm the identification of organic compound
Subject Contents
Total Weight
Topic Hours (%)
(45 hours)
General methods of preparation and reactions of compounds superscripted with asterisk (*) to be explained.
To emphasize on definition, types, classification, principles/mechanisms, applications, examples and
Classification, nomenclature and isomerism
Classification of Organic Compounds
1 07 15
Common and IUPAC systems of nomenclature of organic compounds
(up to 10 Carbons open chain and carbocyclic compounds), Structural
isomerisms in organic compounds
Alkanes*, Alkenes* and Conjugated dienes*
SP3 hybridization in alkanes, Halogenation of alkanes, uses of paraffins.
Stabilities of alkenes, SP2 hybridization in alkenes
2 E1 and E2 reactions – kinetics, order of reactivity of alkyl halides, 10 22
rearrangement of carbocations, Saytzeffs orientation and evidences. E1 verses
E2 reactions, Factors affecting E1 and E2 reactions. Ozonolysis, electrophilic
addition reactions of alkenes, Markownikoff’s orientation, free radical addition
reactions of alkenes, Anti Markownikoff’s orientation.
Second Semester Bachelor of Pharmacy
In Effect from Academic Year 2017-18