Syllabus Chemistry MF
Syllabus Chemistry MF
Syllabus Chemistry MF
Department of Chemistry
National University
Subject: Chemistry
Syllabus for One-Year Master’s Course
Effective from the Session: 2013-2014
3. The following 5 theory courses are compulsory only for students for thesis group.
(Special Topics in Physical Chemistry, Organic Synthesis and Reaction Mechanism,
Advanced Coordination Chemistry and Group Theory, Environmental Chemistry,
Spectroscopy and its Application).
Detailed Syllabus
Paper Code: 312801 ------ Credits: 4 Class Hours: 120 hrs.
Paper Title : Special Topics in Physical Chemistry
Books Recommended:
1. Molecular orbital and frontier orbitals: Huckel molecular orbital (HMO) method,
evaluation of aromaticity and the (4n+2) Rule in terms of HMO method, calculation of
resonance energy by using A(coulomb integral) and B (resonance integral).
2. Experimental route: A brief treatment of how to design route for synthesizing a terget
compound, selection of appropriate methods and reagents.
3. Reaction intermediates: Reaction intermediates in organs synthesis with particular reference
to carbenes, Ketenes and N-oxides.
4. Organometallic reagents in organic synthesis: Utilization of organometallic compounds of
alkali metals, alkaline earth metals boron, tin silicon and other important metals.
5. Oxidation and reduction methods in synthesis: Dissolving metal reduction, reduction with
hydrazine and its derivatives, oxidation with chromimum and managnese compounds,
peracids and peroxides, mercuric acetate and selenium dioxide.
6. Sterroselective synthesis : Stereoselective, diasteroselective and enantioselective synthesis.
7. Design of drug synthesis: Structure-activity relationship, use of retrosynthesis in designing
synthesis of biologically important organic copounds, synthesis of some typical medicinal
compounds-Ascorbic acid. β-corotene penicillin, cephalosporcin C-prostaglandins (F2 and
E2), taxol, etc.
Books Recommended:
1. Steresoselective Synthesis in Organic Chemistry: Atta-ur-Rahman & Zahir Shah,
2. Principles of Organic Synthesis: Norman, Methuen &Co. Ltd.
3. Modern Synthetic Reactions: H.O. House
4. Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions mechanism and structure-Jerry March.
Books Recommended:
1. Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd ed. Duward shriver and peter atkins, freeman
2. Chemistry of structure and Bonding, Roger L.Dekock and hary B Gray University seten
............. Books.
3. Inorganic Chemistry, Gary L.Miessler and Donald A torr, Prentice-Hall.
4. Chemical Applications of Group Theory. 3rd Ed. FA Cotton, Johan Wiley.
5. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 6th Ed. FA Cotton, G Wilkinson. CA Murillo and Mantired
Bochman John Wiley.
6. Inorganic Chemisty, 3rd Ed. James E. Huheey, Haroer collins.
7. Infrared and Raman Spectra of Inorganic and coordination of compounds, 4th Ed. K
Nakamoto, John Wiley
2. Macromolecules: The chelate and macrocyclic systems, types of ligands, macrocylic amino
ligands, aromatic amines, azodiencs and related compounds.
Books Recommended:
1. Basic Concept of Environmental Chemistry and its Scope: Fundamental components and
structure of the environment, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere, their
natural and chemical compositions, structure of the atmosphere.
2. The atmosphere of the earth: Its origin; composition; practical aerosols, clouds, cyclic
processes: nitrogen, oxygen, water carbon dioxide, sulphur, carbon cycles, link between
biosphere an atmosphere, radiative heating, solar radiation, temperature profile vertical
transport, winds, structure of troposphere, mesosphere staratosphere and ionosphere,
inversion layer in the tropsophere.
3. Air pollution: Criteria and non-criteria pollutants, primary and secondary pollutants, toxic
effect of various pollutants, some formation, acid rain.
4. Greenhouse effect: in the troposphere and its impact on global warming, various green
house gases, their sources and the individual contribution, CO2 concentration in the
atmosphere, methane emission from rise fields, international legislative initiatives, GHG
trading and clean technology.
5. Strotospheric ozone depletion: υν spectrum of oxygen and ozone, Chapman mechanism for
the fomation of ozone layer catalytic processes, ozone depletion, role of CFCs, ozone
depletion potential (ODP) of CFCs, ozone measurement in the stratosphere earth station and
satellite stations. Ozone hole, its detection and its formation, impact of stratospheric ozone
depletion degradative measures, HCFCs and their ODP.
6. Water pollution: General causes of water pollution, types of chemical pollutants in water,
inorganics, organics, nutrients, pesticides, PCBs, PAHC, toxic heavy matels radioactivity in
water, detergents etc. physical, chemical and biological characteristics of wastewater,
industrial polluents, industrial wastewater treatment – coagulation, flocculation and filtration
techniques, municipal water treatment, water quality parameters and standards,
measurements of important parameters such as pH, DO, BOD, COD and temperature for
water quality assessments.
7. Heavy metals in the environment: Trace metals, light metals and heavy metals, deadly
havey metals, sources of heavy metals, biochemical effects, Toxicity, toxicology, control and
treatment of mercury, chromium, arsenic and lead.
8. Waste disposal: Waste materials and their appropriate disposal by proper chemical &
biological treatment disposal of domestic and hospital/medical wastes.
9. National policy for the protection of the environment: Environment Law in Bangladesh,
national environment quality standards (EQS), EEC and WHO guidelines for air and water
Books Reecomended :
1. Basic concept of Environment Chemistry – Des. W. Connell. Lewis Publishers.
2. Fundamental Concept of Environmental Chemistry-G.S. Sodhi, Narosa Publishing House
3. Environmental Chemistry (7th Ed.)- Ltaney E. Manahan.
4. Environmental Chemistry – A.K. Dey. 4th Ed.
5. Environmental Pollution Analysis – Khoopkar, Willey Eastern Ltd.
6. Environmental Chemistry – stoker & Seager
7. Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Series: Ed. O. Hutginger.
8. Environmental Toxicology – M. Stake, T. Mida, M.S. Sethi, S.A Iqbal, H.
Yasuhisa and S. Laguchi.
9. Air Polltion – M. N Rao and H.V.N. Rao.
10. Metal Pollution of the Aquatic Environment, U. Fostner and GTW Witmann 2nd S. Laguchu
11. Environmental Hazards, Keith Smith, Second Edition Routledge.
12. Air monitoring by spectroscopic technique – M.W. Sigrst (Edited) Johan Wiley, 1994
13. Aquatic Chemistry, 3rd Edition, Wener Stumm and James J. Morgan.
14. Environmental Chemistry: A modutal approch – Ian Williams, Joha Wiley.
15. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Series: Ed. O. Hutzinger
16. Metal Pollution of the Aquatic Environmental U. Forstner and GTW Wittmann 2nd Edition.
17. Metal Contamination of Food- Corner Reilly.
18. Environmental Hazards-Keith Smith, Second Edition, Routledge.
19. Environmental Chemistry – Samir K. Banerji, Second Edition Prentice Hall of India.
20. Principles of Envirnmental Chemistry-H. Hothandaraman, Gee Swami nathan, B.I.
Publications (Pvt.) Ltd.
21. Environmental Toxicology, M. Satake, Y. Miso, M. S. Sethi, S. Iqbal, H. Yasuhisa and S.
Taguchi, Discovery Press 2001.
22. Organic Chemicals: An Environmental Perpective Alasdair Neilsort, Lewis Publishers.
Books Recommended:
1. Food Chemistry, L. H. Meyer, Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York.
2. Chemistry of Food and Nutrition, H. C. Sheman, The Macmillan Company, New York.
3. Advanced Text Book on Food and Nutrition, Vol-I and II, 2nd edn., M. Swaminathan,
Bappco, India.
4. Introductory Foods, 16th edn., M. Bennion, Merrill Prentice Hall, N.J.
5. Food Science and Nutritional Health: An Introduction. T.P. Labuza and J. W. Erdman,
Jr., West Publishing Co.
6. Food Science, 2nd edn., H. Charley, John Wiley & Sons. Inc. New York.
7. Foods and Food Production Encyclopedia, D.M. Considine and G.D. Considine, Van
Nostrand Reinhold Co.