Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
One dimensional
Steady state conduction
• Common Geometries:
– The Plane Wall: Described in rectangular (x) coordinate. Area
perpendicular to direction of heat transfer is constant (independent of x).
– The Tube Wall: Radial conduction through tube wall.
– The Spherical Shell: Radial conduction through shell wall.
Plane Wall
The Plane Wall
• Consider a plane wall between two fluids of different temperature:
• Heat Equation:
d dT
k 0 (3.1
dx dx
• Implications:
Heat flux qx is independent of x.
Heat rate qx is independent of x.
• Boundary Conditions: T 0 Ts,1, T L Ts,2
1 L 1
h1 A kA h 2 A (3.12)
T ,1 T ,2
qx (3.11)
Plane Wall (cont.)
TA TB Rt,c
Rt,c Rt ,c
qx Ac
Values depend on: Materials A and B, surface finishes, interstitial conditions, and
contact pressure (Tables 3.1 and 3.2)
Contact Resistance
Contact Resistance
Plane Wall (cont.) • Composite Wall with Negligible
Contact Resistance:
T ,1 T ,4
qx (3.14)
1 1 LA LB LC 1 Rtot
Rt Rtot
A h1 k A k B kC h4 A
• Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (U) :
A modified form of Newton’s law of cooling to encompass multiple resistances
to heat transfer.
qx UAToverall (3.17)
UA (3.19)
Plane Wall (cont.)
• Porous Media
• Saturated media
consist of a solid
phase and a single
fluid phase.
• Unsaturated media
consist of solid, liquid,
and gas phases.
• The effective thermal conductivity of a saturated medium depends on the solid (s)
material, its porosity , its morphology, as well as the interstitial fluid (f) (Fig.a).
keff A
qx T1 T2 (3.21)
• The value of keff may be bracketed by describing the medium with a series
resistance analysis (Fig. b) and a parallel resistance analysis (Fig.c).
• The value of keff may be estimated by k f 2k s 2 (k s k f )
keff ks
k f 2k s (k s k f ) (3.25)
Tube Wall
The Tube Wall
• Heat Equation:
1 d dT
kr 0 (3.28)
r dr dr
What does the form of the heat equation tell us about the variation ofq r with
r in the wall?
Is the foregoing conclusion consistent with the energy conservation requirement?
How does qr vary with r?
• Temperature Distribution for Constant k :
Ts ,1 Ts ,2 r
T r ln Ts ,2 (3.31)
ln r1 / r2 r2
Tube Wall (cont.)
qr k
dr r ln r2 / r1
Ts,1 Ts,2 [W/m2]
2 k
qr 2 rqr
ln r2 / r1
Ts ,1 Ts ,2 [W/m]
2 Lk
qr 2 rLqr
ln r2 / r1
Ts,1 Ts,2 [W]
• Conduction Resistance:
ln r2 / r1
Rt ,cond [K/W] (3.33)
2 Lk
ln r2 / r1
Rt,cond [m K/W]
2 k
Why doesn’t a surface area appear in the expressions for the thermal
Tube Wall (cont.)
T,1 T,4
UA T,1 T,4 (3.35)
Note that
For the temperature distribution
UA Rtot shown, kA > kB > kC.
• Heat Equation
1 d 2 dT
2 dr
r 0
r dr
What does the form of the heat equation tell us about the variation of
q r with r ? Is this result consistent with conservation of energy?
T r Ts ,1 Ts ,1 Ts ,2
1 r1/ r
1 r1 / r 2
Spherical Shell (cont.)
qr k 2
dr r 1/ r1 1/ r2
Ts ,1 Ts ,2
4 k
qr 4 r 2 qr
1/ r1 1/ r2
Ts ,1 Ts ,2 (3.40)
Rt ,cond
1/ r1 1/ r2 (3.41)
4 k
• Composite Shell:
qr UAToverall
UA Rtot 1 Constant
U i Ai Rtot Depends on Ai
Alternative conduction analysis
• The diagram shows a conical section fabricated from pyroceram. It is
of circular cross section with the diameter D=ax, where a=0.25. The
small end is at x1=50 mm and the large end at x2=250 mm. The end
temperatures are T1=400 K and T2=600 K, while the lateral surface is
well insulated.
q e x
• Heat Equation:
d dT d 2T q
k q0 2 0 (3.44)
dx dx dx k
• General Solution:
T x q / 2k x 2 C1 x C2 (3.45)
• Temperature Distribution:
q L2 x2
T x 1 2 Ts
• How do we determineTs ?
Overall energy balance on the wall →
E out E g 0
hAs Ts T q As L 0
Ts T (3.51)
Radial Systems
Cylindrical (Tube) Wall Spherical Wall (Shell)
• Heat Equations:
Cylindrical Spherical
1 d dT 1 d 2 dT
kr q0 kr q0
r dr dr r 2 dr dr
Radial systems (cont.)
dT q r3
C1 Overall energy balance:
dr 3 q ro
E out Eg 0 Ts T
q r 2 C1 3h
T C2
6k r
dT Or from a surface energy balance:
|r 0 0 C1 0
Ein E out 0 qcond ro qconv Ts T o
dr qr
q ro 2 3h
T ro Ts C2 Ts
q ro 2 r2
T r 1 Ts
6k ro 2
d 2T hP
T T 0 (3.67)
dx kAc
d 2
m 2 0 (3.69)
Base (x = 0) condition
0 Tb T b
Tip ( x = L) conditions
A. Convection: kd / dx |x L h L
B. Adiabatic: d / dx |x L 0
C. Fixed temperature: L L
D. Infinite fin (mL 2.65): L 0
At X=l
Fins of Uniform Cross Section, Results
Performance Parameters
Fin Performance Parameters
• Fin Efficiency:
qf qf
f where 0 f 1 (3.91)
qf , max hAf b
• Fin Effectiveness:
hAc ,bb (3.86)
f with h, k and Ac / P
• Fin Resistance:
b 1
Rt , f (3.97)
qf hAf f
Fins With Non Uniform Cross Section
Fin Arrays
• Representative arrays of
(a) rectangular and
(b) annular fins.
qt o c hAtb
Rt , o c
NA f f (3.110a)
o c 1 1
At C1
C1 1 f hA f Rt, c / Ac ,b (3.110b)
Rt , o c
o c hAt (3.109)
Problem 3.117:
A motor draws electric power Pelec from a supply line and
delivers mechanical power Pmech to a pump through a rotating
copper shaft of thermal conductivity ks, length L, and
diameter D. The motor is mounted on a square pad of width
W, thickness t, and thermal conductivity kp. The surface of the
housing exposed to ambient air at T∞ is of area Ah, and the
corresponding convection coefficient is hh. Opposite ends of
the shaft are at temperatures of Th and T∞, and heat transfer
from the shaft to the ambient air is characterized by the
convection coefficient hs. The base of the pad is at T∞.
• (a) Expressing your result in terms of Pelec, Pmech, ks,
L, D, W, t, kp, Ah, hh, and hs, obtain an expression for
(Th -T∞).
Fin Problem
Fin Problem: Solution
• Assumptions 1 Steady
operating conditions exist. 2
The temperature along the fins
varies in one direction only 3 cm
D=0.25 cm
(normal to the plate). 3 Heat
transfer from the fin tips is
negligible. 4 The heat transfer
coefficient is constant and
uniform over the entire fin
surface. 5 The thermal
properties of the fins are
constant. 6 The heat transfer
coefficient accounts for the
effect of radiation from the