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B. Sc.

Semester –III
Chemistry (Major-I) Organic Chemistry

Learning Objectives: This core course aims to introduce the learner to the fascinating chemistry
of some biomolecules,i.e., carbohydrates, amino acids, peptides, proteins. It aims to build the
concept of amines, diazonium salts andheterocycles by the study of their physical properties,
synthesis routes and chemical reactions. The course will delve into various aspects of alkenes
and alkynes chemistry with specific emphasis on mechanistic studies.
Learning Outcomes: On completion of this course, the students will be able to: • demonstrate
understanding regarding classification, occurrence and synthesis of biomolecules such as
carbohydrates, proteins, peptides and amino acids. • Gain insight into chemistry of amines,
diazo compounds regarding their synthesis and physic-chemical properties. • Demonstrate
understanding of various aspects regarding chemical reactions such as mechanistic studies,
synthesis and reactivity of heterocyclic, alkenes and alkynes.
UNIT-1 [A] Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates Occurrence, classification and their biological importance. Monosaccharides:
Constitution and absolute configuration of glucose and fructose, epimers and anomers,
mutarotation, determination of ring size of glucose and fructose, Haworth projection and
conformational structures; Interconversion of aldoses and ketoses; Killiani-Fischer synthesis and
Ruff degradation.
[B]Amino acids, Peptides and their classification.
α-Amino Acids – Synthesis(Strecker’s and Gabriel’s Pthalimide), ionic properties and reactions.
Zwitterions, pKa values, isoelectric point and electrophoresis; Study of peptides: determination
of their primary structure-end group analysis. Synthesis of peptides using N-protecting, C-
protecting and C-activating groups, Solid-phase synthesis; primary, secondary and tertiary
structures of proteins, Denaturation of proteins.
UNIT 2[A] Amines
Introduction, classification, chirality in amines (pyramidal inversion), importance and general
methods of preparation. Properties: Physical properties, Basicity of amines: Effect of
substituents, solvent and steric effects. Distinction between Primary, secondary and tertiary
amines using Hinsberg’s method and nitrous acid. Discussion of the following reactions with
emphasis on the mechanistic pathway: Gabriel Phthalimide synthesis, Hoffmann- Bromamide
reaction, Carbylamine reaction, Mannich reaction, Hoffmann’s exhaustive methylation,
Hofmann-elimination reaction and Cope elimination.
[B] Diazonium Salts: Preparation and synthetic applications of diazonium salts including
preparation of arenes, haloarenes, phenols, cyano and nitro compounds. Coupling reactions of
diazonium salts (preparation of azo dyes)..
UNIT - 3 Heterocyclic Compounds
Introduction, importance, classification and nomenclature of heterocyclic compounds (containing
only one hetero atom). General discussion on the following aspects of heterocyclic compounds:
Structure, Aromaticity in 5-membered and 6-membered rings containing one heteroatom;
Basicity and relative reactivity towards electrophilic substitution reactions(amongst five
membered and six membered rings i.e. pyrrole, thiophene, furan, pyridine)
General methods of synthesis for: Furan, Pyrrole (Paal-Knorr synthesis, Knorr pyrrole synthesis,
Hantzsch synthesis), Thiophene, Pyridine (Hantzsch synthesis),Properties: Physical properties,
discussion on the following reaction (with mechanism) for Furan, Pyrrole, thiophene, Pyridine :
Electrophilic substitution- Nitration, sulphonation, halogenation, Formylation, acylation,
mercuration and carboxylation. Oxidation,Reduction, Addition, Reactions showing acidic /basic
character,Nucleophilic substitution reaction.
Unit 4[A] Alkenes
Addition to C=C: Mechanism, reactivity, regioselectivity (Markownikoffs and Anti-
Markownikoffs additions) and stereoselectivity. Reaction: Hydrogenations, Hydrohalogenation,
Hydration, Oxymercuration-demercuration, Hydroboration-Oxidation , ozonolysis, electrophilic
addition to diene (conjugated dienes and allene), reaction with NBS, Birch reduction of
Benzenoid aromatics, inter-conversion of E- and Z- alkenes.
[B] Alkynes
Addition to C≡C (in comparison to C=C): Mechanism, reactivity ,regioselectivity
(Markownikoffs and AntiMarkownikoffs additions) and stereo selectivity. Reaction:
Hydrogenations, Hydro halogenations, Hydration, Oxymercuration-demercuration,
Hydroboration-Oxidation, ozonolysis, Birch reduction of alkynes, reactions of terminal alkynes
by exploring its acidity.
1. Berg, J.M.; Tymoczko, J.L.; Stryer, L. (2006),Biochemistry. W.H. Freeman and Co.
2. Nelson, D.L.; Cox, M.M.; Lehninger, A.L.(2009),Principles of Biochemistry. W.H. Freeman
and Co.
3. Murray, R.K., Granner, D.K., Mayes, P.A.; Rodwell, V.W.(2009),Harper’s Illustrated
Biochemistry.Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill. 4. Brown,T.A. (2018) Biochemistry, (First
Indian addition 2018) Viva Books.
4. Clayden, J., Greeves, N., Warren, S. Organic Chemistry, Second edition, Oxford University
Press 2012.
5. Sykes, P. A guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, Pearson Education, 2003.
6. Smith, J. G. Organic Chemistry, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.
7. Morrison, R. N. & Boyd, R. N. Organic Chemistry, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
(Pearson Education).
8. Finar, I. L. Organic Chemistry (Volume 1), Pearson Education.
B. Sc. Semester –III
Chemistry (Major-II) Physical Chemistry

Learning Objectives:The aim of this course is to make students understand third law of
thermodynamics and concept of absolute entropy, terms encountered in thermochemistry.
The students will be exposed to important concepts such as solutions, colligative properties,
adsorption and fundamentals of electrochemistry.

Learning Outcomes:By the end of the course, students will be able to Understand the third
law of thermodynamics and its applications. Derive various expressions of
thermochemistry.Explain the various conceptsregardingsolutions and colligative properties
and adsorption.Explain the basic terms of electrochemistry.

UNIT-1 Third law of Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry

Statement of third law, unattainability of absolute zero, calculation of absolute entropy
ofmolecules, concept of residual entropy, calculation of absolute entropy of solid, liquid and
Enthalpy of reactions, standard states, enthalpy of neutralization, enthalpyof hydration,
enthalpy of formation and enthalpy of combustion and its applications, bond
dissociationenergy and bond enthalpy, Hess’s law of constant heat summation and its
application, bond energies, applications of bond energies.

UNIT-2 Solutions and Colligative properties

Dilute solutions; lowering of vapour pressure, Raoult’slaw, Henry’s law. Thermodynamic
basis of the colligative properties - lowering of vapour pressure, elevation ofBoiling Point,
Depression of Freezing point and Osmotic pressure and derivation of expressions for
theseusing chemical potential. Application of colligative properties in calculating molar
masses of normal,dissociated and associated solutes in solutions. Concept of activity and
activity coefficients.

UNIT-3 Adsorption
Definition of terms, Types of adsorption, Applications of adsorption, Factors affecting
adsorption, Adsorption isobar and isostere, Desorption activation energy, Derivation of
Freundlich adsorption isotherm, Derivation of Langmuir adsorption isotherm, Types of
adsorption isotherms
UNIT– 4 Introduction of Electrochemistry
Electrodes, cell emf, emf and free energy, Standard electrode potentials, Nernst equation, emf
and activities, activity coefficients from emf’s, equilibrium constant from emf’s, electrode
concentration cells, electrolyte concentration cells, thermodynamic properties from cell
1. Peter, A.; Paula, J. de. (2011), Physical Chemistry, 9th Edition, Oxford University Press.
2. Castellan, G. W. (2004),Physical Chemistry, 4th Edition, Narosa.
3. Kapoor, K.L.(2015),A Textbook of Physical Chemistry,Vol 2, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill
4. Kapoor, K.L.(2013),A Textbook of Physical Chemistry,Vol 3, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill
5. McQuarrie, D. A.; Simon, J. D. (2004),Molecular Thermodynamics, Viva Books Pvt. Ltd.
B. Sc. Semester –III
Chemistry (Major-III)
[Organic & Physical Practical]

Learning Objectives: To introduce fundamentals of organic spotting and estimation of organic

compounds. To familiarize students with the concept of hydrolysis, conductometric titrations,
adsorption, refraction and viscocity through practical methods.

Learning outcomes: After completion of course the students will be able to explain and perform
organic spotting and estimation. The students will be able to perform experiment regarding
measurements of temperature coefficient, strength of acids and conductometric titrations.

A. Organic Spotting and Estimation:

Organic spotting minimum eight compounds (5 solids and 3 liquids)

Acids: Salicylic acid, Cinnamic acid, Phthalic acid, Anthranilic acid
Phenols: p-Nitro phenol, α-Naphthol ,β-Naphthol
Bases: p-Toludine, Diphenyl amine , ɑ-Nephthyl amine
Neutral: Solids:-Acetanilide ,m-Dinitrobenzene, Glucose, Bazamide
Liquids: Acetophenone, Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), Methyl acetate, Ethyl acetate

(2) Ketone
(3) Phenol/Aniline

B. Physical Experiment

1. To determine the relative strength between HCl and H2SO4 by studying hydrolysis of
methyl acetate.

2. To determine the temperature coefficient and energy of activation of hydrolysis of

methyl acetate catalyzed by acid.

3. To study the adsorption of an organic acid by Animal Charcoal.(Acetic

acid/Oxalic acid).

4. Conductometric titration.
(i) Strong acid vs Strong base (HCl vs NaOH)
(ii) Weak acid vs Strong base (CH3COOH vs NaOH)
(iii) Mixture of acids vs Strong base (HCl+CH3COOH vs NaOH)

5. To determine specific refraction and molar refraction of liquid A,B and their

6. To determine absolute viscosities of liquid A, B and their mixture (Only Demo)

1. I Vogel, “Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Part-II, Qualitative Organic Analysis”,
CBS Publishers & Distributers, New Delhi, SecondEdition,2004.
2. IVogel,“Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry PartIII Quantitative
3. Organic Analysis”, CBS Publishers & Distributers, New Delhi, SecondEdition,2004.
4. V.K. Ahluwalia, SunitaDhingra, “Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry –
Qualitative Analysis”, University Press (India) Private Limited, Hyderabad, FirstIndian
5. Mohan Jag,“Organic Analytical Chemistry theory and Practice”,
6. JLeonard,BLygo, GProcter, “Advanced Practical Organic
7. J .B.Yadav , “Advance Physical Practical Chemistry”, Goel Publishing House,Meerut
8. P.H.Parsania, “Experiments in Physical Chemistry”, Neminath Printers Rajkot First
9. A.M.. James and F.E.Prichard “Practical Physical Chemistry”, Longman Group Limited
London Third Edition Reprinted1979
BSC Semester- III (SEC)
Business Skills for Chemists

Learning Objectives: The objective of this course is to enhance the business and entrepreneurial
skills of undergraduate chemistry students and improve their employment prospects. The course
will orient the students to understand the Industry linkage with chemistry, challenges and
business opportunities. It will expose the students to the concepts of intellectual property rights,
patents and commercialisation of innovations.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, students will be able to: Learn basics skills of
business and project management. Learn the process by which technical innovations are
conceived and converted into successful business ventures. Understand the intellectual property
rights and patents which drive business viability and commercialization of innovation. They will
effectively use the skills to contribute towards the well-being of the society and derive
commercial value.

UNIT- 1: Chemistry in industry

Current challenges and opportunities for the chemistry based industries, Role of chemistry in
India and global economies,Supply chains of chemistry, important raw materials, Chemistry
based products in the market.

Business Basics

Key business concepts, Business plans, Market need, Project management, Routes to market,
Concept of entrepreneurship

UNIT - 2: Project Management

Different stages of a project: Ideation, Bench work, Pilot trial, Production, Promotion/
Marketing, Intellectual Property Rights, Introduction to IPR & Patents, Agencies and regulators
for IPR in India, Funding agencies for startups.

2. Nwaeke, L.I.(2002),Business Concepts and Perspectives, Springfield Publishers.
3. Silva, T. D. (2013),Essential Management Skills for Pharmacy and Business Managers, CRC
Shri Govind Guru University, Vinzol
B. Sc. Semester –III


Learning objectives: To review & strengthen the ancient discovery and research in physics,
chemistry, maths, metallurgy, astronomy, architecture, textile, transport, agriculture and
Ayurveda etc. To help students to trace, identify and develop the ancient knowledge systems
to make meaningful contribution to development of science today.

Learning outcomes: After the completion of the course students will be able to trace
historical development of science and technology in Indian subcontinent. This course will
enhance students’ understanding regarding the research of ancient Indian scientists and will
help them to appreciate Indian culture of science and further build upon their research work.

UNIT - 1: Indian Traditional Science and Practices

Introduction to the Science and way of doing science and research in India, Ancient Science
in Intra & Inter Culture Dialogue & coevolution. Traditional water-harvesting practices,
Traditional Livestock and veterinary Sciences Traditional Houses & villages, Traditional
Forecasting, Traditional Ayurveda & plant based medicine, Traditional writing Technology.
Physics in India:Vaisheshikadarshan, Atomic theory & law of motion, theory of
panchmahabhoota, BrihathShathaka (divisions of the time, unit of distance), bhaskarachaya
(theory of gravity, suryasiddhanta&sidhantashriomani), Lilavati (gurutvakashan Shakti).
Chemistry in India:Vatsyayana, Nagarjuna,Khanda, Al-Biruni, Vagbhaṭa –building of the
ras-shala (laboratory), working arrangements of ras-shala, material and equipment,
YaśodharaBhaṭṭa-process of distillation, apparatus, saranasamskara, saranataila.
Mathematics in India:Baudhayana’sSulbasutras, Aryabhaṭa, Bhaskaracharya-I, Severus
Sebokht, Syria, Brahmagupta, Bhaskaracharya-II, Jyeṣṭhadeva.

UNIT - 2: Ancient Indian Science (Textile, Agriculture, Transport)

Textile Technology in India: Cotton (natural cellulose fiber), silk, wool (natural protein
fibers), bast and leaf fibers, mridhudhautadhupitambaram (meaning a practice of fumigating
the fabric with incence smoke before use as a part of the finishing process),
sitadhautavasanayugala (bleached white–a finishing process); suchhastah, sutradharah
(needle and thread – tools for stiching). Dyeing, washing spinning and weaving technology,
Agriculture in India:Traditional agricultural practices, krishisuktas, Krishiparashara,
Brihatsamhita, Types of crops, Manures, Types of land- devamatruka, nadimatruka, use of
animals in warfare, animal husbandry, Animals for medicines. Ancient transport in India.
1. Textbook on IKS by Prof. B Mahadevan, IIM Bengaluru.
2. Kapur K and Singh A.K (Eds) 2005). Indian Knowledge Systems, Vol. 1. Indian Institute
of Advanced Study, Shimla. Tatvabodh of sankaracharya, Central chinmay mission trust,
Bombay, 1995.
3. Nair, Shantha N. Echoes of Ancient Indian Wisdom. New Delhi: Hindology Books, 2008.
4. SK Das, The education system of Ancient hindus, Gyan publication house, India.
5. R P Kulkarni, Glimpese of Indian Engineering and Technology (Ancient & Medieval
period, MunshiramManoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2018.
6. AK Pathak, Science and Technology in India, Anshikaprakashanpratapgarh, 2016.
7. PB Sharma, S. Narain, Doctors Scientists and Engineers of Ancient India, Kalpaz
Publications 2017.
B. Sc. Semester –III
Chemistry Theory (MDC)
Chemistry of Air and Water pollution
Learning Objectives
To familiarise the students about environmental chemistry, especially with respect to
air and water.
Learning outcomes
By studying this course, the students will be able to: describe the composition of air, various
air pollutants, effects and control measures of air pollutants, list different sources of water,
water quality parameters, impacts of water pollution, water treatment, identify different
industrial effluents and their treatment methods.

UNIT – 1 Air Pollution

Major regions of atmosphere, chemical and photochemical reactions in atmosphere.
Air pollutants: types, sources, particle size and chemical nature, Major sources of air
pollution, Pollution by SO2, CO2, CO, NO2, H2S and other foul-smelling gases, methods of
estimation of CO, NO2, SO2 and control procedures. Chemistry and environment impact of
the following: Photochemical smog, Greenhouse effect, Ozone depletion Air pollution
control, Settling Chambers, Venturi Scrubbers, Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPs).

UNIT – 2 Water Pollution

Hydrological cycle, water resources, aquatic ecosystems, Sources and nature of water
pollutants, Techniques for measuring water pollution, Impacts of water pollution on
hydrological cycle and ecosystems. Water purification methods. Effluent treatment plants
(primary, secondary and tertiary treatment).
Sludge disposal. Industrial waste management, incineration of waste. Water treatment and
purification (reverse osmosis, electro dialysis, ion-exchange). Water quality parameters for
wastewater, industrial water and domestic water.

1. Stanley E. Manahan, 10th edition, Environmental chemistry, CRC Press, Taylor and
Francis Group, US, 2017
2. Baird, C. and Cann,M., Environmental Chemistry,(2012), Fifth Edition, W. H.
Freemann& Company, New York, US.
3. VanLoon, G.W. and Duffy, J.S.( 2018) Environmental Chemistry - A global
perspective, Fourth Edition, Oxford University Press
4. Brusseau, M.L.; Pepper,I.L. and Gerba, C., (2019) Environmental and Pollution
Science, Third Edition, Academic Press.
5. Masters, G.M., (1974) Introduction to Environmental Science and Technology, John
Wiley & Sons.
6. Masters, G.M., (2015) Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science.
JPrentice Hall India Learning Private Limited.
7. De, A.K.(2012), Environmental Chemistry, New Age International Pvt., Ltd.
B. Sc. Semester –III ChemistryPractical (MDC)
[Organic Spotting]

Organic Spotting and Estimation:

Organic spotting minimum eight compounds (5 solids and 3 liquids)

Acids: Salicylic acid, Cinnamic acid, Benzoic acid, Pthalic acid
Phenols : p-Nitro phenol, α-Naphthol, β-Naphthol
Bases : m and p–Nitro anilines, p-Toludine
Liquids:Acetophenone,Carbontetrachloride(CCl4),Methyl acetate, Ethyl acetate

1. I Vogel, “Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry Part-II, Qualitative Organic
Analysis”, CBS Publishers & Distributers, New Delhi, SecondEdition,2004.
2. I Vogel,“Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry PartIII Quantitative
3. Organic Analysis”, CBS Publishers & Distributers, New Delhi,
4. V.K. Ahluwalia, SunitaDhingra, “Comprehensive Practical Organic
Chemistry –Qualitative Analysis”, University Press (India) Private Limited,
Hyderabad, First Indian Edition,2010.

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