WJ 1977 02 S51induction Aluminium Welding
WJ 1977 02 S51induction Aluminium Welding
WJ 1977 02 S51induction Aluminium Welding
of A l u m i n u m in Air
A 12-strand testpiece of EC grade aluminum straps
is successfully brazed using a specific brazing filler
metal and a clamping fixture
ABSTRACT. Fluxless brazing of alumi- method for soldering aluminum (Ref. plete a compact sound welded alumi-
num in air was once considered 3). Mechanical abrasion will remove num joint.
extremely difficult and not practical. aluminum oxide to promote the Recently, development work con-
The development work conducted at spread of the molten metal w i t h o u t ducted at Westinghouse has f o u n d
Westinghouse proved that aluminum the use of a chemical flux. Neverthe- that aluminum can be fluxless brazed
can be fluxless induction brazed in air less, it is impractical to apply the in air with induction heating w i t h o u t a
w i t h MD-110 filler material. Conduc- method on brazing aluminum at sealed mold. Conductor cleaning or
tor cleaning or etching was not elevated temperatures. etching is not mandatory. The method
mandatory, but the cleaned work Heating aluminum in a vacuum or in is feasible for lap joining aluminum
pieces were shown to have a better controlled gas atmospheres has been straps to straps, bus bar to bus bar,
bonding between the filler material an alternative method of fluxless braz- straps to bus bar, and strips to strips.
and the base metal than the uncleaned ing. In 1940, P. H. Brace brazed
work pieces. aluminum in a vacuum along w i t h a Brazing
Some formation of Mg,Si precip-
itates and diffusion of silicon were Aluminum work pieces to be joined
observed at the joint which led to were clamped between two brazing
subsequent aging after brazing. H o w - tongs under a moderate pressure from
ever, fluxless lap brazed aluminum a pneumatic cylinder. The brazing
joints were electrically and mechan- tongs consisted of t w o shell form
ically satisfactory for conductor appli- induction coils and t w o stainless steel
cation. plates which were placed between
two coils for use as heating plates.
Filler material, MD-110 (Ref. 7) from
the Reynolds A l u m i n u m Company,
Brazing is defined as a welding Fig. 7—Arrangement of brazing equipment was preplaced between each layer of
process employing filler material hav- aluminum for brazing. The brazing
ing a liquidus above 800 F (427 C) and "getter" metal (Ref. 4). The getter temperature was controlled w i t h a
below the solidus of the base metal metal, magnesium, lithium, or calcium, temperature sensing camera which
(Ref. 1). was heated to a vaporizing tempera- picked up the radiation signal from the
Since the melting point of alumi- ture prior to heating the part for braz- two stainless steel plates to control the
num is 1220 F (660 C) and copper is ing. Subsequently, several workers induction power source. Brazing, how-
1981 F (1083 C), aluminum has a including C. I. Miller (Ref. 5) found ever, can also be monitored with a
smaller temperature difference be- that the active metallic vapor used for fiber optic temperature control equip-
tween the liquidus of the filler mate- brazing could be supplied from the ment (Ref. 8).
rial and the solidus of the base metal filler material. During brazing in air, pressure from
than that of copper. In 1965, C. A. Anderson welded 2250 the pneumatic cylinder held work
During brazing, aluminum has poor M C M aluminum cable in a sealed pieces tightly intact w i t h o u t intro-
capillary action, because the oxide movable mold with induction heating ducing external gases, such as oxygen
formed on the aluminum surface inter- (Ref. 6). Aluminum work pieces were to the joint interface. The applied
feres w i t h the spread of the molten cleaned and melted in the mold w i t h pressure also aided the capiNary action
metal. A chemical flux, the metallic the induced high current. During of brazing and prevented the lifting of
halide salt, can help to promote the solidification, the movable mold the aluminum work pieces due to the
wetting action (Ref. 2) but fluxes squeezed the molten metal to c o m - surface tension of the molten filler
generally are hygroscopic. After braz- material. The excess filler material
ing, the flux trapped in the joint may which flowed out from the interface
cause corrosion. was removed during flowing to com-
K. C LIN is Engineer, Materials and Manu-
The use of mechanical abrasion by facturing Technology Department, Core plete a compact sound metallurgical
w i p i n g the conductor surface during Technology Section, Westinghouse Electric joint. Figure I illustrates the arrange-
heating has been a recommended Corporation, Sharon, Pennsylvania. ment of brazing equipment.
Fig. 4—Etched cross section oi conductors
showing joint details
V .
r \
•-.'"'- 1
Fig. 10—X-ray intensity image of magne- Fig. 11-X-ray intensity image of silicon. Fig. 12—X-ray intensity image of iron. X600
sium. X600 (reduced 57% on reproduc- X 600 (reduced 57% on reproduction) (reduced 51% on reproduction)
characteristics including moderately
(a) As Brazed high strength and good resistance to
corrosion have been reported to be
heat treatable and are used for both
wrought and cast products (Ref. 17).
Brazed Zone Dendritic structures were observed
in brazed areas after the joint was aged
at elevated temperatures. Dendritic
structures were also found for the joint
w h i c h had a prolonged heating during
Some voids were observed in the
filler material and the interface be-
tween the filler material and the base
metal for the samples w h e n conduc-
tors were uncleaned or unetched prior
to brazing. There was no evidence,
however, that voids affected the
mechanical and electrical properties of
a lap brazed joint.
Aluminum can be fluxless induction
brazed in air w i t h Reynolds Aluminum
Company's MD-110 filler material. The
lap brazed aluminum joints were elec-
fe, I trically and mechanically satisfactory.
K Acknowledgments
The author is in debt to Messrs. A.
(c) 72 Hours Aged at 350°C Dixon and W. ). Reichenecker at the
& Research and Development Laborato-
ries, Westinghouse Electric Corpora-
Brazed, Zone
I. J*. ' tion with w h o m the program was
discussed and developed.
1. Miller, M. A. and Russel, A. S., Chapter
13, Brazing Aluminum Vol. Ill, American
'<' Society for Metals, Metals Park, Ohio.
2. lordan, M. F. and Milner, D. R., "The
Removal of Oxide From Aluminum by
Fig. 13—Results of X-ray profile of aluminum across the ioint
Brazing Fluxes", lournal of the Institute of
Metals, 1956-57, Vol. 85, pp. 33-40.
3. NEY380 Fluxless Aluminum Solder,
operations (Ref. 11): brazing zone (Ref. 12). obtained from Ney Metals, Inc. 44-09 10th
At 350 C, the diffusion coefficient of St., Long Island City, N. Y. 11101.
silicon and magnesium are both about 4. Brace, P. H„ U. S. Patent 2,638,426. May
4/3 Al + 0 , - » 2 / 3 ALO., 12, 1953.
IO-' 3 cm 3 /s (Ref. 13). Diffusion of
AG = RT in PO, = - 2 2 5 K cal 5. Miller, |. C, U. S. Patent 3,321,828;
silicon from the brazing zone across 3,322,517; 3,373,482; 3,373,483; 3,378,914;
2 Mg + 0 , - » 2 M g O the joint interface to the aluminum and 3,460,816.
AG = RT in PO, = - 2 4 5 K cal base metal was observed. The similar 6. Anderson, C. A., "Induction Welding
depletion of silicon from the Alcoa's of )oints in High Voltage Aluminum Under-
2 M g + 2/3 A l j O , - * 2 M g O + 4/3 No. 12 to 3003 base metal was reported ground Cable", IEEE Transactions on Power
Al by | R. Terrill (Ref. 14). No diffusion of Apparatus and Systems, Vol. pas-85, No. 4,
AC = - 2 6 K cal magnesium was noted. Mg,Si has been April, 1966.
reported to be a stable precipitate 7. Byrnes, )r., E. R., "Vacuum Fluxless
(Ref. 15). Brazing of Aluminum", Welding journal,
The negative sign of the free energy in 50(10), Oct. 1971, pp. 712-716.
the reaction shows that a reduction of The Reynolds A l u m i n u m Company's 8. Fiber Optic Thermal Monitoring Sys-
aluminum oxide w i t h magnesium is MD-110 brazing material which pro- tems from Vanzetti Infrared & Computer
feasible. However, it is doubtful that a vides solidus at 1030 F (554 C) and System, Inc., 607 Neponset St., Canton,
complete reaction could take place liquidus at 1120 F (610 C), has a chem- Mass. 02021.
within the brazing period. O. R. ical composition of 6.8 to 8.2% Si, 2.0 to 9. Singleton, O. R., "A Look at Brazing of
Singleton (Ref. 9) expressed his doubt 3.0% Mg, 0.8% maximum Fe, 0.045% Aluminum—Particularly Fluxless Brazing",
in reduction of the aluminum oxide maximum impurities and remainder of Welding lournal, 49 (11), Nov. 1970, pp.
because of the normal desorption and aluminum. The MD-110 alloy has a 843-849.
dehydration of surface oxides during chemical composition that is similar to 10. Schultze, W. and Schoer, H„ "Fluxless
Brazing of Aluminum Using Protective
heating. Tests made at the Reynolds alloy Nos. 333 (8 to 10% Si, 0.8% Mg),
Gas", Welding lournal, 52 (10), Oct. 1973,
Aluminum Company on the induction 359 (8.5 to 9.5% Si, 0.1% Mg), and 356 pp. 644-651.
brazed sample found that some alumi- (6.5 to 7.5% Si, 0.2 to 0.4% Mg). These 11. Swalin, R. A., Thermodynamics of
num oxides were trapped in the alloys which have many desirable Solids, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York,
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A*A £
*» L'rVlrti' 1 '•
(b) One Hour Aged a t 350°C
— - *t*f*»fi'^fiffi
i - t . B»A2SJ>4 0 S ^ (b) One Hour Aged at 350°C
*! A
ra : v i
I .,+
.A- m I
(c) 72 Hours Aged a t 350°C
(c) 72 Hours Aged at 350°C
ft <Q
V I Si
Fig. 14-Results of X-ray profile of silicon across the joint Fig. 15-Results of X-ray profile of magnesium across the joint
London. Inc., New York, Page 552. Science, The MacMillan Company, New
12. Correspondence from Mr. Dick 14. Terrill, J. R., "Diffusion of Silicon in York, Page 215.
Hughes at Reynolds A l u m i n u m Company A l u m i n u m Brazing Sheet", Welding lour- 16. Honig, R. E., "Vapor Pressure Data for
through Mr. A. Dixon of Westinghouse nal, 45(5), May 1966, Res. Suppl., pp. 202-s the Solid and Liquid Elements", RCA
Electric Corporation. to 209-s. Review, Vol. 23, Dec. 1962, Pages 567-583.
13. Smithells, C. )., Metals Reference 15. Kelly, A. and Nicholson, R. B., "Pre- 17. Aluminum, Vol. I, American Society
Book, Volume II, Interscience Publishers, cipitation Hardening", Progress in Materials for Metals, Metals Park, O h i o .
AWS A5.8-76
Specification For
Brazing Filler Metal
This specification prescribes requirements for filler metals which are added when making a braze.
The compositions are selected to include those having different brazing properties as well as those hav-
ing important commercial applications.
Topics covered are: Classification and Acceptance, Manufacture, and Special Filler Metal Grades
(including vacuum grade brazing filler metals for vacuum devices). Appendix A: Guide to AWS Classifica-
tion of Brazing Filler Metals, Appendix B: Marking and Labelling and Appendix C: Metric Equivalents have
been added for your convenience.
The price of AWS A5.8-76, Specification for Brazing Filler Metal is $3.50. Discounts: 25% to A and B
members; 20% to bookstores, public libraries and schools; 15% to C and D members. Send your orders
to the American Welding Society. 2501 N.W. 7th St., Miami FL 33125. Florida residents add 4 % sales tax.