This 3-sentence summary provides the essential information about the Organic Chemistry course from the given document:
The Organic Chemistry course is a compulsory 11.5 ECTS course for second year Pharmacy students that aims to teach students general organic chemistry principles, stereochemistry, organic analysis techniques, reaction mechanisms, and basic organic reactions through a combination of 60 lectures, 45 seminars and 30 laboratory exercises. Student assessment is based on attendance, completed laboratory work, partial exams testing knowledge of specific topics, and a final exam evaluating understanding of the full course material.
This 3-sentence summary provides the essential information about the Organic Chemistry course from the given document:
The Organic Chemistry course is a compulsory 11.5 ECTS course for second year Pharmacy students that aims to teach students general organic chemistry principles, stereochemistry, organic analysis techniques, reaction mechanisms, and basic organic reactions through a combination of 60 lectures, 45 seminars and 30 laboratory exercises. Student assessment is based on attendance, completed laboratory work, partial exams testing knowledge of specific topics, and a final exam evaluating understanding of the full course material.
This 3-sentence summary provides the essential information about the Organic Chemistry course from the given document:
The Organic Chemistry course is a compulsory 11.5 ECTS course for second year Pharmacy students that aims to teach students general organic chemistry principles, stereochemistry, organic analysis techniques, reaction mechanisms, and basic organic reactions through a combination of 60 lectures, 45 seminars and 30 laboratory exercises. Student assessment is based on attendance, completed laboratory work, partial exams testing knowledge of specific topics, and a final exam evaluating understanding of the full course material.
This 3-sentence summary provides the essential information about the Organic Chemistry course from the given document:
The Organic Chemistry course is a compulsory 11.5 ECTS course for second year Pharmacy students that aims to teach students general organic chemistry principles, stereochemistry, organic analysis techniques, reaction mechanisms, and basic organic reactions through a combination of 60 lectures, 45 seminars and 30 laboratory exercises. Student assessment is based on attendance, completed laboratory work, partial exams testing knowledge of specific topics, and a final exam evaluating understanding of the full course material.
Professor Olga Kronja Professor Valerije Vrek 1.1. Course teacher Assistant Professor Sandra Juri, PhD 1.6. Year of study 2nd Assistant Professor Bernard Denegri, PhD 1.2. Name of the course Organic Chemistry 1.7. Credit value (ECTS) 11.5 Mirela Mati, PhD 1.8. Type of instruction (number of 1.3. Associate teachers 60 + 45 + 30 Marijan Marijan, Mchem. hours L+E+S+e-learning) 1.4. Study programme 1.9. Expected enrolment in the (undergraduate, graduate, Pharmacy integrated study programme course 130 integrated) 1.10. Level of use of e-learning (1, 2, 3 level), percentage of 1.5. Status of the course Compulsory instruction in the course on line 2nd (20% maximum) 2. COURSE DESCRIPTION Understand the general principles of organic chemistry, the basis of stereochemistry, organic analysis (spectroscopy), 2.1. Course objectives key reaction mechanisms, as well as basic nucleophilic and electrophilic reactions. 2.2. Enrolment requirements and required entry competences for Prerequisition: General chemistry with stoichiometry the course Application of basic knowledge of organic chemistry for analyzing the properties of drugs based on the structure of 2.3. Learning outcomes at the level of the study programme to which active ingredients and also for prediction an interaction with active site, based on the functionality of the compound the course contributes as well as for designing the synthesis of new biological active compounds. After competition the course, the student will be competent to: 1. Describe the bonds in organic molecules, classify the organic compounds and name them; 2. Recognize the sterochemical features of a given molecule and analyse the impact of the stereochemistry to 2.4. Expected learning outcomes at the level of the course (4-10 reactivity; learning outcomes) 3. Estimate the acidity/basicity of organic molecules and describe the electronic effects that determine them; 4. Identify simple molecules by analysing the corresponding NMR and IR spectra; 5. Predict the products of simple nucleophilic addition and substitution on the carbonyl group, nucleophilic substitution on saturated carbon, elimination and addition reactions and electrophilic substitution reactions; 6. Present the basic key reaction mechanisms and indicate the structural and electronic features of the substrate that influence the reaction pathway; 7. Design the synthesis of simple organic compounds. LECTURES Binding in organic molecules Classes and nomenclature of organic compounds Stereochemistry - shapes of molecules Stereochemistry- chirality and optical activity Acidity and basicity of organic compounds and structural feature that determine them Spectroscopy - basis of NMR and IR Characteristic reactions in organic chemistry and reaction mechanisms Nucleophilic addition to carbonyl group - aldehydes and ketones Nucleophilic substitution on carbonyl groups - carboxylic acid derivatives Nucleophilic substitution on saturated carbon Elimination reactions - alkenes and alkynes Reaction of the -carbanions - condensation reactions Approach to organic synthesis Electrophilic additions to unsaturated carbon 2.5. Course content broken down in Conjugated additions detail by weekly class schedule Electrophilic aromatic substitutions (syllabus) Heterocyclic compounds SEMINARS Binding in organic molecules Classes and nomenclature of organic compounds Stereochemistry - shapes of molecules Stereochemistry- chirality and optical activity Acidity and basicity of organic compounds and structural feature that determine them Spectroscopy - basis of NMR and IR Characteristic reactions in organic chemistry and reaction mechanisms Nucleophilic addition to carbonyl group - aldehydes and ketones Nucleophilic substitution on carbonyl groups - carboxylic acid derivatives Nucleophilic substitution on saturated carbon Elimination reactions - alkenes and alkynes Reaction of the -carbanions - condensation reactions Approach to organic synthesis Electrophilic additions to unsaturated carbon Conjugated additions Electrophilic aromatic substitutions Heterocyclic compounds LABORATORY Distillation Synthesis ands isolation of aniline Synthesis and isolation of acetanilide (crystallization) Synthesis of ethyl acetate Cannizzaro reaction (separation of acidic and neutral components) Identification
points) lectures independent study 2.7. Comments: seminars and workshops multimedia and the internet 2.6. Type of instruction exercises laboratory online in entirety work with the mentor (other) 2.8. Student responsibilities Class attendance 2 Research Practical training 2.9. Screening of students work Experimental work 1.5 Report (specify the proportion of ECTS Essay Seminar essay 1 (Other--describe) credits for each activity) Tests 1 Oral exam (Otherdescribe) Written exam 6 Project (Otherdescribe) 2.1. Grading and evaluation of Attendance, competition of the planed laboratory work and passing the exam. The overall grade is defined with final student work over the course of exam (contribution 40%), laboratory and colloquium (20%) and partial exams (40%). instruction and at a final exam Title 2.2. Required literature (available at S. H. Pine Organic Chemistry, kolska knjiga 1994. the library and via other media) O. Kronja, S. Bori Praktikum iz preparativne organske kemije, kolska knjiga 2004. 2.12. Optional literature L. G. Wade, Organic Chemistry, 7. izd. , Prentice Hall, 2012. 2.13. Methods of monitoring quality Learning outcomes1-6 are tested by partial exams during the semester and with final written exam. Learning outcome that ensure acquisition of exit 7 is tested during practical work in laboratory and checked by colloquium. competences
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