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Biochemistry - Basic Principles and Method

In 1873, Dr. Med. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler, a German doctor, published an
article entitled "An Abridged Homoeopathic Therapeutics" in the ‘Allgemeine
Homoo-pathische Zeitung’ in which he stated that “the generally used medicines
had become superfluous" for him and that he required only 12 inorganic
substances ie, physiological function remedies of the organism”. He was
convinced that these remedies were the shortest way to the desired results.

A year later, in 1874, Schuessler decided to make public the principles of his
shortened homoeopathic therapeutics. His booklet "An abridged therapeutics,
based on histology and cellular pathology" appeared on the stands. This title, in
which no mention of homoeopathy was made, already sounded very different.
Schuessler later wrote, "My healing method is not a homoeopathic one because it
is not based on the simile principle but on the physiological-chemical processes
which take place in the human organism". In the following years, he was to call
this procedure Biochemistry.

Physiology (Greek physis = nature) is the science of physiological-chemical
processes in living organisms. Physiological chemistry deals with the related
substances involved in this, and their effects.

A Short Biography
Who was this Dr. Schuessler? He was born on 21 August 1821 in Zwischenahn,
in Oldenburg. He died here on 30 March 1898 of a stroke. Little is known of his
youth, which he must have led in modest circumstances. Schuessler earned his
living primarily by teaching foreign languages. Although he could not attend any
higher school, he became highly proficient in old and new languages. Later, he
was able to complete his medical study with the financial help of an elder brother.
Homoeopathy had drawn his interest very early in life. At the age of 30, though
he did not have a school-leaving certificate, he began his study at the universities
in Paris, Berlin and Giessen where he got his medical doctorate after only two and
a half years of study. This was followed by a few more semesters in Prague.
However, before Schuessler could give the state examination, he had to take his
school-leaving examination. This he did at the Senior Secondary School in
Oldenburg. On passing the examination, he was congratulated with these rather
peculiar words, "Doctor, you have passed your examination with 'distinction'.
That is, the school-leaving examination!
From Homoeopathy to Biochemistry
After giving the medical state examination, Schuessler obtained his license to
practice, as a doctor in 1857 when he was 36 years old. He settled in Oldenburg.
In the early years of his successful practice, he devoted himself totally to
homoeopathy. During this time he did much to promote homoeopathy, an
endeavor that also included the publication of articles. He was, however, also
critical of homoeopathy. He was a seeker with an independent mind who strived
to 'create a clearly defined therapy', a therapy which entailed the use of only a few
medicines as opposed to the wide range of homoeopathic medicine.

His many years of research in this field resulted in new findings and also a deeper
insight in the physiological fields. He also became increasingly aware of the
biochemic correlations. All this helped him to crystallize his ideas on the course
of life in sickness and in health.

Mineral matter in the Organism

An exponent of this new awareness was the Dutch physiologist, J. Moleschott
(1822 - 1893), who wrote of the importance of inorganic salts in the organism in
his "Cycle of Life" (1852). A significant sentence in this work was "The structure
and vitality of the organs depend upon the presence of the necessary quantities of
inorganic constituents." Modem research on cellular contents and their role in
physiological functions further strengthen the concept.

Inorganic Salts
Inorganic salts such as common salt, potassium phosphate and magnesium
sulphate are carbon free compounds, whereas organic salts and other organic
substances are compounds containing carbon such as sugar, or alcohol, etc. It was
earlier thought that such organic substances could only be formed in live organs.
This assumption was later proved incorrect. However, the differentiation between
organic and inorganic chemistry was retained for didactic reasons.

Virchow's Cellular Pathology

Schuessler was greatly influenced by R. Virchow (1821-1902), the founder of
cellular pathology (pathology = science of diseases and their causes). Virchow's
revolutionary idea that all life even the pathological processes are linked to the
tissues, the "cellular state" is relevant even today. According to him, "The nature
of disease is the disease of the cells. The 4th edition of his "Cellular Pathology",
which appeared in 1872, was read by Schuessler at a time when he was treading a
new path of thought which sought to break away from the earlier dependence on
homoeopathy and his new healing therapy was in the final stages of preparation.

Schuessler agreed with Virchow that the basic cause of all life processes and the
changes in organs and tissues was to be found in the sensitivity of the cells.
Therefore, the cause and nature of disease could, to a great extent, be attributed to
the activity of the cells.
Biochemic Therapy
The discovery that the normal activity of the cell depends on a standard amount of
inorganic salts helped Schuessler in further developing his biochemic therapy.
According to him, any variation in the normal amount of inorganic, nutritive salts,
especially a deficiency of these salts, was the cause of disease. Consequently, his
therapy consisted of compensating the deficiency of inorganic salts through their
medicinal counterparts. In the regard, it is not necessary to take recourse to
substitution such as "to replace the deficiency with what is lacking" but to release
a stimulus, to relay information, which will help the cells to reabsorb the
necessary inorganic, salts from the food so that the inner balance is maintained.
Schuessler placed his Cellular Therapy alongside of Virchow's Cellular
Pathology. Today Schuessler's ideas are easy to follow. The knowledge, the
function of the inorganic salts in metabolism, the role of the trace elements and
the importance of a well balanced diet are well known today.

Hippocrates + Paracelsus
The foundations of such a biological or biochemical therapy were laid in the
distant history of medicine. They can be traced to Hippocrates (5th/4th century
B.C.) and later to the "impetuous renewer" of our medical philosophy, Paracelsus

Biochemistry, a Natural Science discipline

This foundation was further broadened in the age of the natural sciences by
contributions from biology, medicine, physiology and above all, chemistry. Today
these are the components of general biochemistry, which is considered a
comprehensive discipline of knowledge on life and its patterns. According to this
discipline, every expression of life, every disease, even mental activity and
psychological responses are linked to the process of chemical conversion specific
to each of them, both within and without the cells. In these biochemic processes
the mineral substances under discussion play an important role.

Today clinical biochemistry is meant to normalize the disturbed chemical balance

in a living being, exactly as Schuessler has envisaged it. It was due to this method
of treatment that Schuessler in his time won the right to call his newly defined
therapy Biochemistry. The decision to do so must be viewed against its historical
background. Today the term Biochemistry as biological chemistry, physiological
chemistry or chemical physiology encompasses far more than Schuessler could
ever dream of.

Over a hundred years of biochemistry after Schuessler

The passage of time has not brought any changes in the basic relevance of his
therapy, which has held on its own for more than 100 years. Nor are any changes
required in its practical administration. In fact, Schuessler had anticipated a great
deal in the medical field that was to gain recognition much later. All else is a
matter of interpretation.
Natural, safe therapy
Schuessler and his successors have proved that their biochemical repertoire offers
many effective therapeutic possibilities. It is convincing, safe, adapted to the
human body and "natural" in the full sense of the word. The limits of biochemical
action are dictated by the extent to which biochemic science has progressed in the
past decades in the fields of dietetics, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, physical
treatment, surgery, gynecology etc. that no therapist can ignore.

Schuessler's 12 Function Remedies

In keeping with the times, Schuessler's therapy revolved around the 12 mineral
salts found in the blood and the tissues. He named them function remedies
because each of them affected certain functions of the body organs.

They are:
1. Calcarea fluorica
(Calcium fluoricum, Fluorspar, calcium fluoride)
2. Calcarea phosphorica
(Calcium phosphoricum, Phosphoric acid calcium, calcium phosphate)
3. Ferrum phosphoricum (Iron phosphate)
4. Kalium muriaticum
(Kalium chloratum, Potassium chloride)
5. Kalium phosphoricum
(Potassium phosphate)
6. Kalium sulphuricum (Potassium sulphate)
7. Magnesia phosphorica
(Magnesium phosphoricum, Magnesium phosphate)
8. Natrum muriaticum
(Natrium choratum, sodium chloride, common salt)
9. Natrum phosphoricum (Sodium phosphate)
10. Natrum sulfuricum (Sodium sulphate)
11. Silicea (Quartz, silicic acid)
12. Calcium sulfuricum (Calcium sulfuricum, Calcium sulphate, Plaster)

Schuessler later eliminated the twelth remedy, Calcium sulfuricum, from his
therapy, thus reducing his repertory to eleven remedies. However, his successors
again included it in the therapy. Today it is one of the relevant remedies of

Preparation of Biochemic Medicine

Even though Schuessler deviated more and more from homoeopathy and the
similarity principle, in the pharmaceutical field he retained the homoeopathic
techniques of preparation which he knew well from long years of experience. As
in homoeopathy, biochemic medicine also consists of specific medicinal stimuli,
which support or activates the body's endeavor to heal. Only the smallest quantity
of the substance corresponding to the quantity normally present in the blood and
tissues of the body are adequate towards this end.
Schuessler's function remedies and the supplements are triturated with lactose,
potentized according to the homoeopathic procedures and made into tablets. This
procedure ensures maximization of the drugs action, combined with optimum
reactivity of the individual substances. The biochemic medicine this way reaches
roughly the size of a molecule, and can in this form, as ions* pass through the cell
membranes. The same type of mineral salt molecules, thus eliminating the
restriction on the exchange of substances between the cells and the extra cellular
tissue, as is typical in the case of sick cells, can rectify any disturbance in the
molecular motion. The cells are capable of biological and biochemical

* A molecule (Latin moles = mass) is the smallest material unit of a substance, which consists of various
atoms such as sodium chloride (common salt) from sodium and chlorine. Ions are atoms with positive or
negative charges. For instance, in common salt sodium has a positive charge and chlorine a negative
charge. The cells in the form of ions absorb salts.

The biochemic medicine restores the ion gradient necessary for the normal
functioning of the cells.

This may sound difficult; but a general idea of the processes needs to be given for
the benefit of those who seek a scientific explanation, albeit a simplified one, of
how biochemic remedies work.

Potencies of Biochemic Medicine

The function remedies are available in tablets of 65 mg in the potencies 3x, 6x,
12x, 30x and 200x. This refers to decimal potencies in the ratio of 1: 1000 (3x), 1:
1,000,000 (6x) and 1: 1,000,000,000,000 (12x) and so on. This means that in case
of 6x, a molecule of mineral salt is surrounded by about 1 million lactose parts, in
the case of 12x, it is surrounded by 1 billion of such parts and in this extreme state
the maximum effectiveness or potency (Lat. Potentia = power) is realized.

Decimal Potency
The term 'decimal potency' is derived from homoeopathic terminology. It
indicates the arithmetical concentration of a substance. For example, if one part of
the medicinal substance is triturated with 9 parts of lactose for a certain period of
time, the result is a 10% mixed substance, a 1x (1: 10). If this concentration is
further processed in the same way, the result is a 1 % mixture, a 2x (1: 100) The
same decimal progression is used for 3x (1: 1000) = 0.1 %), for 4x (1: 10,000 =
0.01 %), for 5x (1: 100,000 = 0.001%) for 6x (1:1,000,000 = 0.0001%) etc. Each
time the subsequent potency is prepared from the previous one. This procedure of
progressive potentising continues till the medical powers of the substance have
surfaced properly. The word 'potency', which apart from its arithmetical meaning
actually signifies 'strength', has already been discussed.
The biochemic remedies are available in the original packing in 20 gm or 25 gm.
The prescription is made according to the Latin terms of the remedies (e.g.
Kalium phosphoricum) with the desired potency (3x, 6x or 12x).

The application according to the common terms for diseases is given in
alphabetical order. If several remedies have been recommended for the same
indication, the individual details and information are to be carefully matched.
While selecting the remedy, a look at the more detailed information may be

Clinical application of Schuessler's Function Remedies

Short Descriptions of the Characteristics and Application
l. Calcarea Fluorica
Calcarea Fluorica (Calcium fluoratum, calcium fluoride, fluorspar) is found in
enamel of teeth, bones and the epidermis and particularly where there is elastic
tissue. The remedy facilitates blood circulation and strengthens the small blood
vessels. It also promotes the absorption of angiosclerosis.
Loss of elasticity of blood vessels (haemorrhoids, varicose veins, arteriosclerosis).
Bone and tooth diseases (predisposition to caries etc.), intervertebral disk damage,
joint complaints, rickets, hardened tissue and glands, weak posture and early
aging of the skin. Calcarea Fluorica is also used in the treatment of all tumours. It
takes effect slowly and must be taken over a long period of time. In the case of
chronic diseases, it should be taken in the potency 12 x or higher.

The symptoms improve with warmth and worsen in cold and wet weather.

2. Calcarea phosphorica
Calcarea phosphorica (Calcium phosphoricum, Calcium phosphate, calcium
hydrogen phosphate) is the most abundant salt in the body as compared to the
other salts. It is a biochemic remedy, which builds and strengthens the body. It
mainly forms the hard bone mass but is also found in all the cells. Calcarea
phosphorica has an effect on the cell membranes and is involved in the formation
of protein.
Same as Calcarea filuorica, which can be used to advantage in combination with
Calcarea phosphorica in all bone and teeth diseases, teething problems of
children, bone fractures which are not healing well, anemia, lung diseases,
nervous disorders, fatigability and sleep disorders (especially in babies and
children as well as during the growing years). It is indicated in menstruation
complaints, during pregnancy and convalescence. Calcarea phosphorica works
slowly and must be taken over a long period of time.
This remedy suits particularly pale, anaemic people with a sickly expression,
whose symptoms are aggravated during the night and while at rest.

3. Ferrum phosphoricum
Ferrum phosphoricum (iron phosphate, ferrosoferricphosphate). Iron (Ferrum) is a
salt of far-reaching importance for the organism. The essential role it plays is well
known. It is an indispensable constituent of haemoglobin. It is found in all cells, is
involved in many enzymatic processes and plays an important role in fighting
infections. Children need iron for growth. It is also needed during menstruation,
pregnancy and the lactation period.

The portion of iron in the organism amounts to 4 to 5g, three-fourths of it is

bound in hemoglobin.
"Every family should have Ferrum phosphoricum." (H.G. Jaedicke). It is the
biochemic remedy for all diseases, which appear suddenly and is indicated in the
early stages of all inflammed and feverish conditions. It is also indicated in
children's diseases, anemic conditions, for pain, wounds, haemorrhages, bruises,
joint sprains, physical overexertion, circulatory disturbances with rheumatic
symptoms, acute gastritis with pain and vomiting as well as in summer diarrhoea
with fever.

All symptoms aggravate during the night, in warm conditions and with motion.
Rest and coolness relieve the symptoms.

4. Kalium muriaticum
Kalium muriaticum (Kalium chloratum, Potassium chloride). Kalium is a
constituent of every cell, particularly the red blood corpuscles / erythrocytes. Like
Natrum, this salt has specific physiological effects on the sensitivity of nerves and
muscles. Furthermore, Kalium is also involved in the formation of protein and in
carbohydrate utilization (stimulates metabolism). On the whole, Kalium is an
indispensable constituent of the organism. Lack of Kalium causes pathological
changes in various tissues (heart muscles, skeleton muscles etc.).
In biochemistry, it is the main remedy for catarrh of various organs and mucous
membranes, if there are viscous-fibrinous secretions (second stage of
inflammation) and a white, whitish-grey or white slimy mass is formed such as
whitish-grey flakes on the skin or solid white membranes on the mucous

Kalium muriaticum is prescribed especially for ear, eye and throat diseases, which
are characterized by fibrinous inflammation. It is also recommended in the case of
lung inflammation, fibrinous pleurisy, bronchitis, rheumatism, tendovaginitis,
warts, chilblains, vaccination complaints and bums.

Warmth alleviates the symptoms. Motion, spicy and greasy food aggravates them.
5. Kalium phosphoricum
Kalium phosphoricum (potassium phosphate, potassium hydrogen phosphate). It
is the most significant salt of the cells and is particularly important for blood
plasma, discoplasm, the tissues, the brain, nerve and muscle cells. Lack of Kalium
leads to fatigue of the organs, which may be due to a psychological disorder,
depression, fearfulness, sadness and poor memory in a person.
Kalium phosphoricum is the most valuable biochemic function remedy for acute
and chronic diseases as well as for the state of exhaustion. It is indicated in cases
of nervousness, depression, exhaustion, melancholy, hysteria, nervous
sleeplessness, disinclination towards mental activity, poor memory, muscular
weakness, lumbago, nervous heart complaints, anxiety with heart palpitations. It
helps in the treatment of organic heart diseases, hemorrhages, paralysis, loss of
energy caused by infectious diseases, rotting and gangrenous conditions with
foul-smelling discharges (internal antiseptic).

Moderate movement improves the symptoms, though exertion would aggravate


6. Kalium sulphuricum
Kalium sulphuricum (potassium sulphate). It is found in the epidermis and the
epithelial cells of the skin and mucous membranes, very often in combination
with iron which it assists in carrying oxygen to the cells and with which it
activates the cellular metabolism. What Ferrum phosphoricum is to the first stage
of inflammation (dry swelling without secretion), Kalium muriaticum is to the
second (viscous secretions), and Kalium sulphuricum is to the third (inflammation
with slimy, yellow secretions).
"In case of all diseases, which have not been cured properly" (H.G. Jaedicke). In
case of all kinds of chronic inflammations, skin diseases with formation of scales,
chronic suppurative mucous membrane catarrh (nose, ear, throat, bronchial tubes,
conjunctiva etc.), catarrh of the stomach and bowels, hepatitis and nephritis as
well as rheumatic joint pains and generally for the promotion of all processes of
excretion and detoxication.

Import indications for the selection of the remedy: The patient is sad and fearful;
worse towards evening and in warm, closed rooms; relieved in cool, fresh air.

7. Magnesia phosphorica
Magnesia phosphorica (magnesium phosphate, magnesium hydrogen phosphate).
It is the biochemic remedy for pain and cramps. Magnesia is second only to
Kalium among the mineral substances of the human organism. About half of the
total amount present in the body is found in the skeleton, a third in the muscular
system and the rest in the nerves, brain and spinal marrow, red blood corpuscules,
liver and thyroid glands. Magnesia is involved in many enzymatic processes.
It has an anti thrombotic and anti allergic effect, influences neuromuscular
sensitivity and the functioning of the heart (among others, it prevents myocardial
infarction). Magnesia lowers basal metabolism and the cholesterol level in the
For all types of cramps, colic and pain, for neuralgia in all parts of the body, a
feeling of tightness around the area of the heart and susceptibility to migraines. It
is very effective in treating all colic conditions and flatulence, teething problems
and paroxysmal cough in children and watery diarrhoea accompanied by body
ache. All symptoms are relieved by warmth and firm pressure. They are
aggravated by the cold.

"Hot seven"
For quick relief in the case of cramps and colics, half a teaspoon of Magnesia
phosphorica are dissolved in a glass of hot water (stirred often) and a sip is taken
every 2 to 5 minutes. Since Magnesia phosphorica is the 7th remedy according to
Schuessler, this application is jokingly called "Hot seven".

8. Natrum muriaticum
Natrum muriaticum (Natrum chloratum, sodium chloride, common salt).
Common salt (Natrum chloratum) is the most important element among the
Natrum salts of the organism. It is absolutely essential. While Kalium is found
mainly in the cells, approximately half of sodium is found in the extra cellular
fluid. A third is located in the bones and cartilage. In comparison, there is a
proportionally higher concentration of intracellular Natrum in the stomach and

Natrum regulates the water balance, the osmotic pressure (for regulation of the
osmotic pressure an adult of average stature performing average physical activity
requires 5 to 10g of common salt per day) and the acid-base balance. It ensures
the sensitivity of the muscles and nerves (sodium-potassium pump), assists in the
formation of new cells and stimulates the formation of red blood corpuscules.
Anemia, chlorosis, loss of appetite, weight loss, catarrh of the mucous membranes
with watery secretion, stomach-bowel catarrh with watery diarrhea, acid
deficiency, hypogalactia of puerperae, constipation, hemorrhoids, tingling and
feeling of numbness in the extremities, watery skin eruptions, rheumatic
complaints, headaches, migraines, excessive secretion of tears and salivation,
neurasthenia, hysteria and lack of drive.

The symptoms aggravate during the morning, due to mental exertion and in
moist-cool weather; thirst and desire for salty food. They improve in dry, warm
air or also in cooler, fresh air.
9. Natrum phosphoricum
Natrum phosphoricum (sodium phosphate, sodium monohydrogen phosphate). It
is found almost everywhere in the organism: in the brain cells and nerves, in the
muscles, the red blood corpuscules and connective tissue. It carries the uric acid
in solution to be eliminated through the kidneys. Natrum phosphoricum is
required for eliminating metabolic end products. Furthermore, the remedy plays
an important role in the carbonic (acid) exchange of blood (buffer action) and in
the metabolism of lactic acid, which is formed from glycogen during muscular
Natrum phosphoricum acts as a neutralizing agent in cases of excessive acids of
all kinds. It is indicated in acute and chronic diseases (particularly for children),
which are caused by metabolic disorders, in case of excessive hydrochloric acid,
heartburn, sour vomiting, fermentative stool, rheumatism, sciatica and gout. It is
also indicated in swelling of glands, inflammation of the eyes, catarrh of the
tonsils and pharynx, inflammation of the stomach with sour belching, cystitis,
gallstones, kidney stones and skin eruptions with honey colored, creamy

The symptoms are aggravated by motion, greasy food and moist-cold weather.

10.Natrum sulphuricum
Natrum sulphuricum (sodium sulphate, Glauber's salt). It is found more in the
tissue fluids than in the cells. Its task is to eliminate excess water from the body,
to remove metabolic wastes, detoxicate the organism and stimulate bile flow.
In all diseases of the excretory organs (liver, gall bladder, kidneys, bladder), in
case of skin eruptions, lichen, old wounds, oozing crural ulcer, edemata, influenza
infections and rheumatic complaints.

Natrum sulphuricum is suitable for patients who always feel chilly and cannot get
warm even in bed at night. They are irritable, apathetic and depressed. The
symptoms, which often appear periodically, aggravate towards the morning, in
damp weather and in damp surroundings (homes). The secretions are yellow-
green and watery.

11. Silicea
Silicea (Acidum silicicum)
As a constituent of the connective tissue, it is essential for the body. Silicea is
important for the skin and mucous membranes, the nails, hair and bones. It
increases the power of resistance and mechanical strength of the tissues
(biochemic cosmetic). Lungs, lymph glands and the suprarenal contain a
considerable amount of Silicea. Silicea plays an important role in calcium
metabolism. Along with other substances, silicea helps in the assimilation of
calcium from the food.
It stimulates the formation of collagen (proteins in the bones) and stimulates the
activity of the phagocytes ('devouring cells'), which help fight infections.
Along with Calcium sulphuricum, Silicea is the main remedy for acute and
chronic inflammations with all kinds of suppuration. It is also indicated in case of
varices (varicose veins, hemorrhoids etc.), diseases of the nails and hair,
inflammation and hardening of the glands, scarring processes, bone fistula, caries,
rickets, hordeolum (stye) and night sweats.

Silicea reduces effusions and lowers the uric acid in the blood (refer also to
Natrum phosphoricum).

Symptoms are aggravated by the cold (it's chilly everywhere), motion and
towards the evening anii night. Alleviation of the symptoms is brought about by
warmth and by keeping the patient warmly wrapped.

The so-called 'Silicea children' look old, are often under nourished with slack skin
and muscles. As adults they appear weak, depressive and incapable of work.

12. Calcarea sulphurica

Calcarea sulphurica (Calcium sulfuricum, Calcium sulphate, gypsum). Some of it
is found in the liver and gall bladder. Like Silicea, it is an important remedy for
all suppurating conditions. It increases blood coagulation and stimulates
Abscesses, boils, carbuncles, conjunctivitis, suppurative tonsillitis, suppurative
bronchial catarrh, cystitis and nephritis, chronic cold involving the maxillary sinus
with foul smelling, bloody and suppurating discharge; anal fistulas, chronic
rheumatism and last but not least: insomnia, poor memory and vertigo.

Treatment with Biochemical Remedies

When to practice self-medication?
From the wide range of applications, therefore, only those are selected
preferentially which are experienced by every human being and appear in every
family typically, such as the routine discomfort, malaise and minor illnesses. Even
in these cases self-medication is more or less applicable only when the person
seeking medical advice is in the position to assess his own condition on the basis
of individual or general experience, and to arrive at a decision. In case of doubt
about the kind and development of an illness, a thorough clarification by
differential diagnosis is always required. This is especially applicable to wide-
spreading health problems, serious and infection-related diseases, as well as
prolonged and chronic illnesses.
Time and Patience
A very important fact to be always kept in mind is that biochemistry cannot be
expected to produce results overnight. It is obvious that a certain period of time
will have to pass until the "inner balance" is re-established and the functional
efficiency of the organism is restored. This period must be endured with patience
and critical self-observation. In most cases this biological process presupposes an
adequately long period of intake of medical drugs. This does not imply that the
patient has to accept the reality that the human body reacts to the drugs generally
after a long time. "Everything can also go very fast", depending on the initial
condition of the patient, the extent of the health problems, his overall
psychosomatic constitution.

Dosage and Ingestion

According to Schuessler, "In acute cases a pea-size quantity of the trituration is
administered every one or two hours, whereas in chronic cases it is three to four
times a day". Relatively high dosage is prescribed nowadays according to general
understanding. In acute cases, 4 to 10 tablets should be taken every five minutes,
and in chronic cases 4 to 8 tablets up to 3 or 4 times daily. The intake should be
half to 1 hour after the meals. These are taken without any fluid and are allowed
to dissolve in mouth gradually, facilitating absorption of the effective substance
directly by the mucous membrane in the oral cavity, bypassing the alimentary
canal, and thus directly reaching the blood Stream. In case of infants and younger
children, the tablets are given in pulverized form and are put directly on the
tongue. Strong stimulants like nicotine and alcohol as well as strong spices are
strictly prohibited while under biochemical medication.

Hot Seven
An exception to this scheme is Magnesium Phosphoricum, which, as a rule, is
dissolved in water and taken in sips. Normal dosage can be exceeded in case of
strong colic, attacks of acute pain and excruciating cramps or convulsions. On the
basis of favorable results a practice has been established to dissolve half a
teaspoon of the drug in a glass of hot water (not to be stirred with a metallic
spoon), and to drink this mixture every 2 to 5 minutes in small sips. The
procedure can definitely be used, although not so clearly indicated in the
therapeutic section. It bears the appropriate name "Hot Seven" under "the
Chosen", as Magnesium Phosphoricum is numbered 7 in Schuessler's table of

Only 1 drug
In general it is recommended not to take various drugs simultaneously. If one has
to take another drug then it should be taken on alternate days. Hourly alternation
can also be practiced, if justifiable. Very rarely the ingestion of more than 2
different drugs is reported.
Of what potency?
The choice of potency (3x, 6x, 12x, 30x and 200x) is very easy. Schuessler has
used 6x most often for all of his functional drugs. Exceptions are Calcium
fluoratum, Ferrum phosphoricum and Silicea, for which he prescribed 12x due to
their low solubility. Today these 3 drugs are often taken in 6x potency. Doctors
for treatment of difficult chronic cases mostly prescribe the 30x and 200x. This
scheme can surely be practiced, as there is scarcely any possibility of a "wrong"

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