Shock Tube Nptel-10-13
Shock Tube Nptel-10-13
Shock Tube Nptel-10-13
There are many experimental facilities (like hypersonic wind tunnels, hypersonic
shock tunnels etc.) available around the world to simulate the hypersonic flows. The
facilities like wind tunnels are the comparatively long duration facilities, where test
time is of the order of few seconds. The power to drive a wind tunnel is directly
proportional to cube of the velocity. Although this rule does not hold in case of high-
speed flow regimes, the need for rapidly increasing power still remains a fact. Still the
simulation of high Mach number flows can be done in long duration test facilities like
hypersonic wind tunnels but it is very expensive and difficult to simulate flows with
higher energy content in such facilities. Also in the wind tunnels, it is difficult to shift
from the conventional test gas (air) to any other test gas. Hence it becomes difficult to
simulate the flow conditions in the Martian environment, which is predominantly
carbon dioxide. The impulse facilities or short duration test facilities of test duration
varying from few tens of microseconds to few milliseconds are invented and designed
to reduce the experimental cost and to make it possible to conduct the experiments for
hypersonic or hyper-velocity situations. Most of such facilities have their basics in
shock tube.
The shock tube is a simple tube closed at both ends. A metallic or non-metalic
diaphragm is used to divide this duct into two compartments called as driver and
driven sections of the shock tube. Driver section is a high pressure section which
contains the high pressure gas and that gas. Driven section is a low pressure section
which contains the low pressure driven or test gas. In this section pressure transducers
are mounted to measure the pressure variation with time at particular location during
the experiments. Schematic of a typical shock tube along with the initial pressure
distribution is as shown in Fig. 33.1
Fig. 33.1. Schematic of a typical shock tube and initial pressure distribution.
the shock and can attain supersonic speed in the presence of strong primary shock.
Driver gas at the same time undergoes the expansion in the presence of expansion
waves. However, the driver and driven gases do not mix in each other due to the
presence of contact surface or discontinuity which moves in the driven section behind
the primary shock. The pressure and velocity are same across the contact surface.
Expansion fan and shock reflect from the closed ends of the shock tube. Reflected
shock again passes through the driver gas however it nullifies the momentum making
the gas stagnant. Thus driven section end of the shock tube momentarily acts as a
reservoir for high temperature and high pressure test gas. The strength of the shock
wave and expansion fan thus produced depends on the many parameters viz. initial
pressure ratio across the diaphragm, physical properties of the gases in the driver and
driven sections, diaphragm thickness etc. The typical space time diagram for the
shock in the shock tube is as shown in Fig. 33.2.
Fig. 33.2 Space time diagram for the shock and particle path for the shock tube
The above mentioned conventional shock tube has issues related with the operational
uncertainties. The main reason of the uncertainty is due to use of diaphragm to
operate the shock tube. Change in batch of diaphragm may change the diaphragm
material properties, thickness etc. which in turn changes the diaphragm rupture
pressure for same experimental conditions. The change in diaphragm rupture pressure
changes the primary shock strength and hence the stagnation conditions behind the
reflected shock. Hence a mechanism is invariantly thought for to replace the
diaphragm of the shock tube to reduce the uncertainty. In view of this a fast acting
valve is placed in place of the diaphragm which separates the driver and driven
sections of shock tube. Opening of such valve during the experiment operates the
shock tube. Rest operation of the diaphragm-less shock tube is same as that of the
conventional shock tube.
The shock tube explained earlier is the one where high pressure low temperature
driver gas is used to burst the diaphragm. However the strength of the primary shock
and hence the reflected shock depends on the temperature of driver gas for given
initial driven gas temperature. Hence other derivatives of shock tube are invented to
generate higher temperature and pressure at the end of driven end of the shock tube
which can then be facilitated in shock tunnel to simulate real gas effects.
Combustion driven shock tube has same configuration as that shown in Fig. 33.1.The
only difference lies is in the operation of this shock tube. The driver is filled with the
air and hydrogen along with the low molecular weight driver gas like helium. Spark
plugs are mounted in the driver section to initiate the combustion. Thus started
combustion raises pressure and temperature in the driver section which in tern bursts
the diaphragm. There onwards the operation of the shock tube is as explained earlier
in section 33.2. The increased driver gas temperature helps to increase the shock