Students Council Roles and Responsibilities

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Kesharbai Lahoti Mahavidyalaya, Amravati

Council Committee
Roles and Responsibilities of Student’s Council
 To represent all students of the department
 To organize educational and recreational activities for students
 To encourage students for active participation in club activities and department programs
 To ensure good relations are maintained within students and with Department Staff
 To communicate the issues and problems faced by the students to teachers

Role of Members:-
A. President :-
1. Presiding over the meeting of the club activities
2. Receiving feedback from Vice- President about ongoing Activities
3. Reporting the updates and progress to Teachers
4. Watching over the overall affairs of Clubs, Activities and Programmes conducted in the
5. To supervise the tasks of other council members

B. Vice President:-
1. To assist President in discharging his responsibilities
2. Review the attendance of all the council members during important meetings
3. Suggesting President with extra inputs after consulting the students

C. Secretary
1. Reporting the updates and progress to President
2. To receive feedback from Treasurer , Group Co-ordinator and Club Representatives.
3. Review the attendance of students participants in club activities.
4. Acting as an intermediary between President and Club Representatives
5. Ensuring hassle free arrangement of club activities by coordinating with President, Vice
President, Treasurer , Group Co-ordinator and Club Representatives

D. Joint Secretary
1. To assist Secretary
2. To suggest improvisations about fulfilment of activities and events
3. To take charge in absence of Secretary
E. Treasurer
1. Reporting the updates and progress to President
2. To collect amount from and manage finances of Department Activities
3. To keep record of inflow and outflow of money collected and spent
4. Ensuring to collect purchase receipts from Treasurers the of respected Clubs
5. To receive feedback from Secretary and Joint Secretary of Club

F. Joint Treasurer
1. To assist Treasurer
2. To suggest improvisations and suggestions to Treasurer
3. To act as Treasurer in absence of Treasurer

G. Discipline
1. To maintain discipline and harmony in Department Activities
2. To ensure that other Departments are not disturbed in any way by activities and conduct of
our Department
3. To report any misconduct to Teachers

H. Cultural
1. To ensure the implementation the adherence to Department Culture and Values.
2. To take lead in any cultural activity undertaken in Department
3. To supervise any cultural activity undertaken in Department

I. Tours and Excursions

1. To manage Tours and Excursions
2. To supervise Tours and Excursions
3. To organize Tours and Excursions

J. Sports
1. To manage Sports Events
2. To supervise Sports Events
3. To organize Sports Events

K. PRO ( Public Relations Officer)

1. To maintain record ( Photos, Videos and Documents) of all events and activities that are
conducted in Department
2. To publish news of events and activities after consulting with Teachers
3. To prepare a list of Guests to be invited and gifts to be given to them
Eco Club
I. Secretary of Eco Club
1. To ensure smooth implementation of activities that are conducted under Eco- Club
2. To ensure maximum students participation in activities that are conducted under Eco- Club
3. To maintain attendance record of participants
4. To co-ordinate with President and Secretary as and when required
5. To report Secretary and update members about ongoing activities

II. Joint Secretary of Eco Club

1. To assist Secretary of club
2. To suggest improvisations about fulfilment of activities
3. To lead the Club activities in absence of Secretary

III. Treasurer of Eco Club

1. To keep record of inflow and outflow of money collected and spent
2. Ensuring to collect purchase receipts from Secretary and Joint Secretary of Clubs
3. To submit the purchase receipts to the head treasurer and money collected from students.

IV. Group Coordinator of Eco Club

1. To ensure that free flow of communication and coordination exist within the respective club.

V. PR of Eco Club
1. To maintain record ( Photos, Videos and Documents) of all events and activities that are
conducted in Clubs
2. To publish news of events and activities after consulting with Secretary of Club and pass on
the same to Head PR
3. To prepare a list of Guests to be invited and gifts to be given to them and submit the same to
Head PR
Club Evolve
I. Secretary of Club Evolve
1. To ensure smooth implementation of activities that are conducted under Club Evolve
2. To ensure maximum students participation in activities that are conducted under Club
3. To maintain attendance record of participants
4. To co-ordinate with President and Secretary as and when required
5. To report Secretary and update members about ongoing activities

II. Joint Secretary of Club Evolve

1. To assist Secretary of club
2. To suggest improvisations about fulfilment of activities
3. To lead the Club activities in absence of Secretary

III. Treasurer of Club Evolve

1. To keep record of inflow and outflow of money collected and spent
2. Ensuring to collect purchase receipts from Secretary and Joint Secretary of Clubs
3. To submit the purchase receipts to the head treasurer and money collected from students.

IV. Group Coordinator of Eco Club

1. To ensure that free flow of communication and coordination exist within the respective club.

V. PR of Eco Club
1. To maintain record ( Photos, Videos and Documents) of all events and activities that are
conducted in Clubs
2. To publish news of events and activities after consulting with Secretary of Club and pass on
the same to Head PR
3. To prepare a list of Guests to be invited and gifts to be given to them and submit the same to
Head PR
Health and Fitness Club
I. Secretary of Health and Fitness Club
1. To ensure smooth implementation of activities that are conducted under Health and Fitness
2. To ensure maximum students participation in activities that are conducted under Health and
Fitness Club
3. To maintain attendance record of participants
4. To co-ordinate with President and Secretary as and when required
5. To report Secretary and update members about ongoing activities

II. Joint Secretary of Health and Fitness Club

1. To assist Secretary of club
2. To suggest improvisations about fulfilment of activities
3. To lead the Club activities in absence of Secretary

III. Treasurer of Health and Fitness Club

1. To keep record of inflow and outflow of money collected and spent
2. Ensuring to collect purchase receipts from Secretary and Joint Secretary of Clubs
3. To submit the purchase receipts to the head treasurer and money collected from students.

IV. Group Coordinator of Health and Fitness Club

1. To ensure that free flow of communication and coordination exist within the respective club.

V. PR of Health and Fitness Club

1. To maintain record ( Photos, Videos and Documents) of all events and activities that are
conducted in Clubs
2. To publish news of events and activities after consulting with Secretary of Club and pass on
the same to Head PR
3. To prepare a list of Guests to be invited and gifts to be given to them and submit the same to
Head PR
Creativity Space Club
I. Secretary of Creativity Space Club
1. To ensure smooth implementation of activities that are conducted under Creativity Space
2. To ensure maximum students participation in activities that are conducted under Creativity
Space Club
3. To maintain attendance record of participants
4. To co-ordinate with President and Secretary as and when required
5. To report Secretary and update members about ongoing activities

II. Joint Secretary of Creativity Space Club

1. To assist Secretary of club
2. To suggest improvisations about fulfilment of activities
3. To lead the Club activities in absence of Secretary

III. Treasurer of Creativity Space Club

1. To keep record of inflow and outflow of money collected and spent
2. Ensuring to collect purchase receipts from Secretary and Joint Secretary of Clubs
3. To submit the purchase receipts to the head treasurer and money collected from students.

IV. Group Coordinator of Creativity Space Club

1. To ensure that free flow of communication and coordination exist within the respective club.

V. PR of Creativity Space Club

1. To maintain record ( Photos, Videos and Documents) of all events and activities that are
conducted in Clubs
2. To publish news of events and activities after consulting with Secretary of Club and pass on
the same to Head PR
3. To prepare a list of Guests to be invited and gifts to be given to them and submit the same to
Head PR
Socio Eco Club
I. Secretary of Socio Eco Club
1. To ensure smooth implementation of activities that are conducted under Socio Eco Club
2. To ensure maximum students participation in activities that are conducted under Socio Eco
3. To maintain attendance record of participants
4. To co-ordinate with President and Secretary as and when required
5. To report Secretary and update members about ongoing activities

II. Joint Secretary of Socio Eco Club

1. To assist Secretary of club
2. To suggest improvisations about fulfilment of activities
3. To lead the Club activities in absence of Secretary

III. Treasurer of Socio Eco Club

1. To keep record of inflow and outflow of money collected and spent
2. Ensuring to collect purchase receipts from Secretary and Joint Secretary of Clubs
3. To submit the purchase receipts to the head treasurer and money collected from students.

IV. Group Coordinator of Socio Eco Club

1. To ensure that free flow of communication and coordination exist within the respective club.

V. PR of Socio Eco Club

1. To maintain record ( Photos, Videos and Documents) of all events and activities that are
conducted in Clubs
2. To publish news of events and activities after consulting with Secretary of Club and pass on
the same to Head PR
3. To prepare a list of Guests to be invited and gifts to be given to them and submit the same to
Head PR

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