Constitution and By-Laws - SGC

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Department of Education

Region X-Northern Mindanao

Division of Bukidnon
Don Carlos-III District
Pualas, Don Carlos, Bukidnon




WE, THE SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL of Pualas Elementary School,

Department of Education, Division of Bukidnon, District of Don Carlos 3,
Pualas, Don Carlos, Bukidnon, imploring the aid, guidance and protection of
the Devine providence, in order to create an organization of caring and
committed individuals, do hereby promulgate this Constitution.


Name, Office, and Seal

Section 1. The name of this council is Pualas Elementary School, School

Governing Council.

Section 2. The main office of this organization shall be in the school office,
Pualas Elementary School, Pualas, Don Carlos, Bukidnon.

Section 3. The league shall adopt the school logo/seal.



The primary objective of this organization is to provide a forum for

parents, students, teachers, community stakeholders and the school head to
work together towards continuously improving student learning outcomes.

Specifically, The SGC determines the general policies of the school on:

a. Student welfare, discipline and well-being.

b. Development and implementation of the SIP
c. Monitoring and Evaluation of the SIP Implementation.
d. Reporting progress of SIP Implementation to the SDS and the
e. Management of Council Resources


Declaration of Principles

Section 1. The SGC is non-political and non-sectarian.

Section 2. The powers and duties of the officers are those provided in the

Section 3. In the formulation of the policies, top consideration will be the

welfare of the members.


The Officers and Tenure of Office

Section 1. The composition of the SGC are the following Chairperson, Vice-
chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor and Chief Executive Officer (School

Section 2. Members of the Council are either elected/ nominated by their

sectors or by appointment by the Council.

Section 3. Councils will have a term of office not exceeding two (2) years.

Section 4. Councilors are eligible for subsequent re-election or reappointment.



Section 1. School stakeholders are encouraged to be a member of the School

Governing Council.


Nominations and Elections

Section 1. The election of officers shall be done during the first month of the
calendar year through voting.
Section 2. Only active and present members present during the election shall
be nominated and elected as officers.


Powers and Duties of Officers

Section 1. Chairperson

a. Acts as the presiding officer of the Council.

b. Chairs all meetings of the Council.

c. Initiates and responds to all communications which are for the attention
of the Council.

d. Signs for identification purposes any document referred for the Council.

e. Ascertains that in all meetings, a quorum is present.

f. Presents any report for which the chairman is responsible.

g. Prepares agenda for meetings in consultation with the principal.

h. Makes herself/himself available to the wider school community for

consultation and information sharing.

i. Works with the principal regarding direction of the School Governing


Section 2. The Vice-Chairperson

a. Be prepared at all meetings and acts as proxy at any function as

required in the absence of the Chair.

b. Be aware of the duties of the chair in the event of that person’s absence.

c. Be prepared to assist the chair and when requested by the chair.

d. Provides positive, candid input to the chair, on occasion when such

advice is seen as necessary or appropriate.

e. Assists in publishing the work of the Council.

Section 3. The Secretary

a. Assists with the writing of reports and correspondence when necessary.

b. Files paper works into governing council files.

c. Assists in publicizing the works of the School Governing Council.

d. Assists the chair in gathering any additional items for the Council

e. Assists the chair in gathering any additional items for the Council

f. Records and documents accurately minutes of all Council Meetings.

g. Provides all Council members legible seven (7) days prior to the next

h. Sends and does follow up of notice of meeting to all members.

i. Takes the attendance and apologies of the Council during meeting.

Section 4. The Treasurer

a. Takes charge of the fund receipts and disbursements of the Governing


b. Keeps the money and the valuables of the Council on a book that the
Council designates.

c. Keeps and have charge of books of accounts.

d. Prepares an audited report of all SGC funds and disbursements and


Section 6. The Auditor

a. Assists the treasurer in the processing of all financial transactions and


b. Audits funds, receipts and disbursements for submission to the council.

c. Assists the treasurer in keeping a clear record book of accounts.

Section 8. Principal

a. Plans meeting, time and format.

b. Arranges for information to be communicated to all Council members
before and after meetings.

c. Prepares Council meeting agenda in coordination with the chairman and


d. Provides the council accurate and clear information necessary for


e. Arranges reports to be available to all councilors.

f. Keeps the Council up-to-date with new initiatives that are occurring.

Section 9. Committees

A. Curriculum Committee

Curriculum Committee must be created to ensure strict implementation

of the curriculum and consider views and recommendation of students and

B. Beautification Committee

This committee is in-charge of the physical facilities of the school and

beautification of school grounds.

C. Ways and Means Committee

Ways and Means will take charge of the methods of Committee raising
money or sourcing out5 funds to support school improvement based on SIP.

D. Program Monitoring and Evaluation Committee

This committee takes charge of monitoring and assessing progress of

accomplishment of targets set by the Council.

E. Committee on Pupil Welfare and Discipline

Committee on pupil welfare and, pupil leaders and school head in developing
school policies on student well-being and discipline.

F. Canteen Committee

The Canteen Committee develops policies and plans the canteen

management, operations and

Improvement in adhere to existing regulations of DepED.


Funds, Collections and Disbursements

Section 1. There is no membership of the league. Upon personal submission of

the stakeholder, he/she is considered directly a member of the said


Meetings and Assembly

Section 1. The organization have to conduct meetings on special occasions that

need to be discussed directly by the members of the league. Programs,
projects, plans for school improvements and the like are considered
special occasions.


Order of the Business

Section 1. In meetings stated in Article XI section I, the procedure of

conducting the business shall be governed by the parliamentary

Section 2. The order of the business shall be the following:

a. Roll Call/Checking of Attendance by the secretary

b. Call to Order by the presiding officer
c. Reading of Previous Minutes by the secretary or assistant secretary
d. Auditor’s Report by the Auditor
e. Treasurer’s Report by the Treasurer
f. Chairman’s Report by the presiding officer
g. Unfinished Business
h. Presentation of New Business by the Chairman or presiding officer
i. Confirmation of the New Business
j. New Business
k. Adjournment


General Provisions

Section 1.The Governing Council must meet twice per semester with clear
starting and finishing time.
Section 2. Attendance of all councilors is expected at all times.

Section 3. If the governing councilor/council members does not attend three

(3) consecutive meetings without an apology, such person may be asked to

Section 4. An agenda should be prepared and a notice of meeting shall be sent

to all members at least three (3) days before the meeting. The agenda is
prepared by the chairperson, the school head and the secretary.

Section 5. Committees shall provide written reports.

Section 6. Minutes of any Council meeting shall be kept and each member
furnished a copy within seven (7) days after the meeting.

Section 7. Voting procedures must be known to all councilors.



Section 1. Any member may propose for an amendment of the constitution and

Section 2. Any amendment to this constitution and by-laws shall become a

part thereof after it shall have been duly approved by the body.



Section 1. Ratification of this Constitution and By-laws shall be done by ¾

votes of the members actually present and voting during the general

Section 2. Ratified this 9th of December 2020 at Pualas Elementary School,

Pualas, Don Carlos, Bukidnon.



Section 1. The provisions of this Constitution and By-laws of Pualas

Elementary School School Governing Council shall take effect
immediately after this ratification.

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