Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Managment Policy
Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Managment Policy
Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Managment Policy
Pressure Ulcer Prevention and
Management Policy
Complete datix /
Reassess all patients at least weekly or if condition changes. Assess existing pressure damage using
incident form for all
Community - All patients on long term usage of equipment to be assessed EPUAP classification (appendix B)
grade 2- 4 pressure
Instigate appropriate wound
management according to
wound management guidelines
Positioning/ repositioning Pressure relieving devices Seating
Regular repositioning Consider:
Minimise friction & shearing damage use Restrict sitting to 2
Type of mattress
manual handling devices - Slide sheets hours
Type of cushions
Establish a repositioning schedule and Cushion
document using repositioning chart REFERRAL
(Appendix D).
DOCUMENT Community - Implement Pressure ulcer pathway document The GP must be informed of the pressure
Acute - Implement core care plan ulcer Community by DNS
Acute On discharge summary
The presence of a pressure ulcer creates a number of difficulties psychologically, physically and clinically
to the patient, carer and family. Pressure ulcer prevention and management should be patient centred
and an integral part of patient care, which requires a multidisciplinary approach.
The financial cost of treating pressure ulcers is substantial. Bennett et al (4) estimated the cost as 1.4
2.1 billion annually, 4% of NHS expenditure (5). Increasingly, there is the real risk of costs incurred by
litigation, for failure to prevent or treat pressure damage effectively. Awards in the region of 100,000
have been given for negligent nursing or medical practice, which has lead to the development of
pressure damage (6, 7)
Whittington Health has a zero tolerance to pressure ulceration and it is everyones responsibility to reduce
the risk of a patient developing pressure ulceration whilst in there care.
2. Purpose
To provide guidance for all clinical staff on:
strategies to prevent and reduce the risk of patients from developing pressure ulceration
management of pressure ulceration if one should develop
To ensure best practice at all times, assisting in reducing the number of pressure ulcer developed
whist in Whittington Healths care.
To outline Whittington Health strategy for reduction and prevention of avoidable pressure ulcers
across the organisation
The document takes into account national and international recommendations (8, 9, 10, 11).
3. Duties
Duties within the organisation
All staff within Whittington Health have a responsibility and role in prevention of pressure ulcers.
To ensure pressure ulcer reduction strategies maintain a high profile at board and senior nursing
The Tissue Viability Team is responsible for the provision of an effective Tissue Viability Service across
Whittington Health
responsible for the development and implementation of policies and guidelines which are evidence
based and reflect best practice to support Pressure ulcer prevention and reduction
provide expert advice on Pressure ulcer prevention and treatment
provide education to all Health Professional
development of strategies to continuously reduce incidence of pressure ulcer
Promote a Zero tolerance to pressure ulcer development
Review incidence data, observe trends and work with teams locally to reduce occurrence of pressure
Ensure pressure ulcer prevention equipment and resources are available and fit for purpose
Ensure pressure relieving equipment contract meets the needs of the Organisation
Responsible for the everyday running of the Pressure relieving equipment contract (Whittington
Assist with the development of audit tools
Assist with audits and development of Organisational action plans in response to the audits
Work with specialised areas Emergency department, Theatres to develop strategies for pressure
ulcer prevention
Ensure all Grade 3 and 4 pressure ulcers are investigated using the Root Cause analysis (RCA) and
action plans developed
Report to Director of Nursing and clinical division all concerns
Provide information for reports on pressure ulcer prevention
To ensure Whittington Health report and investigate all pressure ulcers in accordance with
department of health requirements.
To ensure system are in place for collection of accurate data, which is disseminated across the
Heads of Nursing
Ensure pressure ulcer reduction maintains a high profile within the clinical division
Address local issues to assist in reduction of pressure ulceration across Whittington Health
Ensure all pressure ulcer prevention strategies are implemented across the division
To share information on incidence of pressure ulceration across clinical areas and address issues to
reduce pressure ulceration
To review all pressure ulcers incident in there clinical area observing for trends and ensure local
action is taken
To facilitate the completion of Root Cause Analysis investigation for all Grade 3 and 4 pressure
ulcers developed within there clinical areas and action plans are completed
Medical staff
To be familiar and adhere to the Pressure ulcer prevention policy
That all pressure ulcers are assessed, graded and documented within patients case notes.
Any skin changes/ damage reported to the nursing team
All clinical staff nurses, midwifes, student nurses, health care assistance
Read and understand the policy
Ensure receive training on pressure ulcer prevention
Adhere to the policy
Ensure patients are assessed and appropriate plan of care is developed and implemented
Any pressure ulcer identified reported
Under the Race Relation (Amendment) Act 2000 the ICO is required to undertake equality impact
assessments on all policies/guidelines and practices. This obligation has been expanded to
include equality and human rights with regard to disability, age, gender and religion.
The Equality Impact Assessment Tool (appendix 2) is designed to help the author to consider the
needs and assess the impact of this policy/guideline and practice.
If the pressure continues, the cells die and the area of dead tissue that results is pressure damage.
The amount of time this takes will vary, but may develop in as little as two hours in patients at greatest
The blood pressure at the arterial end of the capillaries is approximately 32 mmHg, while at the venous
end this drops to 10 mmHg. The average mean capillary pressure equals about 17 mmHg and any
external pressures exceeding this will cause capillary obstruction. Tissues that are dependent on these
capillaries are deprived of their blood supply. Eventually the ischaemic tissues will die.
This may occur when the skin rubs against the bed sheets or other surfaces, e.g. when a patient slips
down the bed or is dragged up the bed or chair. This gliding of internal tissue layers causes blood
vessels to stretch and kink, thus obstructing blood supply to the skin area attached.
This is a component of shearing. Areas caused by friction wounds are more susceptible to damage from
pressure and shearing forces. Therefore, to prevent shearing and friction forces, appropriate moving
and handling techniques and equipment (e.g. sliding sheets and hoists) should be employed in order to
ensure the patient is clear of the support surface.
Skin should not be left wet (e.g. perspiration, incontinence, amniotic fluid) as it can become macerated
making it more susceptible to shear and friction.
Pressure ulcers can occur on any area of the body usually over a bony prominence.
Figure 1.
7.1 Assessment:
Initial and ongoing assessment of risk of pressure ulcers is the responsibility of registered healthcare
professionals. It should involve both formal and informal (skin inspection) procedures.
All members of the multi-disciplinary team have a responsibility to assess a patients risk of developing a
pressure ulcer and to report and document the risk assessment as appropriate.
The primary assessment is the responsibility of the registered nurse/midwife delivering care to the
patient. All patients should be assessed using the appropriate ICO Waterlow risk assessment
documentation for there clinical area.
Note: risk assessment tools should be used as an aide memoire and should not replace clinical
judgement (12)
Assess patients skin condition immediately on admission to your clinical area or at first visit by DNS
All bony prominence should be examined. For example Sacrum, heels, hips, ankles, elbows, occipital
and buttocks (Figure 1)
Patients and carers who are willing or able should be taught to assess their own skin and take ongoing
responsibility as appropriate.
Patient and carers will be provided with the Whittington Health pressure ulcer prevention leaflet
Note: Pressure ulcers should not be reverse/down categorised e.g. a grade 4 does not
become a grade 2. Should be documented as Healing category 4
These should be carried out in accordance with local guidance and using tools established in your
clinical area.
Assess the patients:
7.3 Documentation
Record details of the assessments in the patients assessment documentation, using the nursing model
appropriate to your clinical area.
Ensure the date and time of the assessment is recorded and the information is signed by the assessing
clinician. Name and status should be written in block capitals.
Care provided will be evaluated and progress documented in the patients case notes for each episode
of care, incorporating progress in the condition of any pressure ulcer(s).
Devise and implement a plan of care to reflect the patients individual needs for the prevention and/or
treatment of pressure ulcers.
All patients deemed at risk of pressure ulcer development (Waterlow >15), will have a written pressure
ulcer prevention plan incorporating:
A wound assessment chart with plan of care should be completed for all patients with pressure ulcers.
Moisture associated skin damage affects 50% of patients with incontinence. There is often confusion
between pressure damage and moisture lesions.
The Stratum Cornea provides a protective barrier and with aging thins
Incontinence or frequent cleansing the barrier reduces and permeability increases
The PH of the skin becomes more alkaline and tissue damage occurs
Friction and shearing forces increases the skin damage
It is important that moisture lesions are identified and treated appropriately and not confused with
pressure damage see section 6.1 for management.
The Incidence of pressure ulcer on the heels is high and need careful consideration and management as
can lead to prolonged intervention amputation, infection and death.
9.4 Referral
All patients with diabetes should be referred to Multidisciplinary Diabetic foot team (Podiatry,
diabetes consultant)
Consideration should be given for the need for vascular surgical referral for patients with an ABPI
<0.8mmHg and >1.3mmHg.
10.0 Positioning
Patients with an elevated risk and/or pressure ulcers should be encouraged to actively
mobilise (10). The patient should be advised to stand hourly and rest, lying on their side for
short periods in the day
Where possible patients should be taught to reposition themselves and redistribute their weight and
carers should be shown how to assist.
Patients who are at risk of pressure damage or have pressure damage should be repositioned and
the frequency of repositioning determined by the results of skin inspection and individual needs, not
by a ritualistic schedule (9, 10,12).
Repositioning should take into consideration other relevant matters, including the patients medical
condition, their comfort, the overall plan of care, the support surface (9,10) and attendance of formal
and informal carers
10.1 Seating
Individuals are at a higher risk of pressure ulcer development when sitting out of bed due to:
inability to reposition
incorrect / inappropriate chair or seating facility
inability to redistribute weight
Patients at risk from pressure damage, who cannot relieve their own pressure independently,
should restrict chair sitting to a maximum of 2 hours at any one time.
After sitting the patient requires 2 hours bed rest (side lying)
Patients with pressure ulcers on the sacrum/coccyx or ischial should be advised or have sitting
limited to two times a day in periods of < 2 hours (9,11)
Modify sitting-time schedules and re-evaluate the seating surface and the individuals posture if the
ulcer worsens or fails to improve.
Some patients may need referral for specialist seating assessment by physiotherapist or
occupational therapist
Pressure redistribution cushions should be considered
Skin damage can be minimised by using correct positioning, transferring and repositioning techniques
and the use of aids. For example: hoists, sliding sheets, pillows, bed cradles and other aids.
Complete the patient handling risk assessment within 24 hours of admission or on first visit within
the community
Write a plan of care to meet patient handling needs
Patients should be encouraged to move independently where possible. If assistance is required,
safer handling techniques should be employed. Refer to manual handling policy
Slide sheets help to eliminate friction and should be used to assist/move patients with mobility
When hoisting patients, hoist slings must be the correct size and properly fitted. Hoist slings should
not be left under patients.
The use of four section electric profiling beds can contribute to reducing pressure, friction and
shearing forces. If the bed is used to its full potential.
Patients who are in pain will be reluctant to reposition and relieve pressure (1).
Patients pain should be assessed individually using local pain assessment tools and aids. A plan of
care will be developed with the patient so the pain is controlled and patient is informed of the need
for adequate analgesia.
Pressure relieving mattresses, cushions and devices do not replace the need for patient
11.1 Mattresses
Pressure relieving support surfaces aim to reduce the magnitude and/or duration of pressure between
the individual and support surface.
Choice of pressure relieving support surface should be made by a registered nurse who is trained and
competent in pressure ulcer risk assessment, prevention and management.
11.2 Cushions
All patients who sit out of bed and at a high risk of development of pressure ulcer should be provided with a
pressure relieving cushion or chair with integrated pressure relieving properties in the seating area.
A specialist seating maybe necessary refer to physiotherapist or occupational therapist
Ensure mattress does not elevate the individual to an unsafe height in relation to side rails
Ensure the individual is within the recommended weight range for the equipment
Children and alternating pressure mattresses small children can sink into gaps created by deflated
cells risk of discomfort and reduced efficacy
Acute Community
ArjoHuntleigh Whittington Hospital bed Islington - Integrated Community
store 0207288 5167 Monday Friday Equipment Store (ICES), through the DNS
08.00 17.00 02033161111
Haringey Haringey Integrated
Equipment Store (HICES) through the
DNS 02030742306
Out of Hours refer to Out of Hours
Pressure Ulcer policy - December 2012 12
ArjoHuntleigh on 08457 342000
All equipment should be cancelled and returned to the store as soon as it is finished with for
maintenance and decontamination.
Remember: when re-assessing patients risk think does the patient still require this
Equipment can deteriorate due to age and usage, therefore all pressure relieving equipment should be
checked and maintained in good working order according to manufactures guidelines
Audits should be carried out regularly and all pieces of equipment should be checked between patients for:
Condition of the cover no stains, splits, tears
Acute Community
Yearly foam mattress and cushion audit Yearly foam mattress and cushion audit
Ward staff to check in between patients Equipment with motors should be serviced
yearly via HICES
An individuals skin may be exposed to a variety of moist substances, which may make it more
susceptible to injury.
When handling patients, all health professionals should take care not to damage a patients skin.
Neither rings (other than wedding bands) nor watches should be worn when turning or repositioning
patients, and nails should be kept short and nail varnish removed.
The skin should be kept well hydrated.
If the patient is at high risk of skin damage or incontinent they should be advised to use an emollient
soap substitute (e.g. aqueous cream, emulsifying wax) to wash and apply moisturisers regularly.
The patients skin should be thoroughly dried using a patting motion, particularly over vulnerable
areas. Do not use a rubbing motion or massage when drying patients as this causes friction forces
and is associated with tissue damage (13).
Talcum powder should not be used because of its tendency to cake, thereby increasing friction, clogs
the pores and increase risk of infection (13) and skin damage
Incontinence should be managed effectively
The link between impaired nutrition and pressure ulcer development and delayed healing is unclear.
Although decreased calorie intake, dehydration and low serum albumin is linked with decreased
tolerance of the skin from pressure, friction and shearing forces therefore reduced wound repair (15, 16).
13.1 Assessment
All patients should be screened on admission, at first visit and reassessed regularly using ICO
assessment tools and receive a well balanced diet in accordance with their wishes.
All patient should have their Body Mass index (BMI) calculated on admission or first visit where
possible and repeated weekly when an in patient, monthly on DNS caseload if practicable.
If patient has a poor intake a food chart should be commenced (in-patient)
Patients with pressure ulcers need monitoring of haemoglobin and serum albumin levels
Patients with pressure ulcer/s should be referred to the dietician for further assessment
13.2 Intervention
Refer for specialist advise as required
Provide patient advise on well-balanced diet and protein-energy foods (16)
Ensure 2 litres of fluid per day.
Modern dressings should be used to create an optimal wound healing environment. Refer to Whittington
Health wound management guidelines and formulary.
Complete the wound assessment document and develop a plan of care.
Patients with Category 3, 4 and /or necrotic pressure ulcers should be referred to Tissue Viability
Patients with Category 2 pressure damage which is non healing (after 6 weeks in community)
should be referred to TVS for further advise
Referral for general surgery and/or plastic surgical intervention should be considered on an
individual patient basis.
If a pressure ulcer is non healing osteomyelitis should be considered. Radiography (x-ray, MRI
scan) should be considered in discussion with other health professionals (GP, Consultant)
Acute Community
Referral form to be completed for visit by Transfer letter to be faxed to receiving
DNS area
Referral to DNS for pressure relieving Communicate verbally with the receiving
16.0 Education
All staff should be familiar with the Pressure ulcer prevention and management policy.
They should attend the Tissue Viability study day in accordance with their personnel
development plan (PDP).
All staff will have pressure ulcer prevention, risk assessment and planning of care within local
induction programmes
A record of individual practitioners education and training will be maintained my the practitioners
Health care assistant can undertake the following, once they have received training and deemed
competent which will be recorded within their KSF.
Assessment of risk of pressure ulcer development
Manage a Grade 1 pressure ulcer
In the acute setting only- manage a grade 2 pressure ulcer following assessment and
management plan by a RN
HCA will document clearly and escalate any deterioration to RN
Grade 2 pressure ulcers will be assessed regularly by DN
All health care professionals are responsible for reporting pressure ulcers.
A Datix/ incident form will be completed for all identified category 2 - 4 pressure ulcers
The TVS should be informed of all grade 3 and 4 pressure ulcers
Care homes will report all grade 2 4 pressure ulcers to CQC and commissioners
Category 3 and 4 pressure ulcer require a full root cause analysis investigation and are
reportable to the DH refer to Appendix G
GP will be informed the patient has a pressure ulcer by DN and on discharge letter
Skin damage has a number of causes, some relating to the individual patient such as poor medical
condition and others relating to external factors such as poor nursing care, lack of resources e.g.
equipment, staffing. It is recognised that not all skin damage can be prevented and therefore the risk
factors in each case should be reviewed on an individual basis before a safeguarding referral is
considered. Not all pressure ulcers in vulnerable adults are the result of neglect.
If there are concerns that observed pressure damage maybe the result of neglect or omissions care
please refers to Whittington Health Safeguarding Adults and Skin Damage Protocol.
1. Franks P.J, Winterburg H., Moffatt C. (1999) Quality of life in patients suffering from pressure
ulceration: a case controlled study. Ostomy and Wound Management 45. 56.
2. Allman R.M., Goode P.S., Burst N., Bartolucci A.A., Thomas D.R. (1999) Pressure ulcers: hospital
complications and disease severity: impact on hospital costs and length of stay. Advanced Wound
Care. 12. (1). 22-30.
3. Waterlow J. (2005) Waterlow Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment.
4. Bennett G., Dealey C., and Posnett J. (2004) Cost of pressure ulcers in the UK. Age/Ageing. 33. (3).
5. Touche Ross (1993) The Cost of Pressure Sores. Touche-Ross and company, London.
6. Silver, J. (1987) Letters. Care, Science & Practice; 5:3 30
7. Tingle J. (1997) Pressure Sores: counting the legal cost of nursing neglect. British Journal of Nursing 6
(13) 757-758
8. EPUAP & NPUAP (2009) Prevention of pressure ulcers: Quick Reference Guide. European Pressure
Ulcer Advisory Panel and National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel. Washington DC. USA.
9. NICE (2003) Pressure ulcer risk assessment and prevention, including the use of pressure-relieving
devices (beds, mattresses and overlays) for the prevention of pressure ulcers in primary and
secondary care. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. London.
10. NICE (2005) Pressure ulcers: the management of pressure ulcers in primary and secondary care.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. London.
11. TVS (2003) Seating and Pressure Ulcers: Clinical Practice Guideline. Tissue Viability Society.
12. NICE (2001) Pressure ulcer risk assessment and prevention. Inherited Clinical Guideline B. National
Institute for Clinical Excellence, London
13. DH (2003) Essence of Care Patient-focus benchmarks for clinical governance: Food & Nutrition.
Department of Health.
14. Royal College of Nursing (2000) Pressure ulcer risk assessment and prevention, clinical practice
guidelines. RCN, London
15. Bergstrom N, Braden B (1992) A prospective study of pressure sore risk among institutionalized
elderly. Journal of American Geriatrics Society, 40 (8) 747 758. Cited in NICE (2005) Management
of pressure ulcers in primary and secondary care.
16. EPUAP (2003) Nutritional guidelines for pressure ulcer prevention and treatment.
Relevant websites:
Pressure Ulcer policy - December 2012 18
Appendix B
Extensive destruction,
Category 4 tissue necrosis, or
damage to muscle, bone,
or supporting structures
with or without full
thickness skin loss
(Byrant 1992)
Patients with pressure ulcers or at high risk of pressure ulcer development must
only sit out for maximum 2 hours at anyone time and mist be provided with a
pressure redistributing cushion
NB Do not reverse grade e.g. improving grade 4 is graded as healing grade 4 not a grade 2
Reposition plan is: turn patient ______hourly and sit out for ______ hour (s) only
Time *Position Intact or EPUAP Grade Signature & print name
M = patient mobilising P = lying prone
L = left side B = lying on their back
R = right side C = to sit out in an arm chair
T = having therapy (Physio, OT) I = gone for investigation (e.g. imaging dept)
TH = in theatre department F = refused repositioning (failed)
Pressure Ulcer policy - December 2012 24
Appendix H
Ulcer 2, 3, 4
reporting Report to GP
DATIX/ I ncident f or m
Completed by the identifier
SI report DH
2 3& 4
Risk M anagement
Action plan EC
NHS London
What key element(s) need(s) Who will lead on this aspect What tool will be used to How often is the need to What committee will the
monitoring as per local of monitoring? monitor/check/observe/Asses monitor each element? completed report go to?
approved policy or guidance? Name the lead and what is the s/inspect/ authenticate that How often is the need
role of the multidisciplinary everything is working complete a report ?
team or others if any. according to this key element How often is the need to
from the approved policy? share the report?
1. All pressure ulcer Tissue Viability lead Whittington Health Essence of Monitoring - Every 3 months Report to Director of Nursing
prevention strategy as community and Whittington Care monitoring tool, Report - Quarterly
outlined within Essence Hospital will co-ordinate and
of Care key elements provide monitoring tools.
Pressure relieving Tissue Viability Secondary care Key performance indicator Monitoring Quarterly
equipment contract and Steven Packer within contract
Secondary care
3. All grade 2 4 Deputy director of Nursing and Safety thermometer, Pressure Monitoring Monthly Monthly - Director of Nursing
pressure ulcers are Pressure ulcer SI Panel ulcer log. Report Quarterly Quarterly - Quality committee
reported and committee (PUSIP)
4. Education and training Tissue Viability Lead. Attendance lists and ESR Twice yearly To be included in twice yearly in
Education department report to Quality committee
administrator to provide data.
A full report will be provided
yearly to the quality committee
on all elements of the policy.
Pressure Ulcer policy - December 2012
Plan for Dissemination and implementation plan of new Procedural Documents
To be completed and attached to any document which guides practice when submitted
to the appropriate committee for consideration and approval.
If yes, in what Single documents for community and Hospital intranet general
format and where? guidelines. Tissue Viability web page. Hard copies on Whittington
Hospital site
Proposed action to Lead will collect from all clinical areas.
retrieve out-of-date
copies of the Lead will remove from Tissue Viability webpage
To be How will it be Paper Comments
disseminated to: disseminated/implem or
ented, who will do it Electroni
and when? c
All clinical staff On the intranet Electroni Launch at Stop Pressure
c ulcer day
Distributed and
communicated at link nurse
To be completed and attached to any procedural document when submitted to the appropriate committee for consideration and approval.
Impact (= relevance) Evidence for impact assessment Evidential gaps (what info do Action to take to fill Other issues
(monitoring, statistics, consultation, you need but dont have) evidential gap
1 Low research, etc
2 Medium
3 High
Race 1
Disability 1
Gender 1
Age 1
Sexual Orientation 1
Once the initial screening has been completed, a full assessment is only required if:
If you have identified a potential discriminatory impact of this procedural document, please refer it to relevant Head of Department, together with any
suggestions as to the action required to avoid/reduce this impact.
Pressure Ulcer policy - December 2012