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Constitution & BL

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PREAMBLE We, the members of SOLID LIGHT BEARERS ASSOCIATION OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCHES OF METRO BACOLOD-2, thru the help of God, unite to plan means for the improvements of the said association. To attain spiritual unity and to prepare a people for the second coming of Jesus Christ. We trust in the divine guidance of the Infinite God to form this constitution. ARTICLE 1 - NAME Section 1. This association shall be known as Solid Light Bearers Association of the Seventh-day Adventist Churches of Metro Bacolod. ARTICLE II - COMPOSITION Section 1 - This association is composed of Eleven (11) Departments, they are: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) Sabbath School Personal Ministry Adventist Youth Society Home and Family Service Health and Welfare Services (DORCAS) Womens Ministry Childrens Ministry Adventist Men Music Ministry Stewardship Department Elders, Deacons & Deaconess League ARTICLE III - TERRITORY Section 1 - The territory of this association covers the whole area of Metro Bacolod District-2 of the Negros Occidental Conference of Seventh-day Adventists with Taculing Ilongo Seventh-day Adventist Church as the largest church of this district. ARTICLE IV - OBJECTIVES The association has the following objectives: Section 1. To promote Christian fellowship. Section 2. To train and involve each member in doing missionary work. Section 3. To strengthen the physical, mental, social, moral and spiritual well-being of of man. Section 4. To encourage faithful church attendance.

Section 5. To assist all members in attaining the highest possible Christian standard. Section 6. To promote unity and cooperation among the members. Section 7. To encourage all departments of the association to function actively. Section 8. To prepare a people for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. ARTICLE V - MEMBERSHIP Section 1. All bona fide baptized members of the local churches of this association are members. ARTICLE VI - OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES Section 1. Association President: a) To preside in the regular meetings of the association and or arrange for anybody to take his/her place. b) To preside in the Executive Board meetings of the association c) To promote the interest, projects and objectives of the association. d) To implement the approved plans of the association. e) To check-up the records of the association secretary and treasurer. f) To counsel and coordinate with the District Pastor the plans, projects, programs and activities of the association in accordance with the conference policy. g) To encourage and coordinate the sending of reports to the conference. Section 2. Association Vice President: a) To assist the president in all association activities. b) To take the place of the president in case of his/her absence. Section 3. The Secretary and Information Officer: a) To act as secretary of the association executive committee meeting and during association quarterly fellowship meeting. b) To keep the records of activities of the association. c) To keep the minutes of all association board meetings. d) To act as Public Information Officer of the association. e) Responsible in sending press release or publication to MIZPA, radio or TV on the activities of the association. f) To send updates and information to respective member-churches from time to time on the activities and affairs of the association. g) He/she may take photo documentation or souvenir photo when necessary. Section 4. The Assistant Secretary: a) To assist the association secretary as the occasion requires. b) To take the place of the secretary in case of his/her absence. Section 5. The Treasurer: a) To act as custodian of money, financial records, documents of assets and property of the association.

b) To maintain Financial Record Book, supporting documents, receipts for any transactions made in behalf of the association. c) Must follow and practice the acceptable accounting procedures and simple bookkeeping principles to safeguard the money of the association. d) Submit Quarterly Financial Report during the Association Executive Meeting and its quarterly fellowship rally. Section 6. The Assistant Treasurer: a) To assist the association treasurer as the occasion requires and to take his/her place in case of his/her absence. Section 7. Sabbath School Department: A. Sabbath School Director: a) To preside at the Sabbath School Program in every association fellowship meeting. b) To promote active Sabbath School attendance and church activities such as: V.B.S., B.S.S., Story Hour, Visitors Day, Investment, 13th Sabbath Offerings, Birthdays, and other monthly celebrations and activities that pertain to the Sabbath School Department. B. Assistant SS Director a) To assist the SS Director in any activity of the association, and to take his/her place in case of his/her absence. C. The Sabbath School Department is the in-charge of the Childrens Division of the association. It has the direct responsibility to the Child Evangelism Director. Section 8. Personal Ministry: A. PM Director: 1) To preside at the Personal Ministry program in every association meeting. 2) To promote the soul winning program of the association in every church. 3) To see to it that all members of the association are trained and get involved in the soul winning endeavor. 4) To assign lay preachers to churches at least once a month and strengthen the church visitation program. 5) To see to it that each church has at least one lay effort every year. B. Assistant PM Director: 1) To assist the Personal Ministry Director in any activity of the association and to take his/her place in case of his/her absence. Section 9. Adventist Youth Society A. AYS Director: 1) To preside at the AY Program in every association meeting or may assign somebody to take his/her place. 2) To lead-out the youth in the Voice of Youth (VOY) Crusade and its missionary program. 3) To encourage the young people to have church participation and involvement in community civic action services. 4) To encourage the youths to improve their God-given talents and abilities. 5) To take charge in the Adventist Youth Visitation Action Team (AYVAT) and exchange program.

B. Assistant AYS Director: 1) To assist the AYS Director in any activities of the association and to take his/her place in case of his/her absence. C. The Adventist Youth Society is the in charge of all the socials and games of the association during the association fellowship rally. D. The AYS Association Meeting is called The Adventist Youth Fellowship and shall be held quarterly on the first Sabbath of the third month, with the venue at any church or as may be determined by the Youth Executive Committee. Section 10. Home and Family Services A. Home and Family Services Director: 1) To encourage every church to have Home and Family program at least once a month. 2) To promote the ideals on the noble meaning and purpose of parenthood, to establish in the home the atmosphere of love and discipline, Bible study, prayer, family worship and systematic progressive instructions to develop our childrens whole-being. 3) To enhance social and educational opportunities to members of the church and community through programs, social gatherings, personal and group services. B. Assistant HFS Director: 1) To assist the Home & Family Services Director in all HFS activities of the association and to take his/her place in case of his/her absence. Section 11. Womens Ministry A. Womens Ministry Director 1. To encourage member-churches of the association to have an active Womens Ministry meetings and programs. 2. To strengthen each family in their spirituality and family relationship. 3. To involve each Womens Ministry member in all its programs and activities. 4. To make reports of their activities and program during association fellowship meeting. B. Assistant Womens Ministry Director 1. To assist the Personal Ministry Director in all activities and to take his/her place in case of his/her absence. Section 12. Health and Welfare Society (DORCAS) A. Health and Welfare Services Director (DORCAS) 1. To design Calamity and Disaster Relief Program of the association, ready and prepared to assist in any calamity and disaster that may happen in the territory. 2. To encourage and coordinate neighborhood visitation program. 3. To provide lectures on healthful living, adult education, homemaking, home nursing, emergency rescue and disaster response, and other social services to the community.

4. To advocate the faithful practice of health and temperance and encourage members to abstain habits that destroy the body, mind and spirit including the non-drinking of coffee and cola drinks. 5. To promote the health and temperance program to the community through giving lectures on the evils of smoking, drinking, alcohol and drug abuse. 6. To organize the Adventist Community Service (ACS) in the association and coordinate with the ACS Director of the conference. B. Assistant Health and Welfare Services Director 1. To assist the HWS-DORCAS Director in any activities and programs, during the association fellowship meeting and to take her place in time of her absence. Section 13. Adventist Men A. Adventist Men Director 1. To organize the Adventist Men in the district for active involvement and participation in any outreach programs and projects of the association. 2. To mobilize volunteers in time of calamities, typhoon, fire and other natural phenomenon that may occur in the community within the district. 3. Promote strong collaboration and foster brotherhood and fellowship among SDA men in the association. 4. To mobilize volunteers and assist local member-churches that may need manpower for church repairs, beautification and community outreach programs. 5. Coordinate with other Departments of the association such as: Health & Welfare Services (DORCAS), Adventist Community Service (ACS), or as maybe needed to assist in any of their community outreach program and activities. C. Assistant Adventist Men Director 1. To assist the Adventist Men Director in all activities of the association and to take his place in case of his absence. Section 14. Childrens Ministry A. Childrens Ministry Director a) To promote Christian education, ideals and good moral values for children in the church. b) To provide guidance to Directors of Childrens Ministry Department of local churches in developing program designs for character building and the knowledge of God at the early age of children. c. To strengthen the participation and involvement of children in church Sabbath services and other outreach programs such as: Vacation Bible School, Branch Sabbath School and Childrens Story Hours. B. Assistant Childrens Ministry Director a) To assist the Childrens Ministry Director in any activities and programs, during the association fellowship meeting and to take her/his place in time of her/his absence. Section 15. Property Custodian a) The in-charge and custodian of all the property and equipments owned by the association. b) Responsible in keeping the records and maintenance of the said equipments to be in order and usable.

c) To submit report on the inventory of equipments and property during the regular quarterly meeting of the association. Section 16. Auditor a) To conduct a quarterly audit of funds and equipments of the association. b) To have a permanent list of all funds and equipments. c) To submit a report during the association fellowship meeting. Section 17. Music Director A. Music Director a) In-charge of the music activities of the association. b) Responsible to assign songs, singers for special musical number to be rendered during the association fellowship meeting. d) To assign choristers, organists and pianists for Sabbath programs during the association fellowship meeting, during crusades and any other occasion and program that musical numbers are needed. e) In-charge to assign ushers and usherettes during the association fellowship meeting. B. Assistant Music Director a) To assist the Music Director and to take her/his place in case of her/his absence. Section 18. Elders, Deacons and Deaconess League a) The association shall elect the officers of the Elders, Deacons & Deaconess League through the supervision of the District Pastor. b) The league shall hold monthly meeting every second Sabbath of the month or as maybe set by the officers and the district pastor. c) The term of office of the officers shall be One (1) year. Section 19. ADVISER a) b) c) d) The Adviser of the association is the District Pastor The District Pastor is the Co-Chairman of the Executive Committee. He is the in-charge of the spiritual emphasis of the association. He will act as the chairman of Discipline Committee. ARTICLE VII - MEETINGS Section 1. a) The meeting of the association is called the Association Fellowship Meeting and is held quarterly at the third Sabbath of the third month of the quarter or as may be determined by the Association Executive Committee as the case may be. b) The venue of the association fellowship meeting shall be held InRotation Basis between member-churches of the association. a) The Association Executive Committee regular meeting shall be held in any place/venue selected and agreed upon by its members. The time and date of the meeting shall be the First Sunday of the first and second month of the quarter, and on the first Sabbath of the third month of the quarter at 2:00 P.M., or as maybe determined by the Executive Committee. b) The Special Meeting shall be called at any time and place by the association president or by the adviser of the association. c) The quorum of the meeting is one-half of the members present plus one.

Section 2.

Section 3.

a) The Regular Business Meeting shall be held any time during the association fellowship meeting. b) The chairman of the business meeting shall be the association president or as maybe arranged with the district Pastor or the vicepresident to act as chairman as the case may be. ARTICLE VIII -- ELECTION

Section 1.

The election of the association officers shall be held on a Sunday, One

Week before the last quarterly association fellowship meeting of the year. The officers should be elected with the term of One (1)
Calendar Year and the result of the election shall be presented before the assembly during the association fellowship meeting.

Section 2.

a) The officers of the association shall be elected by the Nominating Committee composed of Representatives from each member-church who are present during the conduct of election of association officers. b) No one shall be elected officer of the association if he/she is not a member of any of the local churches of the association, and he/she is not an elected officer of that particular church he/she represent. The District Pastor shall notify all local churches within the association to send two (2) representatives to be members of the nominating committee. Qualifications of candidates to be chosen as officers of the association are the following: 1) High spirituality and good moral values 2) Officer of his/her local church for the ensuing year. 3) Optimistic and possess no negative ideas 4) Actively attending and involved in fellowship meetings and activities of the association. The chairman of the Nominating Committee shall be the District Pastor or any one of its members present that shall be appointed by the Nominating Committee. ARTICLE IX -- COMMITTEES

Section 3.

Section 4.

Section 5.

Section 1. Association Executive Committee A. The Executive Committee is composed of: 1. Association President 2. Vice-President 3. Secretary 4. Treasurer 5. Sabbath School Director 6. Personal Ministry Director 7. Adventist Youth Society Director 8. Home & Family Services Director 9. Health & Welfare Services (DORCAS) Director 10. Childrens Ministry Director 11. Womens Ministry Director 12. Adventist Men Director 13. Association Auditor 14. Elders, Deacons & Deaconess League President 14. Adviser : District Pastor

15. One elder to represent the local church where the association fellowship meeting shall be held for that particular quarter. 16. All head elders of the local church are honorary members. B. The Executive Committee is the ruling body of the association. D. The quorum for the meeting of the executive committee is One-half of its members present plus one. E. The Executive Committee meeting shall be held in the particular local church where the association fellowship meeting is set to be conducted, or as may be agreed upon by the members of the executive committee. Section 2. Nominating Committee a) The regular Nominating Committee is responsible in the election of the new set of officers of the association for the ensuing year. b) The emergency Nominating Committee is composed of members of the Executive Committee or the members chosen solely for an emergency situation to elect officers to fill-up the vacant position. They can meet any time after their appointment or as they may set a schedule. c) Only active church officers are qualified to become members of the Nominating Committee. d) The Nominating Committee is automatically be dissolved after its duties and function is served. Section 3. Discipline Committee A. Members of the Discipline Committee 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Association President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Auditor SS Director PM Director 8. AYS Director 9. HFS Director 10. HWS Director 11. Adventist Men Director 12. WM Director 13. District Pastor 14. Elders, Deacons & Deaconess League President

B. The District Pastor, as the Adviser of the association will be the chairman of the Discipline Committee. C. The secretary of this committee is the Association Secretary. D. Subject to discipline are erring officers and members of the association. Section 4. Special Committees a) The Special Committee shall be created any time by the Executive Committee to meet the needs of the association.

ARTICLE X -- FUNDS Section 1. Sources of Funds A. Income 1. Each active church member should give their monthly dues of Two (2) pesos. 2. Offerings collected during the association fellowship meeting shall be divided between the host church and the association. 3. Special donations from the brethren. 4. Selling food stuffs and rummage sales.

5. Any other income that is approved by the associations Executive Committee or the association body. (Any collection of amount using the name of the association which is not approved by the Executive Committee should be avoided). Section 2. Expenses a) All the budgetary requirements and expenses of the association for its departments should pass through the approval of the Executive Committee. b) Requests for any cash advances or budget allocation from the respective departments should be properly endorsed by the Executive Committee. c) Any Cash Advances should be properly liquidated with proper attached documents such as: Approved request form; Receipts; Liquidation Report. d) All documents and records on financial matters should always be properly documented by the treasurer of the association. Section 3. All the money of the association should be deposited into the bank. a) For security reason, all money in the form of cash should be deposited in the bank, in the account and name of the association. b) The treasurer is the authorized officer of the association to process and withdraw cash from the bank upon the approval of the Executive Committee. Section 4. Petty Cash Fund a) The association shall maintain a Petty Cash Fund of P 500.00 to provide amount on emergency purposes and operational needs of the association. The Petty Cash Fund should be replenished after the proper Liquidation Report has been submitted.

ARTICLE XI -- DISCIPLINE Section 1. Any officer that is found guilty of any offense such as immoral conduct, vices such as smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, drug addiction, drug pushing, dancing, theater going, gambling, Sabbath breaking, hog raising and the like; fraud and deceit in business; insubordination; profanity; bad moral conduct in the house or in the community; teaching doctrine contrary to the common stand; disobedience to the moral code is subject to discipline. Section 2. Any member who is found guilty of any offense mentioned above should not be given any part, responsibility, or activity after the decision of the Discipline Committee is made. Section 3. Any officer who wants to withdraw from his/her responsibility during his/her term of office, should file a resignation letter to the Association Executive Committee through the Association President or the Adviser for reconsideration and approval.

ARTICLE XII RATIFICATION AND AMMENDMENTS Section 1. This Constitution and By-Laws is ratified in whole or amended in part by the Two-thirds Majority Vote of the members present during the Association Fellowship Meeting. The approval of the District Pastor as the Adviser of the association is also required. Section 2. The Association may amend any approved Article or Section from this Constitution and By-laws by its Two-thirds Majority Vote. Section 3. The Association Executive Committee may enact and recommend by-laws in pursuance to the work of the association provided such by-laws are consistent with the constitution and by-laws of the conference. BY LAWS

Rules should be few and well-considered, and when once made they should be enforced. (E.G. White, Education,p.290)
This Constitution and By-Laws was ratified by majority of its members and shall continue to be enforced effective March 17, 2001 at Olympia SDA Church, Alijis, Bacolod City (date ratified) (Place ratified)

(during the Association Fellowship Meeting; time: 3:45 P.M.)


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