SPHS Constitution July 2012
SPHS Constitution July 2012
SPHS Constitution July 2012
ARTICLE I Name The representative body of South Pointe High School in Rock Hill, South Carolina shall henceforth be known as the South Pointe High School Student Council. ARTICLE II Mission Objectives The South Pointe High School Student Council shall be an active body of students from South Pointe High School who promote social unity and encourage spirit within the school and community. This body shall strive to organize student functions and student services, and shall work with the administration and the community in making South Pointe a place of cooperation and order. The objectives of the organization shall be to enhance the South Pointe student experience by organizing and implementing programs and events addressing the following categories identified by the South Carolina Association of Student Councils: 1. School service 2. Community service 3. School pride activities 4. Recreational activities for school enjoyment 5. Spirit activities for athletics 6. Activities to recognize students or others 7. Leadership activities 8. Other projects ARTICLE III Representation I. The Executive Board shall consist of the following officers: A. Student Body President (elected) B. Student Body Vice-President (elected) C. Student Body Secretary (elected) D. Student Body Treasurer (appointed) E. Student Body Historian (appointed) F. Student Body Public Relations Director (appointed) II. Each individual class shall have one of the following officers: A. Class President (elected) B. Class Vice-President (elected) C. Class Secretary (elected) III. Additional appointed officers as needed (ie. Club Liaison, Social Director) IV. Class Representatives
ARTICLE IV Duties of Officers and Representatives Section I: Duties of the Student Council Executive Officers A. The Student Body President 1. Oversees all activities of the organization. 2. Maintains and enforces the Constitution. 3. Assists in the planning of officer leadership retreats. 4. Serves as a liaison to the Administration and as the official spokesperson of the organization. 5. Presides at and prepares agendas for regular and special meetings. 6. Has the power to call meetings of officers. 7. Assumes responsibility of informing the Student Body of all activities. 8. Assists the other officers in the general planning and implementation of the years events. B. The Student Body Vice-President 1. Performs the duties of the Class President in the case of an absence of that Class President. 2. Attends and reports at all meetings. 3. Coordinates and oversees all fundraising for the organization. 4. In the case of the absence, resignation, or disqualification of the Student Body President, assumes the office Student Body President. 5. Assists the other officers in the general planning and implementation of the years events. B. The Student Body Secretary 1. Keeps written records of all meetings of the Executive Board and General Body and also updates club members of Council ideas and plans. 2. Maintains the student body and student council files. 3. Posts minutes for student body and distributes minutes to student council members. 4. Assists the other officers in the general planning and implementation of the years events. 5. Creates student council quarterly newsletter to update members on accomplishments and events C. The Student Body Treasurer 1. Creates a projected annual budget with the assistance of the advisors by late early September. 2. Reports on the financial state of the student council account. 3. Keeps accurate records of fundraising efforts per member. 4. Utilizes monthly reconciliation reports from the schools bookkeeper to update budget monthly. D. The Student Body Historian 1. Oversees all photography of student council events
Oversees creation of student council scrapbook to submit to the SCASC The Gavel 3. Assists other officers in general planning and implementation of the years events 4. Represents the council by recognizing each individuals birthday. 5. Creates a year-end slide show.
E. The Student Body Public Relations Director 1. Oversees the maintenance of social websites. 2. Writes press releases to advertise events in school newsletters and local newspapers. 3. Writes morning and afternoon announcements promoting events. 4. Oversees creation of logos and branding for marketing the council and special events. 5. Creates council stationery. 6. Approves all posters, flyers, and banners for detailed information, consistency, and image appeal. 7. Ensures that important events are advertised utilizing the marquis and phone all-call. 7. Assists the other officers in the general planning and implementation of the years events. Section II: Duties of the Student Council Class Officers A. The Class President 1. Oversees all activities of the class. 2. Presides at and prepares agendas for regular and special meetings of his or her class or class officers. 3. Has the power to call meetings of his or her class or class officers. 4. Assumes responsibility of informing class representatives of all activities. 5. Assists the other officers in the general planning and implementation of the years events. B. The Class Vice-President 1. Performs the duties of the Class President in the case of an absence of that Class President. 2. Attends and reports at all meetings. 3. In the case of the absence, resignation, or disqualification of any class President, the Vice-President of that class shall assume the office class President. 4. Assists the other officers in the general planning and implementation of the years events. B. The Class Secretary 1. Keeps written records of all meetings of class or class officers.
2. Keeps listserves up-to-date with the memberships current email addresses for appropriate class. 3. Takes attendance at all meetings. 5. Organizes and distributes semester personal information lists containing, but not limited to the following: name, birthday, phone number, home address, and email address. 6. Assists the other officers in the general planning and implementation of the years events. Section III: Duties of the Student Council Class Representatives A. Assist with planning and implementing events. B. Participate in fundraising endeavors to support events. C. Participate in service projects to strengthen our community. D. Promote and attend student council events. E. Attend and actively participate at monthly meetings. F. Communicate important student council related annoucements to Pointe Time classes Article V Conduct and Points Section I. Expectations & Conduct A. Student Council Officers are expected to: 1. Be informed about all aspects of the student council and its programs. 2. Attend council meetings, committee meetings, and special meetings. 3. Provide support to the president as requested. 4. Provide support to fellow officers as necessary. 5. Provide input into council decisions. 6. Be a positive role model for the other council members and for the student body in general. All Student Council members shall abide by all rules and regulations written in the South Pointe Student Handbook. Higher behavioral standards and expectations exist for officers than for representatives. 7. Be enthusiastic and supportive of all student council activities. 8. Devote the time and energy necessary to fulfill the obligations of the office in a responsible fashion. 9. Be present at all Student Council functions unless excused by the advisor. 10. Vote on Student Council decisions. 11. Attempt to attend off-campus retreats, workshops, camps, conferences and trainings unless extenuating circumstances exist as agreed to by the advisor PRIOR to running for the officer position. Student Council will offset the cost of some workshops. B. Minimum Grade Point Average 1. All Student Council members shall maintain a minimum 2.0 grade point average
throughout his or her Student Council career. 2. Each Student Council members grade point average will be checked at the end of his or her first semester serving on the council annually. 3. If any Student Council members grade point average is below the required minimum at the time it is checked, that member shall be granted semester long probation period to remedy the situation or they shall be dismissed according to the procedures below. Section II: Points A. Accountability 1. Each member is responsible for filling out his/her own point log sheets honestly. 2. Members must maintain a minimum points average of a 2.0 monthly. 3. Class officers will verify each representatives point log sheet monthly. 4. The advisor will verify each officers point log sheet monthly. 5. A master log will be held by the advisor and will be updated by all secretaries. C. Recognition Those who earn more than the required number of points may be recognized at our end of the year banquet in the following ways: 1. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or Executive Officer of the Year 2. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior, Representative of the Year 3. SCASC Conference, Camp, & Convention Scholarships D. Consequences Those who do not meet a minimum points average of a 2.0 monthly will be penalized as follows: 1. Warning: A written warning will be issued to any member who has not earned the minimum required amount of points by the point-check deadline. 2. Probation: If the member has not completed the required points, he/she will be placed under probation and will be required to reach the next point deadline. 3. Dismissal: Members who do not meet the required points by the probationary period deadline will be dismissed. 4. Replacement: If an officer does not achieve the required points by the probationary deadline he/she will be removed from council and a new officer will be appointed. 5. Officer Ineligibility: Any member or officer who is dismissed, removed, or resigns from the council will not be eligible to run for office the following school year. 6. Inactive Status: Any member who does not meet the point minimum will be considered inactive; thus, the advisor will not sign off on his/her activity verification form at the end of the school year. Article VI Dismissals A. Reasons for dismissal 1. Violations of school policies, the code of conduct, and/or state laws will lead to immediate dismissal. 2. Failure to meet the minimum points requirement for two months (consecutive or not).
3. Failure to maintain a minimum 2.0 grade point average. B. Procedures for dismissal 1. The Student Council member to be dismissed shall be given written notice of his or her dismissal, signed by the Student Council President, within ten school days of the infraction that warranted the use of the dismissal procedure. 2. The dismissed member will not retain any class or Student Council titles or duties after written notice of dismissal is served. 3. The dismissed member may not run for office in the Student Council term following his or her dismissal. C. Replacement of dismissed members 1. In the case of the dismissal or resignation of any class officer or class representative other than a Class President, said Class President shall nominate a replacement from his or her class at large with the advice and consent of all remaining officers or from that class. 2. In the case of the dismissal of the Class President, the Class Vice-President shall take the title and duties of the Class President and nominate a new Vice-President, pursuant to V.III.B.1 above. 3. If the dismissed or resigned member is a class officer, that members office shall be filled by any remaining, eligible representative through nomination and a vote of the Student Council in general. 4. In the case of the dismissal of the Student Body President, the Student Body VicePresident shall take the title and duties of Student Body President and a new Student Body Vice-President shall be chosen by nomination and a vote of the general body. Article VIII Elections Section I: Qualifications for Candidacy A. Executive Officer Positions 1. Only candidates with previous Student Council officer experience may run for an executive position. 2. Student Body President and Vice-President positions are open only to seniors. 3. Other executive positions are open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. 4. A potential candidate who currently holds office must have performed that duty satisfactorily. No reprimands or written complaints or related disciplinary referrals may have been registered of that individual's performance of duty. 5. Candidates must have regularly attended student council meetings. 6. Candidates must have demonstrated involvement in the major functions of the current year. 7. Any member or officer who is dismissed, removed, or resigns from the council will not be eligible to run for office the following school year. 8. Must meet all of the qualifications listed under the class officer positions VIII.I.B 9. Candidates who are not elected into an executive office may run for a class office. B. Class Officer Positions
1. The candidate must be a member of the class which he or she hopes to represent. 2. Membership in the Council is open to all students who have a 2.0 minimum cumulative grade point average. 3. The student may not have been suspended from school during the current year and should possess a clean disciplinary record. 4. The student does not have a record of excessive absences (over 8) for the current school year. Section II: Election Process A. Application 1. All potential candidates must fully complete an application and essay to be eligible to run for office. 2. The application and essay must be submitted on time to be eligible to run for office. 3. The applicant must have his or her application validated by the Student Council advisor, registrar, school disciplinarian, and attendance clerk. 4. The advisor will notify applicants by letter regarding the status of acceptance. B. Candidacy 1. A specific time period will be set aside for campaigning, according to the published schedule. 2. Campaigning begins on the designated day at 7:00 am. 3. Candidates must run a positive campaign promoting themselves. Negative campaigning against other candidates is not permitted and will result in the termination of one's candidacy. This is true of "unofficial" campaigning (such as talking about and/or spreading rumors) as well, and is not limited to actual campaign materials. 4. Candidates must adhere to the published campaign guidelines regarding campaign materials and finances. C. Voting 1. Executive Officer and Class Officer elections will take place in March of the spring semester preceeding the year of the officials term. 2. Representatives of the incoming freshman class will be elected in the fall of their freshman year. 3. Officers will be elected by written ballot, with student casting a vote. A majority of votes will constitute a victory. 4. The term of office for any officer shall be one academic year, beginning at the first full meeting. Section III: Special Elections and Appointments A. Student Council will conduct other elections as the council approves with a majority vote. B. South Pointe High School students who ran in the most recent election and were not elected
may be appointed to an officer position at the Advisors discretion. Article IX Procedures for Voting Section I: Amendments. A. An amendment shall affect the operation of the South Pointe Student Council and this document. B. An amendment shall only be presented in written form and at a general body meeting of the South Pointe Student Council. C. An amendment shall be approved by a minimum three-fourths vote in the amendments favor of all members present at the general body meeting in which the amendment was presented.
ARTICLE X - Meetings A. The General Body shall meet at a specified time, at least once a month. B. All members, including the Student Body President, have the right to vote on all measures, except the Advisor(s), who shall not have the right to vote. C. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the Council.
ARTICLE XII Statement of Non-discrimination This organization shall not discriminate on the basis of age, color, ethnicity, gender, national origin, disability or handicap, race, religion, or sexual orientation. This policy will include, but is not limited to recruiting, membership, organization activities or opportunities to hold office. ARTICLE XIII Financial Obligations 1. 2. 3. Officers and Advisor(s) may determine reasonable dues and fees assessed to each member at the beginning of each year upon planning the budget of the organization. Members of this organization will be notified of dues and fees at the beginning of each year. Other optional fees may arise during the course of the year. Members of this organization must assist in fundraising efforts. ARTICLE XIV Statement of Non-Hazing This organization will not conspire to engage in hazing, participate in hazing, or commit any act that causes or is likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to any fellow student or person attending the institution.
ARTICLE XV Statement of Compliance with District Regulations This organization shall comply with all Rock Hill School District Three policies and regulations and local, state, and federal laws. ARTICLE XVI Association Memberships The South Pointe Student Council will maintain active membership status with the following organizations: 1. South Carolina Association of Student Councils (SCASC District 4) 2. Southern Association of Student Councils (SASC) 3. National Association of Student Councils (NASC)