Club MD Constitution

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Bravo Medical Magnet High School



Article 1. Organization

A. Name of Organization: CLUB M.D. (CLUB MEDICAL-DENTAL)

B. Purpose and Means of Accomplishment
1. Expose students to the medical and dental field
2. Provide students with experiences related to the medical field
3. Act as a channel to inform students about opportunities available for them at
various medical/health agencies
C. Time, Place, and Frequency of Meetings of Officers
1. Officer meetings are held in Rm. 202 or in the Magnet Office at lunch as needed.
D. Definition of Quorum: 6 people

Article 2. Membership eligibility

A. All students of Bravo Medical Magnet High School are eligible to become club
members. Club members must also pay dues (when applicable).
B. The club does not deny membership on the basis of race, color, creed or political
belief, and is not affiliated with any non-school club or religious organization which
denies membership to such individuals. [Reference: Board Rule 2262]

Article 3. Officers and Elections

A. Titles and Duties of Officers

i. Oversee the club/organization
ii. Organize club events, activities, and fundraisers held by the club
iii. Ensure that the other officers are taking care of their responsibilities

i. Assume duties of the President during his/her absence
ii. Assist the President and other officers in organizing club events, activities,
and fundraisers held by the club
iii. Assist the Treasurer with collection of club dues

i. Take minutes of all the club meetings
ii. Handle any paperwork (i.e., forms, written materials, publicity)
iii. Assist the President and other officers in organizing club events, activities,
and fundraisers held by the club
iv. Work with the Treasurer with club dues collection as needed.
i. Handle the finances of the club (i.e., club events, activities, and
fundraisers held by the club)
ii. Keep an accurate account of club dues collected
iii. Update the club on account balances and expenditures
iv. Assist the President and other officers in organizing club events, activities,
and fundraisers held by the club

i. Document club events and activities through photos and journaling.
ii. Maintain a club calendar.
iii. Communicate with Journalism and Yearbook, and alumni of Club MD,
about club events and activities.
iv. Assist the President and other officers in organizing club events, activities,
and fundraisers held by the club

i. Update the clubs school bulletin board with important information for
club members
ii. Manage and utilize the clubs social media sites as a means to inform club
members and to publicize the club activities
iii. Assist the President and other officers in organizing club events, activities,
and fundraisers held by the club

i. Appointed by the Cabinet of Club MD officers and sponsors.
ii. Represent the club during meetings called by ASB.
iii. Be Voice of the People (represent the opinions of club members).
iv. Assist club officers in carrying out their duties.
v. Create a quorum as needed.

All club officers must attend all club meetings and activities. If unable to do so, they
must notify the sponsor.

B. Election of Officers (procedures)

1. Club member nominates another student or ones self for a club office
2. All nominations are accepted or rejected by person who is nominated
3. All accepted nominations are included on a ballot
4. Club members vote on each club office

C. Term of office
1. Each club office may be held for the duration of one year.
2. Club members may run for the same office for the duration of their years at
3. The office of President should be held by an upperclassman (Junior or Senior)

D. Requirements for eligibility

1. Must be 12th, 11th, or 10th Grader
E. Appointment of committee
1. Nominated by a club member and seconded by another club member

Article 4. Representatives to Student Council other than officers

A. Method of selection
1. Any club member who runs for office, but is not elected into the office is eligible
to become a club representative.
2. Club representative(s) must have the approval of the Cabinet and Sponsors of
Club MD.

B. Qualifications for eligibility

1. May be any grade level
2. Must be a club member

C. Term of office
1. Each club representative may serve for the duration of one school year.

Article 5. Financial Activities

A. Budgets
1. The Clubs budget will depend on the needs of the club.

B. Revenues
1. Club revenues will be determined by membership dues and fundraisers.

C. Disbursements
1. Club disbursements will be handled by the Treasurer in conjunction with the club
sponsor and club officers.

D. Statements and Reports

1. Club financial statements and reports will be handled be the Treasurer and club

A two-thirds majority vote of the members in attendance is required to amend this club

For current club officers (Club MD Cabinet) and meeting dates, please see attached.

9/29/17 4:43 AM

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