1. Short Meeting with the prospect leaders and members of New Gen
currently studying; for the following Matters:
1.1 Discussions and deliberation of Initial Constitution and By laws
of campus Ministry. ( Name, Logo, etc). before po ipakita at
ipacheck sa Elders youth gen muna po sana ang mag critique
para mailagay sa constitution ang insights nila.,
1.2 Established Foundation among them.
1.3 Student Consultation (Flow of organization recognition in their
school, orientation on what theyre going to do.)
Draft: subject for consultation, revision and editing:
The Lords Flock, Catholic Charismatic Community
We are the members of the (University of the Philippines ) Campus Youth
Ministry, believing in one God, Creator and Provider, conscious and
responds to the Church and societal concerns through fostering harmony
among ourselves, society and School administration in being with Jesus
Christ; to become instruments of love, justice and peace by the virtue of the
Holy spirit; to strengthen our unity and deepen our commitment, do ordain,
and promulgate this constitution.
Article I Name
Section 1. The organization shall be known as the ( University of the
Philippines) Campus Youth Ministry. A school based ministry organization
under the Lords Flock Catholic Charismatic community.
Article II Purpose
This organization shall promote the welfare of all the students, cooperate
with the School administration, and encourage the development of the
ideals of each student with regards to his or her relationship with others.
Section 1. The CYM commits itself to the total development of the church
for responsive and effective leadership and service to the society.
Section 2. the CYM exist to live for the sake of others and build a culture of
peace and culture of Love through service without accepting for any in
Section 3. The CYM lives its life in the mission: bringing good news to the
poor, giving light to the blind, freedom to the captive and oppressed, food
for the hungry and proclaiming Gods Greatness.
Section 4. The CYM believes that an organization to be viable must be
self-generating and self sustaining.
Article IV Objectives
Section 1.General Objectives
Article V Membership
Section 1. Regular Member
All bona fide and interested students of the University of the Philippines
who are willing to adhere to accept the principles of the Lords Flock and
have undergone orientation process of Campus Youth Ministry.
Section 2. Honorary Members
Faculty and staff and church workers based who supports the organization
especially in programs implementation.
Lords Flock member students from other school who wants to join and be
part of the mission of the Lords Flock Campus Youth Ministry.
Section 3. The General assembly shall be the highest governing body and
policy making body of the organization.
Section 4. The General assembly shall be composed of all the members of
the organization.
Section 5. The General assembly shall formulate and approved the plans
of the program committees.
Section 6. Quorum. A simple majority of 50 + 1 of all the regular members
shall constitute a quorum.
Section 7. Manner of Voting. Manner of voting shall be determined by the
majority of votes through the raising of voters hand. Voting by proxy shall
not be allowed.
Section 8.Election of Officers
a. Regular election shall be held during the General assembly at the
beginning of the school year but not later than two (2) months
b. A nominating and election committee shall be created to screen to
vacant positions in accordance with the criteria and qualifications laid
down by the organization and to conduct the election.
Vice President
Finance Officer
Campus outreach Officer
Internal outreach officer
1. Education and Nurture
2. Witness and Service
3. stewardship and resource Development
4. Ecumenical Relations Committee
Adviser and consultant
Section 2. The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by
the general assembly at the beginning of the school year but not later than
two months thereafter.
Section 3. Qualifications
1. Must be a regular member of the organization.
2. Must have at least one year residency at the Academe Institution as
enrolled student.
3. Adviser must be currently teaching inside the campus.
4. The consultant must be a member of the Lords Flock which holds
responsibility over the area where the school is found.
2. Shall preside over the regular and special meetings of the General
assembly and of the officers.
3. Shall convene and head the nominations and elections committee for
the succeeding election if not running for re election.
4. Shall exercise general supervision overall the activities of the
Vice President
1. Shall assume the duties of the President incase of absence,
resignation or in temporarily incapacitated.
2. Shall assist the President in the general supervision of the
3. Shall perform such other functions as maybe determined by the
officers or by the president.
1. Shall record and keep the minutes of general assembly and other
2. Shall keep records of the membership of the organization.
3. Shall be in-charge of all correspondence, documents and notices of
actions of the general assembly and the execom.
Finance Officer
1. Shall receive, keep, disburse and account the funds of the
2. Shall have custody of the financial records and properties of the
3. Shall render duly audited reports to the execom every meeting and
the general assembly when in session.
1. Shall conduct a periodic audit of all funds and books of accounts of
the organization and shall submit a written report duly certified by the
Campus Outreach officer
1. The main responsibility of the Campus Outreach Officer is to reach
out to _________ students and invite them to participate in the
liturgies and events that we offer in the organization. This
responsibility will be carried out through press releases, targeted
announcements, the academe events calendar, flyers, texts, and
word of mouth.
Internal Outreach Officer
1. The Internal Outreach Officer will be responsible for all intraorganization communication. The Internal Outreach Officer will notify
all members about upcoming liturgies, social events, service projects
Faculty Adviser
1. The faculty adviser is selected by the student officers each year.
The adviser commits to a one year term, and can repeat as many
terms as he/she chooses if requested by the student officers.
Section 5. Meetings
Article 13 Amendments
Section 1. This constitution can only be amended by two third of the votes
of the numbers present at the general assembly.
Article 14 Effectivity Causes
Section 1. This constitution shall take effect upon ratification by the majority
of the Campus Youth Ministry Regular members.