BLC Cons

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PREAMBLE We, the Book Lovers Club of Notre Dame of Tacurong College High School Department, imploring the aid of the Divine Providence, in order to establish an organization that shall form a way towards better library services to all the students, teachers, staff and administrators, promote the policy of the school and unity among us under the supervision of our superiors, do ordain and promulgate this CONSTITUTION. Article I Name Section 1 This club shall be called BOOK LOVERS CLUB or BLC Article II Objectives General Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Specific Section 1 Section 2 To stimulate the reading interest of the students. To control the bad habits of students regarding book and other materials especially that of vandalism. To create a spirit of cooperation among students and student personnel assistant of the library for better library services. To promote information awareness in the school community. To stimulate students interest in reading. To assist in carrying out the schools policy as well as in the library. To assist and/or sponsor projects which are geared toward the improvements of library resources, facilities, and services. To promote the intellectual, social, aesthetic, and spiritual development of the members.

Article III Membership Section 1 Membership to this club shall be voluntary to interested High School students, who are officially enrolled in this institution who subscribe to its objectives and abide the constitution and by-laws. Every member shall be collected Php 10.00 for the membership fee. Article IV Proclamation of Principles Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 The club must follow a democratic form of principle. Every member shall be consistent to the objectives of the school which are virtually cherished for the students spiritual, intellectual, social, and aesthetic development. The club members shall maintain a spirit of camaraderie, a sense of friendliness and feeling of helpfulness. The moderator shall guarantee as autonomy of the clubs activities and projects which are not contrary to the policy of the library and the school as a whole. Article V Organization Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 The moderator of the Book Lovers Club shall be a professional librarian. The officers shall be elected among the members. The Book Lovers Club officers and members will be function as dynamic instruments in carrying out the programs and policies of the library and the school in general. Article VI Meetings Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 The officers meeting shall be conducted. Emergency meetings will be called anytime when need arises. The order of the business meeting shall be as followed: a. Reading the minutes of the previous meeting. b. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting. c. Planning of activities/unfinished business. d. Adjournment. Any officer who will be absent during the meeting without valid reason will be fined of Php 30.00 per meeting. Likewise, any member who will be absent during the meeting will be fined Php 15.00.

Section 2

Section 4

Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8

Agreed activities by the members shall be compulsory. Proceeds of the contribution and fines shall be used for club projects and activities upon approval of the moderators. No expenditures shall be made without the approval of the moderator. The majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. Article VII Officers

Section 1

The officers of the club shall be the following: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, P.R.O, 2 Business managers, and 1 Sgt. @ Arms/Peace Officer. The election of officers shall be by majority vote of the members and will take place at the beginning of the school year during the first general meeting. Any officer may resign from the office by writing a resignation letter to the moderator of the club for approval. In case one of the officers will resign from the office, the president will call for an emergency meeting for the election of vacant office. The officers and members of the club shall hold the office for one year and shall serve until a new set of officers shall have been elected and qualified. Article VII Responsibilities of Officers

Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3

The President presides the meetings. He/She is responsible for the welfare of the club and its members. The Vice-President takes over the duties of the president in case the president is absent. the Secretary calls the rolls, keeps the minutes and takes care of all correspondence. He/She keeps a record of members activities and must keep documented account of the clubs projects. The Treasurer keeps and collects the records of the funds of the club. He/She shall disburse all receipts and expenditure and shall render report at the same time during the regular meeting or whenever requested. The Auditor shall audit the records of the organization two weeks before the presentation. The report of the Auditor shall be submitted monthly to the club moderator.

Section 4 Section 5

Section 6 Section 7 Section 8

The P.R.O. shall release appropriate information concerning the club activities and meetings. The Business managers shall be in-charge of any transactions that is being agreed by the organization. The Sgt. @ Arms/Peace Officer is responsible in controlling and/or monitoring the order of the club meetings. Article IX Amendments

Section 1

The constitution and by-laws may be amended by + 1 of the majority vote of all the members, at the regular or special meetings called for the purpose. Article X Effectivity

Section 1

This constitution and by-laws shall take effect upon ratification of the club moderator, officers, and members of the club.

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