Wildlife Club Constitution
Wildlife Club Constitution
Wildlife Club Constitution
Constitution of
Wildlife Club
Article I
Name and Purpose
Section B. The mission of The Wildlife Club is to educate students about earth’s wildlife
and ecosystems with a strong focus on science-based management and conservation
activities. Focusing on Florida, The Wildlife Club engages with regional and global non-
governmental and 501(c)(3) organizations. The Wildlife Club utilizes guest speakers,
special seminars, workshops, field trips (multi-day and single day), and conference
participation to engage members in the Club’s mission. The Wildlife Club provides
students with hands-on service learning opportunities that provide personal and
professional growth.
Section C. The Wildlife Club shall comply with all local, state and federal laws, as well
as all Florida Gulf Coast University regulations, policies, and procedures. Such
compliance includes the Student Code of Conduct and the Student Organization
Article II
Section A. Membership in The Wildlife Club is available to all Florida Gulf Coast
University students enrolled in a degree-seeking program as an undergraduate, graduate,
or postgraduate student.
Section B. The Wildlife Club shall not haze any prospective member for the purpose of
admission into or affiliation with the organization. Members of The Wildlife Club are
free to leave or dissociate without fear of retribution or harassment.
Section C. The Wildlife Club, in order to comply with the University's commitment to
non-discrimination, will not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, creed, age,
religion, disability, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, parental status or
veteran status.
Article III
Section B. Officers will hold office from May 1 (following April elections) for one year.
Article IV
Officer Power and Duties
Section A. The President’s role is to adequately communicate with the student and
faculty advisor’s to keep them informed of all club activities and business. The president
is responsible for organizing and presiding over all club meetings. The president works
closely will all officers to ensure activities are implemented efficiently and effectively.
The president works closely with the faculty advisor to schedule meeting locations and
ensure all activities of the club follow the guidelines required of an RSO at FGCU. The
president will work closely with the secretary to ensure all meetings, activities, and
special events are promoted and that all necessary paperwork is handled ahead of time.
The president will work with the treasurer to ensure the budget is maintained and that all
monies are properly spent based on the desires of the club. The president’s job is to
simply ensure that everything comes together and to take responsibility if it does not.
The Vice President’s (VP) role is to ensure all club activities are adequately organized,
planned, and implemented under the regulations of a Registered Student Organization
(RSO) at FGCU. The VP takes a leadership role to plan or oversee the planning of all
special events, trips, guest speakers, and any other activities chosen by the club. The VP
works closely with the secretary to ensure all activities are properly promoted, with the
treasurer to ensure all payments are accurately made, and with the President to ensure all
activities are implemented as desired. The VP serves the role of president in the absence
of the elected president.
The Treasurer supports the club by ensuring appropriate and adequate use of all funds
available to support club activities. Also, the treasurer is responsible for developing a
budget, with the remaining officers and faculty advisor, for the following year. The
treasurer is responsible for handling all money collected from fundraising activities. The
treasurer will maintain a budget that accurately records all transactions from the account.
The treasurer will complete all expense documents and ensure the advisor signs them.
The treasurer is responsible for following through with all orders to ensure items are
ordered and delivered undamaged. The treasurer will work closely with the secretary to
ensure immediate payment that is necessary for any planned activities or speakers.
The Secretary supports the club by handling many of the logistical affairs involved with
promoting the club and all club activities. Therefore, the secretary’s role includes: to
ensure consistent and clear communication, promoting club activities through the use of
Section B. All officers will serve other duties as necessary to support the club activities,
including administrative access to social media pages, email, Eagle Link, etc.
Article V
Officer Elections
Section A. A call for open nominations will be placed the first meeting in April and then
an election will take place the third week of April. New officers will take their position on
May 1.
Section B. Any and all members who have been actively involved in the club (attending
meetings, trips, etc.) may run for any position, with the exception of officers that have
held a position for two full terms. Club officers will determine if members are eligible to
vote. All eligible members of the club may vote on all positions, but first time visitors
may not participate in the voting process.
Section C. Members who are running for office must be an active club member, be
nominated by a club member, or nominate themselves. Candidates will give a statement
to the members that indicate their desire to serve as an officer, and their ideas and plans
for the club in the near future.
Article VI
Removal of Officers and Vacancies
Section A. Cause for removal shall be defined as an officer not following and adhering to
their listed duties or breaking the rules and statutes set forth by the club and the
university. Other officers, faculty advisor, or majority vote of members can be used to
request removal of an officer.
Section B. The officer will be honorably discharged, removed from office and, depending
on the severity of the infraction, may or may not be allowed to remain a club member.
This will be decided by a majority vote from the other officers.
Section D. When a vacancy is declared, it shall be announced to all members of the club
and an immediate election will be held by club members to fill the vacant position.
Article VIII
Organization Meeting
Section A. The organization shall hold meetings that will occur once a week, with an
approximate run time of one hour. Meetings will be run by the officers and cover the
current activities and events the club is involved in.
Section B. The officers will meet with the faculty advisor on the first week of each
semester on the predetermined day and time of weekly club meetings. The president is
responsible for organizing this meeting.
Article IX
Dissolution Clause
Article X
____________________________ ____________________________
President’s signature Office of Student Involvement
Advisor’s signature